Dick Cheney

Meyers Mourns Our 'Stupid System' Ended Trump's Legal Troubles
NBC’s Seth Meyers mourned on Thursday’s edition of Late Night that our “stupid system” has enabled Donald Trump to escape his legal difficulties and that there are those in the Democratic Party who think the reason why he won is because they are too far left.

Regime Media Sunday Shows Continue to LIE, Push Debunked Cheney Hoax
The Washington Post's owner Jeff Bezos was absolutely right when he said that Americans don’t trust the news media. One of many reasons why the public no longer trust the Regime Media is because of their insistence in repeating Democrat-friendly narratives that spring forth from online…

NY Times Mangles Trump's Cheney 'Chicken Hawk' Gibe to Imply VIOLENCE
It’s an intriguing parallel: Father and daughter Republican political figures Dick Cheney and Liz Cheney, insulted as warmongers and chicken hawks by different political parties, twenty years apart. But the coverage in the New York Times couldn’t have been more different. When Donald Trump attacked Republican turned Kamala Harris supporter Liz Cheney as a “radical warhawk,” he was…

Jeff Bezos Has a Point on Media Trust, and Liz Cheney Lie Proves It
Jeff Bezos wrote "Most people believe the media is biased. Anyone who doesn’t see this is paying scant attention to reality, and those who fight reality lose." On Friday, the media fought reality in claiming Donald Trump threatened Liz Cheney with death.

Interviewing Walz, Stewart Mocks The Idea Democrats May Be Radical
Democratic VP nominee Tim Walz’s Monday tour of friendly interviews concluded on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, where he and host Jon Stewart gathered to plot strategy, gush over Kamala Harris’s vision for the country, assure the far-left that Dick and Liz Cheney won’t actually affect their governing philosophy, and allow one guy in the audience to shout, “We love you, Tim.”

STRANGE NEW FAKE RESPECT: Regime Media Now Embrace the Cheneys
The Regime Media have developed a Strange New Respect for conservative Republicans of a certain inclination, now that they can be used as rungs on a ladder that leads to Republicans voting for Vice President Kamala Harris. The most prominent of these, former Congresswoman Liz Cheney, was prominently featured on the network evening newscasts.

Nets Hype 'Huge' Harris Endorsements, Ridicule or Ignore Trump's
On Friday, former Vice President Dick Cheney and daughter and former Rep. Liz Cheney endorsed Kamala Harris while the Fraternal Order of Police endorsed Donald Trump. For ABC, NBC, and CBS's Saturday morning shows, the former was a “huge” deal while the latter was portrayed as ironic given Trump’s legal controversies or simply ignored.

FLASHBACK: 36 Years of Media Derision & Scorn for GOP Veeps
Expect the media elite to greet Donald Trump’s new running mate with derision and scorn, because that’s what has faced (nearly) all Republican VP candidates since the Media Research Center began tracking political coverage in the 1980s.

Daily Show Faux-Debates 'America's Greatest War Criminals'
Comedy Central’s tempt host of The Daily Show, Michelle Wolf welcomed correspondents Ronny Chieng and Michael Kosta for a “debate” on who is “America’s greatest war criminal” after the death of former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. As Chieng and Kosta fake fought over Kissinger and former Vice President Dick Cheney, Wolf offered up President Andrew Jackson.

‘80s Showtime Comedy Bashes Conservatives as ‘Bigots United'
Republicans are bigots who like killing baby ducks at NRA events, framing people for assassination attempts and do not worry about reality. So says the unwatchable Showtime "comedy" Black Monday, set in the late 1980s.

FAKE: CNN Edits Dick Cheney, Blames Him for GOP 'Purging' Colin Powell
CNN's New Day often features analyst John Avlon delivering a commentary they call "Reality Check." But reality took a beating on Thursday's edition, as he accused Republicans of "purging" moderates ever since Barry Goldwater ran for president in 1964.

'Blackish' Blasts Bush as 'Alcoholic' 'Failed President'

CNN to Rand Paul: Are You in a ‘Butt-Kissing Contest’ With Liz Cheney?