Continuing a push for Donald Trump over Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio, the three network morning shows on Wednesday attempted to declare the nomination over, despite the fact that the businessman has…
"[I]t’s just another day in America with guns," complained Chris Hayes as he concluded a nearly two-minute mini-segment on his February 22 edition of All In lamenting a lack of political will to…
The big three networks on Monday rushed to declare a “re-energized” Hillary Clinton could be building an “impregnable lead” after her “big win” in Nevada. Good Morning America’s George…
The Tuesday edition of ABC’s World News Tonight played the role of spin doctor for the Hillary Clinton campaign as it stood out from the CBS Evening News and NBC Nightly News by prominently…
Could the end be near for Jeb Bush's presidential campaign? Would a back-in-the-pack finish in South Carolina be the final blow? Kasie Hunt seems to suggest so.
MSNBC's Hunt, appearing on…
If you're a couple of reporters at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, it's one thing to be personally disappointed and even upset at yesterday's move by the Supreme Court to…
Academic bias in favor of government is a real problem according to the professor who sounded the alarm on Flint, Michigan’s lead contamination crisis.
That Virginia Tech civil engineering…
On last night’s CNN Tonight, Don Lemon sat down with former governor of Michigan (and adamant Hillary supporter) Jennifer Granholm to discuss why younger women were supporting Bernie…
If the eventual Republican presidential nominee takes the advice of The Washington Monthly’s D.R. Tucker, he’ll choose Michigan governor Rick Snyder as his running mate, not in spite of what…
Bill Clinton has lost his fastball. That's an emerging theme from this campaign season, and it was on glaring display on today's Morning Joe.
Introducing a clip of Clinton [dressed like a…
Washingtonian magazine hyped how "the Catholic Church is selling Northeast DC to developers" in a story in its February 2016 issue. Jeffrey Anderson played up how "Church organizations have been…
Appearing as a guest on Friday's CNN Newsroom with Brooke Baldwin, CNN political commentator Carl Bernstein gushed over Bernie Sanders, comparing his political movement to that of 1968 Democratic…
On Thursday, all three network morning shows touted Hillary Clinton’s performance at CNN’s Democratic town hall event. On NBC’s Today, correspondent Andrea Mitchell gushed: “A different side of…
The left-wing hootenanny that is the Melissa Harris-Perry show went off the rails again on Saturday morning, with the host and her National Public Radio guest somehow comparing illegal aliens in…
A Sunday morning report by Associated Press political writer John O'Connor acts as if the the sordid history of fiscal irresponsibility in the State of Illinois is a new development brought on by…
Observers can be excused for thinking that the politicial establishment is preparing the battlespace to convince us plebes that progress and economic growth are overrated. (That's sort of odd for…
Fr. Mark Hodges at LifeSite News offered an interesting roundup of how leftist websites offered only disgust that Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz would offer clean water to residents of…
Appearing as a panel member on Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, author and former Newsweek editor-in-chief Jon Meacham made a crack suggesting he would prefer dog excrement for President…
Perhaps hesitant to let a local government mismanagement crisis in Michigan go to waste, the Huffington Post's Howard Fineman sought to tie the Flint water crisis as an albatross around the necks…
On Tuesday’s CBS This Morning, co-host Charlie Rose led off the broadcast by triumphantly announcing: “Protesters demand Michigan's governor resign over a toxic war crisis. He admits it is his…
Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne appeared on Morning Joe Tuesday morning to promote his new book Why the Right Went Wrong. He expressed horror at the idea of a Republican president with the…
Good Morning America’s journalists on Tuesday couldn’t help but push far-left politics into the story of Flint, Michigan’s contaminated water supply. While talking about the emergency situation…
On Monday, CBS This Morning devoted a nearly three-minute-long report to Democratic presidential candidates and left-wing activists denouncing Michigan’s Republican Governor Rick Snyder over the…
Hillary Clinton conducted interviews on four of the five major Sunday morning talk shows (the lone omission being Fox News Sunday) and while CNN’s Jake Tapper, NBC’s Chuck Todd, and even CBS’s…
Just how much did Ben Zimmer chuckle while writing this "schlong" analysis for Politico? Well, no matter how much he was laughing, he did manage to write in a serious tone on the subject...which…