
DISARRAY: Bernie Nearly Ends ABC Interview Over Question About AOC

March 23rd, 2025 6:45 PM

Sycophancy only gets you so far, as proven by Senator Bernie Sanders’ interview with ABC’s Jon Karl for This Week. Despite squeeing all over him and New York socialist firebrand Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to tease the interview, Bernie still threatened to end it over a question implying support for a primary against Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Bernie Sanders Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez MSNBC The Weekend 3-22-25

MSNBC To Dems: Don't Run On 'Fight Oligarchy!'

March 22nd, 2025 7:01 PM

On Saturday's edition of MSNBC's The Weekend, the panel had few ideas on what Democrats SHOULD run on. But one thing on which there was consensus: "Fight Oligarchy," the name of the national tour by Bernie Sanders and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, ain't it. They're both wealthy compared to the average American.

Symone Sanders-Townsend MSNBC The Weekend 3-15-25

MSNBC Scorches Schumer For CR Support: 'Punked, Folded Like a Napkin'

March 15th, 2025 8:06 PM

Saturday's edition of MSNBC's The Weekend absolutely tears into Chuck Schumer for orchestrating the support of a sufficient number of his fellow Democrat senators to support the continuing resolution and avoid a government shutdown. Co-host Michael Steele claims that Schumer was "punked" by Republicans, and a "pissed" Symone Sanders, saying Schumer "folded like a napkin," declares that she is…

Joe Scarborough Eugene Robinson MSNBC Morning Joe 2-21-25

Not Bernie: Scarborough Rants About Millionaires and Billionaires!

February 22nd, 2025 6:17 AM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough does his best Bernie Sanders impression, ranting against "millionaires and billionaires." Scarborough condemns plans to reduce the number of IRS agents, and to give tax cuts to "billionaires."

Stephen Collison Danny Freeman Leah Wright Rigueur Jamal Simmons Lance Trover CNN This Morning 12-27-24

CNN Lefties' Advice to Dems: Push DEI and Listen To Bernie Sanders!

December 27th, 2024 11:10 AM

In a discussion on CNN This Morning about the direction the Democrats should take after their defeats, CNN commentator Jamal Simmons suggests that Dems push DEI, because it will make America "more competitive." Leftist CNN commentator Leah Wright Rigueur insists that for guidance on the next generation, Dems should look to Stacey Abrams and . . . 83-year-old socialist Bernie Sanders…


Welker, Sanders Continue Bothsidesing Murder of United HealthCare CEO

December 15th, 2024 5:03 PM

NBC’s Meet the Depressed pulled off an interesting feat today, wrapping a justification of the murder of the CEO of United HealthCare into an attempted cleanup of the previous justification that ran on NBC air time.

Election 2024: Not So Random Thoughts

November 14th, 2024 5:20 PM

Last week, America took an IQ test -- and passed. “President Biden, when he came into office, said that he would be the most progressive president since FDR, and I think on domestic issues ... he has kept his word.” -- Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Nov. 10, 2024. Indeed, Sen. Sanders, that is why Vice President Kamala Harris, who said she would have done “nothing” differently, lost the election…

Joe Scarborough Katty Kay MSNBC Morning Joe 8-13-24

Joe Scarborough: Give Me Bernie Sanders For President Over Trump!

August 13th, 2024 11:10 AM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough expresses his preference for Bernie Sanders as president over Donald Trump, saying, "If Mike Pence were president or Bernie Sanders were president, I'd worry much less than if Donald Trump were president." Scarborough opines that Madisonian democracy, checks and balances, and the separation of powers would permit the country to survive a very conservative or a…


Colbert Attacks 'Deeply, Psychotically Weird' RNC

July 19th, 2024 9:38 AM

CBS’s Stephen Colbert wrapped up his week of live reactions to the Republican National Convention early Friday morning by decrying the whole thing as “deeply, psychotically weird” because the party is trying to dismiss Donald Trump’s legal controversies as no big deal. Colbert would also welcome Sen. Bernie Sanders to The Late Show to claim that Trump is a threat to democracy because…


Meyers Claims Columbia Should've Rejected Police, Surrendered Instead

May 3rd, 2024 10:00 AM

NBC Late Night host Seth Meyers used his Thursday show to condemn Columbia for using the police to clear the illegal encampments and building occupations instead of surrendering to the campers like Brown University. At the same time, Meyers ignored what the leaders of the movement say about Zionism and continued to pretend that they are simply critical of Prime Minister Benjamin…


Don Lemon Shows ZERO Remorse for Trump-Russia Probe, Mocking MAGA

April 29th, 2024 1:45 PM

In an interview posted Friday with The Intercept’s Ryan Grim and Federalist editor/National Journalism Center (NJC) director Emily Jashinsky, former CNN host Don Lemon showed zero regret or remorse for CNN’s Trump-Russia obsessions, mocking Trump voters as Boomer rubes, and insisted CNN had no liberal bias.


39 Times Facebook Interfered in US Elections Since 2008

April 23rd, 2024 11:09 AM

Facebook has interfered in U.S. elections multiple times since 2008. The platform has been involved in incidents of political censorship and policy changes that detract from free speech, despite CEO Mark Zuckerberg's affirmations to support it. MRC researchers have documented 39 instances where Facebook intervened in electoral processes, from removing political posts and ads to limiting users…


Colbert Turns Late Show Into Socialist Hour With Sanders

March 7th, 2024 10:02 AM

According to CBS’s Stephen Colbert, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders is his second-most common guest. On Tuesday, Sanders was on again as Colbert turned The Late Show into The Socialist Show as he opened the floor to Sanders to predict Donald Trump will lead to more wildfires, the erosion of women’s rights, and the reason why the Biden Economy isn’t doing so well is because of…

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Skewed Coverage of Past Super Tuesday Primaries

March 3rd, 2024 10:35 AM

To political junkies, Tuesday is “Super Tuesday,” when 16 states (plus American Samoa) hold primaries or caucuses to choose their 2024 presidential nominees. Here’s a quick re-cap of how the media elite have spun the last four Super Tuesday primaries.