Michelle Malkin

Twitter Singles Out Michelle Malkin Tweet for Censorship
June 4th, 2020 8:17 PM
Twitter has censored a tweet by Michelle Malkin, a conservative voice, while taking no action against similar tweets from other users.

Trump Retweeted Video of Michelle Malkin on Saturday…And It’s Gone
May 20th, 2020 2:59 PM
President Donald Trump retweeted a video on Saturday that was quickly deleted.
The video was a short clip from a speech that conservative Michelle Malkin gave decrying social media censorship of conservative voices.

Radical Spawn Chesa Boudin: Nation’s Most Toxic DA Candidate
October 30th, 2019 12:53 PM
Socialist Bernie Sanders just endorsed the bleeding-heart candidate for San Francisco District Attorney who makes President Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, look like Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Meet Chesa Boudin. He's the Bay Area public defender and former shill/translator for the late Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez who plans to turn the craphole of San Francisco into an even bigger sanctuary…
Beltway Bidenspawn-Ship Has Its Privileges
October 17th, 2019 12:55 AM
I wrote the book on the Obama administration’s “Culture of Corruption” 10 years ago, including a thick and sordid chapter on the Beltway swamp creatures of the Biden family. See-no-evil liberals scoffed at my catalogue of back-scratching, shady Delaware deals and Wall Street funny money: What nepotism? What ethical lapses? What corruption? Now, Hunter Biden himself, the youngest son of former…

Impeach Amnesty Ana: TV’s Foulest Open Borders Windbag
September 25th, 2019 3:13 PM
Nope, it's not obstreperously obnoxious Jim Acosta of CNN, who embodies the disingenuous sanctimony of Emma Lazarus utopianists. It's not former Washington Post reporter and illegal immigrant fraudster Jose Antonio Vargas, who represents the insatiable entitlement of amnesty mongers. It's not spittle-flecked Geraldo Rivera, who personifies ethnic identity narcissism.
Facebook Incites Violent War on ICE
September 18th, 2019 5:11 PM
Abolish ICE thugs in Colorado want to see the homes and families of immigration enforcement officials set aflame. Denver communists want alien detention facility employees dead, swinging from nooses with broken necks. Both groups are brazenly using Facebook to spread their inflammatory and violent messages. So, where is Silicon Valley — whose top companies partner with the Southern Poverty Law…

7 Dem Debate Questions Jorge Ramos Won’t Ask
September 12th, 2019 7:30 AM
These are the rules of the militant open borders media: If you are a self-declared Donald Trump-hating “activist journalist” who works for an ethnic separatist TV network that unapologetically elevates illegal immigrants over American citizens, you get to be a “moderator” at the next Democratic presidential candidates' debate. Case in point: Univision's Jorge Ramos.
Stop Mental Health Data Mining of Our Kids
September 4th, 2019 7:23 PM
No, no, no. Hell, no! That's my response to the latest trial balloon floated by the White House to join with Silicon Valley on a creepy program monitoring Americans’ “neurobehavioral signs” to (purportedly) prevent gun violence. President Donald Trump's old friend, former NBC head Bob Wright, has been pushing an Orwellian surveillance scheme called “Safe Home” — “Stopping Aberrant Fatal Events by…
Get Off the Sidelines: #StandWithICE
August 28th, 2019 6:15 PM
Dear fellow patriots: It's time to stop making nice with those who are waging war on ICE. Are you sick of your neighborhoods being hijacked by law enforcement-bashing thugs who prioritize every last illegal immigrant over law-abiding families, workers and employers? Are you sick of do-nothing politicians promising to take action while well-funded and well-organized protesters riot in our streets…

Triggering the Google Social Credit System
August 21st, 2019 7:06 PM
Several previous Google insiders have confirmed that the Big Tech giant discriminates against right-leaning journalists, pundits and personalities — not to mention free-thinking employees within its own workforce who've been persecuted, fired and even harassed by police for their whistleblowing. Leaked documents also show that a small cadre of meddling social justice overlords at Google Central…

Open Borders Inc.: Who’s Funding the Wicked War on ICE?
August 14th, 2019 5:20 PM
All the gun control zealots out in full force last week have apparently gone to the beach. An alarming shooting took place at a U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices in San Antonio on Tuesday. Local media reported that “multiple shots were fired on two floors targeting ICE officials.” But the Second Amendment saboteurs were AWOL. Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Federal government workers…
Warning: How the VA ‘Red-Flags’ Patriots
August 7th, 2019 7:34 PM
Gun-grabbing crisis vultures just can't let the latest mass shootings go to waste. “Red flag” laws are now all the rage in the Beltway as the magic pill to prevent homicidal maniacs from wreaking havoc on the nation. Even President Donald Trump has endorsed the idea of preemptively confiscating people's firearms if they are deemed a “threat.” But if you want to know how this American version of…
NYC’s Anti-Cop Anarchy: What Say You, Dante de Blasio?
July 25th, 2019 8:15 PM
Dante de Blasio is the son of Democratic New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, who has abandoned his crime-wracked city (but not his public office, tax-subsidized salary or perks) for a quixotic presidential bid to become America's social justice warrior-in-chief. Calculated to promote his race card-playing dad's campaign, Dante stoked anti-cop hysteria a few weeks ago with a widely disseminated USA…
America Takes an Antifa Beating
July 3rd, 2019 4:34 PM
I will not be in much of a celebratory mood this coming Independence Day. Our borders have collapsed. Our educational system is a wreck. And our constitutionally protected freedoms of assembly, speech and the press are under siege in the streets and across the internet. The ability of patriots to warn, expose and combat the threats to our national sovereignty is eroding daily. Sorry to be a wet…