Celebrating the destruction of lives in abortion is the perfect fashion statement for the upcoming Women’s March, according to Vogue.
On Wednesday, Vogue magazine published a piece…
Celebrating the destruction of lives in abortion is the perfect fashion statement for the upcoming Women’s March, according to Vogue.
On Wednesday, Vogue magazine published a piece…
Seth Meyers did a big round of promotional interviews about his gig hosting the Golden Globes awards on Sunday nights and how he’ll address “the elephant in the room” of sexual harassment in the…
My recent columns have focused on the extremely poor educational outcomes for black students. There's enough blame for all involved to have their fair share. That includes students who are hostile…
As Michigan Democratic Rep. Debbie Dingell appeared as a guest on Tuesday's New Day, CNN host Alisyn Camerota at one point seemed to fret that businesses are planning to pay out bonuses after the…
The Associated Press is freaking out about global warming threatening the future of the Winter Olympics. AP Sports Writers Andrew Dampf and Eric…
On Showtime's Shameless, Frank has been trying to make an honest living, but recently found himself laid off and has found it difficult to find a new job. In the December 17 episode "Occupy Fiona…
With Christmas only one week away, we're helping Santa by making a list and checking it twice of which TV shows are naughty or nice. It's been a crazy fall 2017 season, from White House Press…
The New York Times is still trying to spin the congressional sex scandals in the Democrats’ direction, as demonstrated in three stories Friday virtually bragging that their stand on Franken will…
The front of Thursday’s New York Times anticipated today’s resignation by Democratic Senator Al Franken (Minn.), over sexual harassment allegations, by working hard to make it a bipartisan scandal…
In a brazen move on the floor of the House Wednesday, Texas Democratic Representative Al Green introduced Articles of Impeachment against President Trump. Citing accusations of racism and the…
With the Senate GOP on the verge of passing their version of tax reform on Thursday, NBC Nightly News continued their week-long series where they claimed to break down the tax bills. But in…
Tuesday was a terrible day for Michigan Democratic Representative John Conyers as yet another former staffer came forward to accuse the longtime Congressman of sexual harassment. In addition, he…
In a piece that was supposed to be a rolling documentation of the sexual misconduct allegations that have come to light since the toppling of Hollywood Producer Harvey Weinstein, The New York…
"This is what democracy looks like!," liberals are so fond of proclaiming, especially while stomping their feet amid a braying mob of like-minded malcontents. They are decidedly less enamored of…
PolitiFact slammed Roy Moore’s wife Kayla Moore as “False” for saying at a rally that Alabama’s Democratic Senate candidate Doug Jones supports “full-term abortion.” They concluded “Moore measured…
Former interim Democratic National Committee chairwoman Donna Brazile continued her book tour with an appearance on Tuesday’s Hardball where she faced a stiff grilling from host Chris Matthews for…
Democratic Michigan Representative John Conyers Jr. found himself in the spotlight on Tuesday after BuzzFeed reported that the Congressman paid $27,000 in a settlement allegedly linked to sexual…
On Wednesday’s Morning Joe, the panel brought on former DNC chair Donna Brazile to discuss her explosive new book alleging that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee…
At CNN, disgraceful journalism has become so routine that we now expect it to be the rule rather the exception.
Even in that context, Daniel Shane's claim at the networks CNNMoney website…
The November 3 episode of Netflix’s Chelsea, titled “Gwen We Meet Again,” included a segment on the judicial system and "voter suppression." Jason Kander, President of Let America Vote, and…
"Shout 'Allahu Akbar,' because this strikes fear in the hearts of the non-believers."
Who knew hijacker Mohammed Atta's parting words, discovered in his journal after the 9/11 attacks,…
Four very different films hit theaters over the past few weeks.
A sequel to one of the most talked about documentaries in recent memory. An artsy horror film featuring an…On Thursday’s Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski and guest Laura Brown, editor in chief of In Style magazine, decided to use the show as a soapbox to sycophantically praise Joe Biden as one of the most…
On Monday's MTP Daily, frequent MSNBC guest Zerlina Maxwell made the latest claim of "voter suppression" perpetrated by Republicans as she ludicrously declared that voter ID laws were "making it…