Betsy DeVos

HBO Comedy Says 'Black People Can't Really Be Racist'
August 21st, 2017 12:57 AM
This week, the August 20th episode of HBO's Insecure went from a-little-too-political to being over-the-top in a way that is just lazy. In this episode, Hella Shook, main character Issa (Issa Rae) and Frieda (Lisa Joyce), her coworker at an after school program school, revisit their previous argument over whether or not white people have a responsibility to say something when they see a person of…

NYT Op-Ed Smears Public School Critics as Rooted in Racist Confederacy
August 1st, 2017 3:34 PM
The New York Times ran an astonishingly ignorant op-ed on Monday by writer Katherine Stewart, using historical fallacies to smear today’s critics of public schools as rooted in racism: “What ‘Government School’ Means.” The text box got to the point: “A phrase rooted not in libertarian economics but in Confederate rage.”

New York Mag Flunks ‘Zealot’ and ‘Bully' Education Secretary DeVos
August 1st, 2017 11:09 AM
Journalist Lisa Miller has a hostile 5,500-word profile of "bully" Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos in the July 24 edition of New York magazine, complete with cloying, cutesy “portraits” of DeVos (none particularly gentle-looking) “commissioned” from schoolchildren. The headline selection serves as a reliable CliffsNotes summary of the text: “Who Is Betsy DeVos? And how did she get to be head…
When Institutions Go Left
July 21st, 2017 3:20 PM
I have recently been reminded of one of my earliest conclusions about the American left. I arrived at that conclusion when it was relatively civilized. In those days, we called it American liberalism, but even then it was fla fla. My conclusion was that when any entity falls under the dominance of liberalism, it loses all sense of its fundamental purpose. A city loses all sense of its purpose,…

NY Paper Running Chapters of Bizarre Novel on Donald Trump’s Downfall
June 13th, 2017 9:25 PM
Most newspapers overwhelmingly report news as their primary function, but the New York Daily News has ventured into another area: fiction that spews venom regarding Donald Trump in a serialized novel written by liberal columnist Gertz Kuntzman called Coup! in which Vice President Mike Pence deposes the Republican president and installs himself in the Oval Office.
Serving as the cover to the…

NBC, CBS Justify Leftist Students Shouting Down ‘Controversial’ DeVos
May 11th, 2017 1:40 PM
After Education Secretary Betsy DeVos was rudely shouted down by left-wing students during a commencement speech at Bethune-Cookman University on Wednesday, NBC’s Today and CBS This Morning actually attempted to justify the disrespectful behavior.

NBC’s LGBT Site Hypes Outrage on Bathroom Reversal; Omits Supporters
March 13th, 2017 1:24 PM
A Thursday article published on NBC’s pro-LGBTQ site NBC Out was beside itself, publishing a one-sided press release for “parents of transgender kids” and leaders after attending a meeting with Education Secretary Betsy DeVos earlier in the week.

Fox Show Giggles at Death of ‘President Pence' and Line of Successors
March 6th, 2017 6:30 AM
In its newest episode, “Got Milk?” Fox’s post-apocalyptic comedy Last Man On Earth gave viewers a flashback to the time when the pandemic that has wiped out most of earth was just starting – and the show seemingly takes great delight in the current cabinet of Republicans dying in office.
Undermining Academic Achievement
March 1st, 2017 1:38 PM
U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said in a statement, "The president's decision to ask Betsy DeVos to run the Department of Education should offend every single American man, woman, and child who has benefitted from the public education system in this country." Expressing similar sentiments, Congressional Black Caucus Chairman Cedric Richmond said, "I expect that Mrs. DeVos will have an…

ABC, CBS Spin for DeVos Protesters, Tout Her ‘Controversial’ Views
February 10th, 2017 8:26 PM
On Friday, the three network evening newscasts covered the verbal beating Education Secretary Betsy DeVos took hours earlier as she was physically blocked from entering a Washington D.C. public school by protesters. However, each catered to the far-left protesters, emphasizing how DeVos is a “controversial” “billionaire who has promoted charter schools.”

WashPost Shrugs at DeVos Being Heckled, Blocked from Entering School
February 10th, 2017 3:42 PM
Commenting Friday afternoon on Education Secretary Betsy DeVos being berated and prevented from entering a Washington D.C. public school, a Washington Post article (via its blog The Fix) brushed it aside as merely example of how American politics have become “a powder keg” of partisanship.

Betsy DeVos Is a Disobedient Dog in Tonight Show Skit
February 10th, 2017 10:46 AM
Sometimes you can’t make this stuff up. In an unbelieveable Tonight Show skit Thursday, NBC literally treated Education Secretary Betsy DeVos like she was a disobedient pet or a mentally challenged child. An actress playing DeVos repeatedly mispronounces her own name, eats paper, and says she’s getting rid of textbooks because “they’re too heavy,” all the while speaking in a baby-like voice. This…

NBC Late Night Hosts Pathetically Trash DeVos as an Airhead
February 9th, 2017 12:17 PM
NBC's comedic hosts Jimmy Fallon and Seth Meyers went on a late-night witch hunt Wednesday in a desperate attempt to portray Education Secretary pick Betsy DeVos as a flaming idiot. Despite DeVos literally getting confirmed the same day, the networks’ “comedian” hosts seemed to know what DeVos would do in office before she had even done it. In what would’ve been decried as “sexist” if it had been…

NYT Blasts DeVos: ‘Wealthy Republican Donor With Almost No Experience'
February 8th, 2017 6:16 PM
A full-court press by the left and congressional Democrats failed to take down the nomination of Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education, and the New York Times is bitter. Emmarie Huetteman and Yamiche Alcindor on the front of Wednesday’s paper: "Betsy DeVos, a wealthy Republican donor with almost no experience in public education, was confirmed by the Senate as the nation’s education secretary on…