Betsy DeVos

The Nation’s Report Card
May 8th, 2020 11:52 AM
The Department of Education just released results of the quadrennial National Assessment of Educational Progress tests in U.S. history, civics and geography given in 2018 to thousands of American eighth-graders: "Grade 8 Students' NAEP Scores Decline in Geography and U.S. History; Results in Civics Unchanged Since 2014." The tests were administered from January to March 2018 to a nationally…

MSNBC Invites Top Obama Official to BLAST Trump Effort on Virus
March 18th, 2020 2:20 PM
MSNBC Live viewers got an unfortunate display of civic illiteracy on Tuesday as host Katy Tur invited former Obama Secretary of Education Arne Duncan on to take a gratuitous shot at current Secretary Betsy DeVos and the federal government's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Trashy NYT Invites Readers to 'Vote' for 'Worst' Trump Cabinet Member
October 28th, 2019 10:58 AM
CNN New Day hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman got a kick out of New York Times columnist Gail Collins inviting NYT readers to “vote” for the “worst” Trump cabinet member, on Monday's show. While the CNN hosts gushed over the “reality tv show” “contest” that bashed the administration, Collins marveled at how much liberal readers hated the Republican cabinet.

Morning Joe Tosses Softballs to Dem Demanding DeVos Resign
April 1st, 2019 3:15 PM
After running interference for House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff in the aftermath of the Barr letter and Republican demands for his resignation, MSNBC's Morning Joe invited Massachusetts Rep. Katherine Clark to rail against Education Secretary Betsy DeVos and call for her resignation.

View Hosts Bash ‘Heartless’ ‘Cruella’ DeVos: ‘What Rhymes with Rich?’
March 29th, 2019 12:23 PM
Friday the hosts of The View reserved their rage for Education Secretary Betsy Devos, after the administration backpedaled on cutting federal funds for the Special Olympics. Liberal host Ana Navarro tore into DeVos for being wealthy, calling her “Cruella DeVos” while Joy Behar not-so-subtly called her a “bitch.”

MELTDOWN: Nets Freak Out Over Proposed Cuts to the Special Olympics
March 27th, 2019 10:01 PM
Education Secretary Betsy DeVos went before Congress recently to defend the administration’s proposed almost $18 million cut to the Special Olympics, a private organization. Despite the fact that federal funding only made up a fraction of the Special Olympics’ budget, the liberal broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) had total meltdowns during their evening programs.

Trump Rejects Quotas for School Discipline, NYT Sees ‘Attack on Obama'
December 18th, 2018 2:42 PM
The front page of Tuesday’s New York Times focused on the Trump administration “planning to roll back Obama-era policies aimed at ensuring that minority children are not unfairly disciplined, arguing that the efforts have eased up on punishment and contributed to rising violence in the nation’s schools.” Reporters Erica Green and Katie Benner don’t seem to approve of the move, though they make a…

NBC Ignores Own Reporting on Bad Obama Policy to Trash Trump
August 31st, 2018 5:03 PM
Eager to attack a potential new Trump administration policy dealing with sexual assault on college campuses, on Thursday, NBC’s Today show actually ignored its own reporting on the litany of problems with existing Obama-era policy. Instead, the story feared that Trump’s Department of Education was getting ready to silence sexual assault victims.

MSNBC Guest: Arming Teachers Will Lead to Black Pupils 'Getting Shot'
August 25th, 2018 3:35 PM
During Thursday morning's MSNBC Live, host Hallie Jackson and her panel engaged in a discussion about a New York Times report describing Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos’s plans to allow schools to use Federal funds to buy guns for their teachers and it included quite a head-scratcher as the headline indicates.

CBS Hammers ‘Devout’ DeVos: ‘Most Hated Member’ of Trump Cabinet
March 12th, 2018 1:49 PM
60 Minutes journalist Lesley Stahl on Sunday hammered Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, twice telling viewers that the “devout Christian” is the “most hated member of the Trump Cabinet.” The 13 minute segment was heavy on critics and those who despise DeVos. Stahl knocked the Education Secretary at every turn, bringing up her wealth and describing the journey “from her sheltered life in Michigan…

NBC Decries Trump Not Pushing Gun Restrictions: ‘The NRA Got to Him’
March 12th, 2018 12:16 PM
While the liberal media initially cheered President Trump for sounding like a Democrat in his advocacy for new gun control measures, when he started to turn away from such ideas, the press predictably turned on him. During an exclusive interview with Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Monday morning, NBC Today show co-host Savannah Guthrie was aghast that a new White House proposal on school safety…

Seth Meyers Hammers Trump’s Self-Congratulation: ‘You Passed One Bill'
December 22nd, 2017 8:42 PM
For the last time in 2017, Seth Meyers used a monologue on the Thursday, December 21, edition of his NBC Late Night program to slam President Donald Trump regarding the tax-cut bill that Republicans in Congress passed earlier this week.
Not surprisingly, the liberal comedian began his “A Closer Look” segment by claiming: “Republicans spent yesterday gleefully celebrating their tax plan and…

Time: Trump's Cabinet Is 'Dismantling Government As We Know It'
October 29th, 2017 8:37 AM
The most recent cover of Time Magazine — or I should say what's left of it, given its parent company's recent decision "reducing ... circulation and frequency" of the formerly iconic publication — calls President Donald Trump's cabinet "The Wrecking Crew" on a mission of "dismantling government as we know it." Separate reports singled out EPA Director Scott Pruitt, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos…

USA Today Forces Apology Out of Olbermann for Profane Attack on DeVos
September 3rd, 2017 11:07 PM
USA Today deputy editorial page editor David Mastio stood out inside the "mainstream media" for taking exception to GQ commentator Keith Olbermann calling Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos a "motherf----r" on Twitter in the midst of Hurricane Harvey. Mastio forced an apology out of Olbermann when no one else in the media elite had written a word about the attack. He suggested the "Gentleman's…