Dr. Ronny Jackson

Nets Channel North Korean State Media in Hailing Biden’s Physical Exam
President Biden visited Walter Reed Medical Center on Wednesday morning for this 2024 physical ahead of what’s expected to be a brutal reelection fight and as questions about what’s clearly a slowing Biden from a physical and mental standpoint have exploded. Instead of showing skepticism towards those in power, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC channeled state-run media in places like…

MSNBC's Elise Jordan Claims Trump Could Get 'Really Bad Dementia'
In a discussion of presidential health, on the day after Joe Biden got a "clean bill of health" from his doctor, Joe Scarborough mocks Ronny Jackson, Donald Trump's White House doctor during his presidency, for saying that genetics explain Trump's good health despite his poor diet and lack of exercise. John Heilemann, a confirmed liberal and Trump antagonist, surprisingly sticks up for Jackson…

AOC Claims Gas Stoves Cause 'Reduced Cognitive Performance'
Alexandria Ocosao-Cortez has become notorious for being a hypocrite. Her latest segment was when advocated for the dumb proposal of people to ditch their gas stoves, meanwhile she herself uses one.

NYT Goes Down on the Farm to Fawn Over Montana Sen. Jon Tester

AP Fact Check Hits Trump, Not Tester on False Ronny Jackson Charges

Press Apparently Has Its Scalp Even As Ronny Jackson Smears Refuted

Swan Torches Media for Reporting Jackson Claims, Matthews Agrees

Sanders Torpedoes Acosta for His ‘Unnecessary’ ‘Tone’ in Briefings

Nets Target Trump’s VA Pick, Fear He’s Not ‘Up to the Job’

CNN Smears Dr. Jackson as Just an Unqualified Trump Loyalist

MSNBC Bemoans Trump’s VA Change as ‘Distraction’ from Porn, Russia

Columnist Portrays Trump as Mind Dominating Body Snatcher

Scarborough: Trump Doctor Is ‘Shameful’ ‘Sycophant’, ‘Political Hack’