
Freak Out! SCOTUS Will Let Trump Be ‘King,’ Gave Him ‘License to Thug’

July 6th, 2024 4:30 PM

Lefty journalists and celebrities all freaked out after the Supreme Court’s Donald Trump immunity ruling. MSNBC’s Joy Reid warned that if Trump won, the Supreme Court would let him rule as “King.” CNN’s Van Jones feared that the Court issued Trump a “license to thug.” The following are just a few of the most outrageous outbursts from enraged journalists and celebrities over the last month…

Water Works! Blue Checks Fawn Over Pelosi’s ‘Success’

November 18th, 2022 4:47 PM

Boo hoo! Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday that she will not seek reelection as the Democratic House Leader. Though essentially Pelosi was forced to step down due to the fact that Republicans took back the house and she'll be 127 yrs old any day now, Hollywood celebs and blue check elitists used the opportunity to fawn over her success in office.


Journos and Celebs Spend Entire Month Attacking the 2nd Amendment

July 1st, 2022 9:00 AM

As Americans get ready to celebrate their freedoms on Independence Day we at NewsBusters wanted to remind our readers how liberal journalists and celebrities devoted an entire month to attacking their Second Amendment freedoms. The following are the most outrageous attacks on the Second Amendment from the liberal elites in newsrooms and Hollywood from the last month.

George Takei on The View

Top 5 Celebrity Twitter Meltdowns Over N.Y. Gun Law Ruling

June 23rd, 2022 4:20 PM

With the Supreme Court delivering a landmark opinion on concealed carry laws in New York being unconstitutional, the liberal celebrity cabal began its regularly-scheduled meltdown. Here are a few of our favorite seething tweets:



Barbra Streisand: GOP Wants An 'Authoritarian State'

May 31st, 2021 8:30 PM

There’s been no shortage of celebrities giving their obnoxious, hateful, and ignorant opinions lately, so now it’s Barbra Streisand’s turn to get in on the action. In this case, it’s yet another awful take on the voting laws.


Top 15: Celebs SCREAM About Trump Trying to ‘Kill’ You and Your Kids

September 5th, 2020 1:30 PM

This summer ended with Hollywood celebrities screaming and tweeting about the “chaos” in the streets that somehow was Donald Trump’s fault. The past few months also saw the likes of Stephen Colbert straining to praise the boring DNC and the “compassionate” but gaffe-prone Joe Biden, while film director Rob Reiner and actress Patricia Arquette raged that the President was “actively trying” to “…

Barbara Streisand: Trump’s a ‘One-Man Weapon of Mass Destruction’

March 4th, 2020 11:35 AM
One of President Trump’s fiercest foes is singer/actress Barbra Streisand, who has hurled insults and caustic emails at the Republican for at least 13 years -- and she doesn’t show any signs of stopping. As you might expect, the entertainer is doing her best to prevent Trump from being re-elected on November 3, and she has found an outlet that will let her spew all of her venom and hatred toward…

WashPost Gets Lefties to Dump on Constitution, ‘Flawed White’ Founders

September 5th, 2019 11:37 AM
Washington Post’s theater critic Peter Marks loves the U.S. Constitution, particularly when it’s re-interpreted by Democrats as a “patriarchal” document, or used to float lefty principles. A new Putlitzer-nominated Broadway show has scratched that revisionist itch and Marks reacted blissfully, trying to capture that spirit of progressive interpretation by interviewing several prominent media…

Climate Alarmist Streisand Flies Her Dogs 10,000 Miles for Performance

July 11th, 2019 5:18 PM
How big of a carbon footprint does a dog flying 10,000 miles roundtrip leave? Well, multiply that three times and that is the carbon footprint left by the three dogs (two of them cloned) belonging to Barbra Streisand who deemed it essential that her three fluffy pooches had to be in attendance when she gave a song performance at London's Hyde Park on Sunday.

Bozell & Graham Column: The Hollywood Left Hates Alabama

May 18th, 2019 6:46 AM

Alabama passed a bill outlawing almost all abortions, and the Hollywood Left is furious. Barbra Streisand lamented "The retrograde Alabama criminalizes abortion even in the case of rape and incest. Voted for overwhelmingly by GOP men. Handmaid’s Tale from the GOP."

Bozell & Graham Column: Streisand's Bizarre Michael Jackson Defense

March 30th, 2019 7:50 AM
Social-media accounts have been whirring in outrage since it was discovered that Barbra Streisand had demonstrated such extreme sympathy for the late Michael Jackson that she ran down the men accusing him of sexually abusing them as young children. Streisand dismisses Jackson’s pedophilia thusly: “His sexual needs were his sexual needs, coming from whatever childhood he has or whatever DNA he has…

Celebrities Lose Their Minds Over the Midterms

November 6th, 2018 9:00 AM
Celebrities that are sick of Donald Trump and the GOP have spent the few weeks leading up to today’s midterms crying about the “raving lunatic” President as they stoked their liberal fans to get to the polls to halt the GOP’s “nascent fascism.” Comedian Rosie O’Donnell even called for a coup: “I want to send the military to the White House to get him.” The following are just some of the worst…

ABC Fangirls Over Barbra Streisand’s 'Epic' New Anti-Trump Album

November 1st, 2018 9:19 AM
On Thursday’s Good Morning America, ABC’s entertainment contributor Chris Connelly sat down with singer and actress Barbra Streisand to fawn over her new anti-Trump album. Connelly and the rest of the ABC team fangirled over the stridently liberal entertainer, giving her plenty of time to air her grievances against the president, with less than a week before the midterms.  

Surprise! New Streisand Album is Anti-Trump

October 26th, 2018 2:11 PM
Barbra Streisand has long been known as one of lefty Hollywood’s standard-bearers, an identity that brings with it media appearances, protest attendance, and maybe some message-embedding in songs or movies.