Ted Kennedy

CNN Mocks Gaetz For Hard Partying Into 30s—Hunter, Ted Kennedy, Hello?
In a segment regarding the decision of the House Ethics Committee to release its report on Matt Gaetz, CNN This Morning mocks Gaetz for admitting that he partied hard into his 30s, but is now a different person. The panel laughingly suggests that kind of behavior would only be understandable in a person's 20s. This ignores Democrat scandal figures like Hunter Biden and Ted Kennedy.…

FLASHBACK: Slobbering Coverage of the Kennedys’ 2008 Obama Endorsement
Sixteen years ago, so-called reporters giddily celebrated the confluence of the ultra-liberal Kennedy family (a.k.a., “Camelot”) and the hard-left Obama campaign.

Rave Reviews: Andrea Mitchell Fangirls for Leahy's 'Beautiful Book'
MSNBC host and chief Washington correspondent Andrea Mitchell flaunted her admiration for Democrats and communist dictators on Tuesday’s Andrea Mitchell Reports as she gushed about Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and his new “beautiful book.” She longed for the old days when Democrats controlled the Senate and lauded Leahy’s work with…

Leftists Bury Another Norm: Protesters Target Homes of SCOTUS Justices
After angry public reaction to the leaked Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito draft opinion on reversing Roe v. Wade, Justice Clarence Thomas said: “We are becoming addicted to wanting particular outcomes, not living with the outcomes we don't like. We can't be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want. The events from earlier this week are a symptom…

NY Times Notable Books: Churchill a Nasty Drunk, Ted Kennedy a Hero
The leftists at the New York Times Book Review aren't as shameless as The Washington Post in using their "Notable Books" of the year list to promote books by their own staff. That doesn't mean there wasn't a dramatic tilt to the left.

Avlon Slams Justice Breyer's Rationale For Not Resigning as 'Reckless'
CNN's resident "reality checker" John Avlon joined CNN Newsroom on Wednesday to say that whether or not liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer retires is a choice for him to make, but that he is still being reckless for not considering politics in that decision.
PBS Panel: How Dare Candidates Evade the Liberal Media!
On Tuesday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International, Daily Beast News columnist Margaret Carlson lamented the dominant left-leaning media's diminished hold over politicians as she spoke during a segment hosted by her ex-boss, former Time magazine editor Walter Isaacson.

Alt-History Drama Invents Ted Kennedy Affair With Mary Jo Kopechne

Alt-History ‘For All Mankind’ Lauds Feminist ‘President’ Ted Kennedy

CNN's Avlon Touts Nazi Crack About 1992 GOP Convention

NYT Declares Chappaquiddick ‘a Kennedy Family Tragedy'

Moon Over Chappaquiddick? How Press Let Landing Overshadow Kennedy

50 Years of Shame: How the Press Protected Ted After Chappaquiddick