
GOPer Blames 'Extreme' Anti-Trump Rhetoric, Blitzer Says ‘Both Sides’

July 13th, 2024 11:19 PM

Unfortunately, the liberal media seemed unable to reflect on how things got to the point where former President Trump was nearly assassinated. In the hours following the attempt on Trump’s life on Saturday, CNN Republican commentator Scott Jennings condemned the anti-Trump, doomsaying election rhetoric parroted by the likes of his network, the rest of the liberal media, and Democrats for…

Dana Bash Marco Rubio CNN State of the Union 7-7-24

Rubio Battles Dana 'No Evidence' Bash On CNN -- And Wins!

July 7th, 2024 4:15 PM

On CNN's State of the Union, Sen. Marco Rubio, tipped as one of Donald Trump's possible VP choices, battles host Dana Bash, and comes out on top on everything from abortion, to the SCOTUS ruling on presidential immunity, Trump's "revenge" being making America great again, Project 2025, Biden's disastrous record, and speculation about Trump's VP pick. Rubio agilely bats away Bash's challenges,…


Scott Jennings SCHOOLS CNN Panel on Biden ‘Decency’, Decline

July 7th, 2024 12:50 PM

Watching CNN commentator Scott Jennings these days is like watching a live performance of the cat salad meme, wherein he’ll just blow up whatever talking point salad his Democrat co-panelists are trying to cook up, with the aid and abetting of his hosts.


GHOST IN THE ROOM: CNN’s Jennings Questions Biden’s Fitness To Serve

June 30th, 2024 3:25 PM

The Regime Media’s meltdown continues apace in the wake of President Joe Biden’s calamitous debate performance, wherein the world saw what the American press could no longer conceal, dismiss, or spin as Russian disinformation and “cheap fakes”- Biden’s long-obvious physical and cognitive decline. As speculation continues over whether or not Biden should remain on the ticket, CNN contributor…


Guess What OpenAI Had to Say About Biden's Debunked Nazi Debate Claim?

June 28th, 2024 5:36 PM

President Biden trotted out a debunked smear against former President Donald Trump during their CNN debate last night. MRC Free Speech America had to press ChatGPT to admit Biden’s deception. 


CNN’s Debate Questions Weighed Heavily to the Left, Only 3 from Right

June 28th, 2024 2:11 AM

While it was obvious to all that President Biden’s debate performance Thursday night was an unmitigated disaster that had Democrats scrambling behind the scenes for a new candidate, it wasn’t for CNN’s lack of skewing the debate questions in Biden’s favor. According to a NewsBusters analysis of the questions, there were 11 from the left, seven neutral questions, and only three from the right…


VIDEO: ‘Facts-First’ CNN’s Most Embarrassing Lies of All Time

June 27th, 2024 2:46 PM

According to CNN’s Reliable Sources newsletter, moderators Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will be “fact-checking” Donald Trump during Thursday night’s debate, effectively making the contest a 3-on-1.  But how can a network like CNN, which has aired enough fake news to fill a library, deign to crown itself the arbiter of truth?

NewsBusters Podcast: Why CNN Deserves Low Expectations on This Debate

June 26th, 2024 10:25 PM

We've been clear that our expectations for Jake Tapper and Dana Bash in this CNN debate are low, considering their years of Trump-trashing antics. It's a little amazing that they are pledging in advance that they don't plan to "fact check" the candidates, because the moderators aren't "participating" in the debate. Don't buy it. 


CNN's Hunt Ends Interview of Trump Aide Over Criticism of Bash, Tapper

June 24th, 2024 10:15 PM

Monday’s CNN This Morning illustrated the network’s long-standing arrogance, petulance, and version to outside criticism as host Kasie Hunt had a conniption when Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt merely pointed out the…


Watch Out for Shenanigans From CNN Debate Moderators Tapper and Bash!

June 24th, 2024 9:45 AM

The following is a small sampling of the most liberal moments of Tapper and Bash’s time at CNN, via the MRC archives: 

FLASHBACK: Media Seethed Over the 2020 ‘Sh*tshow’ Debate

June 23rd, 2024 10:12 AM

Four years ago, when Donald Trump and Joe Biden met in the kickoff debate of the 2020 cycle, the liberal broadcast and cable networks crudely blasted Trump’s performance and crowned Biden the “winner” of “the worst debate in modern history.”

Bash Hesitant to Show Biden Footage for Fear of Boosting 'Cheap Fakes'

June 20th, 2024 2:01 PM

In the last few days, an uproar from the liberal media was sparked over the realization that President Joe Biden … is old, and there is no hiding it anymore. The concern comes after a great number of videos depicting Biden’s many public outings, and even more publicly known gaffes and moments of disorientation went viral. Upcoming CNN debate moderator and Inside Politics host Dana…


Bash to Pelosi: Biden's D-Day Speech Was 'Quite a Contrast' With Trump

June 7th, 2024 1:49 PM

Upcoming CNN debate moderator and Inside Politics host Dana Bash marveled to former Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Friday during a ten-minute interview that President Joe Biden’s speech at Pointe du Hoc in France “was quite a contrast” with recent statements from former President Donald Trump.


Debate Moderator Worries Dems May Suffer From GOP 'Baseless' Attacks

June 5th, 2024 3:03 PM

Inside Politics host and upcoming CNN presidential debate moderator Dana Bash worried on Wednesday that “baseless claims” against the Department of Justice by Republicans could hurt Democrats from President Joe Biden on down.