Karen Finney Elliott Williams Kasie Hunt Doug Heye Alyssah Farah Griffin Jonathan Wackrow Andrew McCabe CNN 7-14-24

CNN's Kasie Hunt Silences Talk of Possible 'Inside Job' On Trump

July 14th, 2024 1:05 PM

On CNN, host Kasie Hunt acknowledges, in a discussion of the assassination attempt on President Trump, a "massive failure by the Secret Service." Later, in a discussion of disinformation in social media, when a panelist mentions people floating the notion of an "inside job," Hunt shuts him down, saying, "we don't want to get into that."


CNN Rolls Out FBI Liar to Spew Misinformation About ‘Ghost Guns’

July 6th, 2023 9:41 PM

CNN decided to break the new information about the ghost guns used in the Philadelphia shooting over the weekend on Thursday’s CNN News Central by blaming the ghost gun manufacturers and distributers for the shooting. In addition to blaming these companies for this shooting, anchor Sara Sidner hosted former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe on the show to essentially blame these…

Houck, Bulldog Winner Markowicz Blast Liberal Media Over Trump Charges

June 13th, 2023 12:09 PM

NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck hopped on Newsmax Monday night during Eric Bolling: The Balance alongside New York Post columnist and 2023 MRC Bulldog Award winner Karol Markowicz to sound off on the ebullient liberal media’s coverage of the second Trump indictment and their continued penchant for hurling venom at Trump supporters.


Man With ‘the Facts’: CNN Has McCabe Defend Clinton’s E-Mail Server

June 12th, 2023 6:10 PM

In a grade-A example of CNN not caring about its credibility as a news organization during Monday’s Inside Politics, the network trotted on disgraced former deputy director of the FBI turn CNN analyst, Andrew McCabe, who was fired for leaking to the press lying to investigators about it. He was tapped to defend two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton for keeping…


McCarthy NUKES CNN for Hiring Liars Clapper, McCabe to Bash Trump

June 12th, 2023 5:09 PM

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) carried out a eyebrow-raising demolition of CNN for its hypocrisy of cheering on the Justice Department’s indictment of President Trump while also employing serial liars and Deep State mainstays James Clapper and Andrew McCabe. McCarthy was being questioned by CNN congressional reporter Lauren Fox when he said the “real concern” of House Republicans and…


CNN’s FBI Liar McCabe Lashes Out at Durham Report, Keeps LYING

May 16th, 2023 12:56 PM

Hours after the Department of Justice released the long-awaited report from Special Council John Durham into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation, finding the FBI had no evidence and no reason to open the investigation to begin with, former FBI deputy director-turned-CNN senior law enforcement analyst…


Here Are Ten of the Dumbest Moments on CNN from Trump’s Arraignment

April 4th, 2023 6:50 PM

Call it their Super Bowl, the greatest day of their lives, or the pinnacle of their careers. Either way, CNN went wall-to-wall Tuesday with coverage of former President Trump’s arrest and arraignment on charges by far-left, Soros-backed Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg in relation to payments made to Stormy Daniels. And, as such, CNN’s coverage showed a network relapsing back to its Trump-centric days…


VIDEO: Biden Docs a ‘Distraction’ ‘Night and Day’ Different from Trump

January 16th, 2023 11:43 AM

The rapidly unfolding nightmare of President Biden’s document scandal prompted desperate talking points from Democrat-friendly cable networks last week, the most prominent of which was the claim that Biden’s classified document issues bore “night and day” differences to those of former President Trump.


Andrew McCabe Calls J6 Committee Referrals a 'Pandora's Box'

December 19th, 2022 9:25 PM

When the January 6 Committee announced Monday afternoon that they were referring four criminal charges again former President Donald Trump to the Department of Justice (DOJ), Former Acting FBI Director and current CNN analyst Andrew McCabe took a much more cautious tone than most media pundits, and accidentally hinted at how the blatantly partisan and theatrical presentation the Committee…


CNN Ignores FBI Whistleblowers, Hypes Dubious ‘Right Wing’ Terror Stat

August 15th, 2022 1:03 PM

On the Monday edition of CNN’s At This Hour, host Kate Bolduan emphasized the FBI’s 2700 open domestic violent extremism (DVE) cases, noting that this figure was “more than double” what it had been in 2020. Notably absent from the segment was any discussion of recent FBI whistleblower reports, which alleged that agents were being pressured to artificially inflate the number of open…


Despite 'No Evidence,' MSNBC Pushes Trump Ordered Audits Out of Office

July 7th, 2022 4:36 PM

On Wednesday, The New York Times via Washington correspondent Michael Schmidt published a fairly weak article suggesting former President Trump had ordered the IRS to conduct audits of former FBI Director James Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe. Despite the blatant inconstancies and admitting there’s “no evidence,” the liberal media’s ‘it rings true’ barometer carried the day on…


Laura Ingraham Slams Networks for Spiking Latest on Russiagate Probe

October 3rd, 2021 1:12 PM

On Friday's The Ingraham Angle, picking up on recent reporting by NewsBusters, Fox News host Laura Ingraham lambasted the liberal media for downplaying the most recent developments in the investigation of wrongdoing by those involved in the anti-Donald Trump Russia collusion probe.


Nets Skip Anniversary of GOP Baseball Shooting, CNN Muddies Motive

June 15th, 2021 10:12 PM

Four years ago Monday (June 14), a leftist extremist who was a fan of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow carried out a mass assassination attempt against Republican lawmakers in Alexandria, Virginia as they practiced for the congressional baseball game. It was a heinous act that the FBI had only just gotten around to calling domestic terrorism, but it was of no interest to…


Media Hide Carter Page Suing FBI Over Russia Probe

December 5th, 2020 2:24 PM

Since news broke over last weekend that businessman Carter Page is suing the FBI and Justice Department for $75 million over the improper targeting him during the Russia collusion investigation, the liberal media have shown no interest in the story alleging abuse of power against the former Donald Trump campaign economic advisor. By contrast, Fox News Channel have covered the story several…