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Michael Wnek | July 26th, 2024 6:58 PM

The Weekend host Michael Steele filled in for Joy Reid on Thursday night’s episode of MSNBC’s The ReidOut, giving an obnoxious tribute to President Joe Biden. During the segment, he invited MSNBC analyst Jonathan Alter to demonstrate the apparently stark contrast between Biden’s “decency” and the “malicious” and “nasty” Republican Party.

Steele began by playing a clip of Biden’s…

Catherine Salgado | July 26th, 2024 6:26 PM

A group of Democrat and Independent senators are pressuring the company that makes ChatGPT to promise the government pre-deployment access to any future model.

Pro-censorship Democrat lawmakers have found yet another angle for government-tech collusion and interference, according to a July 22 letter to OpenAI CEO Sam Altman. Besides insisting upon extensive information about the…

Ben Shapiro | July 26th, 2024 4:03 PM

Joe Biden is no longer the Democratic presidential nominee.

After weeks of heartburn from the Democratic political establishment — and the unique spectacle of the media finally holding the Democrats accountable for their dishonesty — Biden announced this week that he would be dropping out of the presidential race. That announcement followed his disastrous debate performance against…

Tom Olohan | July 26th, 2024 3:57 PM

Rep. Rich McCormick (R-GA) revisited a huge Media Research Center (MRC) victory over a public-private partnership to censor publications on the right.

McCormick spoke with MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider about the successful attempt to add a ban on government funding of NewsGuard censorship campaigns into the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). McCormick…

Nicholas Fondacaro | July 26th, 2024 3:22 PM

ABC News was back at it again on Friday, trotting out the liberal ladies of The View to gaslight Americans into believing that Vice President Kamala Harris – picked to be the liberal offset to supposedly moderate President Biden – was somehow now a “centrist.” They also suggested the only reason Harris embarrassingly dropped out of the 2020 race long before Iowa was because the Democrats…

Curtis Houck | July 26th, 2024 2:26 PM

In perfectly coordinated fashion this week, the liberal media have gone postal on GOP vice presidential nominee and Senator JD Vance (OH) for 2021 comments about the left being dominated by unhappy progressives who don’t have children.

Everyone in the liberal media have piled on, ranging from ABC, CBS, and NBC on their flagship morning and evening newscasts to major newspapers to the…

Alex Christy | July 26th, 2024 2:14 PM

CNN Newsroom host Jim Acosta welcomed a four-person panel on Friday to explain Vice President Kamala Harris’s appeal to Gen Z voters. He wondered if old people simply don’t get it while other panelists tried to hype her as the “cool aunt.”

One of Acosta’s guests was Time senior correspondent Charlotte Alter and Acosta began by noting that Harris is “vastly outperforming Biden right now…

Gabriela Pariseau | July 26th, 2024 1:28 PM

After years of dismissing the issue of Big Tech censorship, House Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Jerry Nadler (D-NY) found out that censorship is no joke after it impacted his party’s presidential candidate. 

In a letter to Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH), Nadler asked the Republican lawmaker to support his investigation of alleged limits placed on Vice President…

Bill D'Agostino | July 26th, 2024 12:55 PM

Whether deliberately or not, TV journalists have been defending Kamala Harris using language that closely resembles list slip of DNC talking points which was leaked to FOX news this week.

This week, a slip of paper, which allegedly contained talking points for Democrats to deploy in reference to Vice President Kamala Harris’s border record, was leaked on social media. According to…

Mark Finkelstein | July 26th, 2024 12:06 PM

Gag me with an iPhone!

Morning Joe opened Friday's show with a clip of Kamala Harris acting surprised as she was handed a phone, only to find it was -- what a shock! -- Barack and Michelle Obama on the line, expressing their endorsement!

That was about as authentic as Kamala's laugh. You'll hear Kamala enthuse: "aww: you're both together"—as if she hadn't been entirely aware…

Alex Christy | July 26th, 2024 12:06 PM

With the Paris Olympics set to begin on Friday, PBS’s Amanpour and Company devoted their entire show to the games on Thursday, including a wild history lesson on the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, where The Other Olympians: Fascism, Queerness and the Making of Modern Sports author Michael Waters tried to tie Nazism with opposition to transgender ideology.

As part of his history lesson,…

Curtis Houck | July 26th, 2024 11:29 AM

Despite having had a day to regroup and President Biden’s Oval Office address, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre still wouldn’t divulge (read: admit) Thursday why President Biden ended his campaign to seek reelection and, as such, even liberal White House reporters make her look foolish. 

Fox’s Peter Doocy also did his thing, grilling her on leaked talking points from Vice President…

Alex Christy | July 26th, 2024 10:00 AM

Even by his standards, CBS’s Stephen Colbert displayed a shocking display of hypocrisy during his Thursday monologue on The Late Show as he gushed over President Joe Biden’s Oval Office address and hailed Biden’s “humility and self-sacrifice” in order to save democracy. Yet, later, he urged his viewers to spread fake news on the internet about GOP VP candidate JD Vance having sex with a couch…

Nicholas Fondacaro | July 26th, 2024 7:30 AM

CNN seems to be desperately trying to stonewall the $1 billion defamation suit against them, forcing Navy veteran and Plaintiff Zachary Young to ask Florida’s court system to intercede. According to a motion to compel responses filed on Wednesday, CNN is refusing to turn over documents related to their internal journalistic conduct guidelines and their social media guidelines. Both could…

Tim Graham | July 26th, 2024 6:00 AM

On the same day that President Biden implied January 6 was a darker day than 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, leftist protesters fought and shoved police and burned the American flag near the Capitol. They pulled down the American flag and replaced it with the Palestinian flag. Some flew the Hamas flag and vandalized monuments with spray-painted slogans like “Hamas is comin’” and “I commend Hamas.”…

Jorge Bonilla | July 25th, 2024 11:44 PM

The Regime Media are all hands on deck in the wake of President Joe Biden’s decision to withdraw from the 2024 campaign, furiously spinning everything related to the presumptive replacement Democrat nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris. But ABC News, as is their custom, took it a step too far.

Watch as Vice President Harris draws top billing during Mary Bruce’s reporting of Israeli…

Jorge Bonilla | July 25th, 2024 10:16 PM

With President Biden out of the 2024 presidential race, the media have had an opportunity to collectively exhale before returning to their normal task, which is to fawn over every word uttered by the Democrats. Vice president Kamala Harris's entry into the presidential race is the latest example.

Watch as NBC’s Tom Llamas introduces Peter Alexander’s report on the beginnings of the…