Christopher Rugaber

AP Criticizes Tax Cut-Driven Bonuses As Only a 'Sliver' of 'Windfalls'
January 14th, 2018 9:48 AM
It takes a special talent to spin news which is unquestionably positive into something negative. But Christopher Rugaber and Josh Boak at the Associated Press were up to the task in a Wednesday afternoon report on bonuses, pay raises, and other benefits which now have been showered on well over 2 million American workers since the December passage of federal tax cuts.

Press on April Jobs Report: 'Unexpectedly' Good News, 'Scars' Healing
May 9th, 2017 10:45 AM
On Friday, the government reported that the economy added a seasonally adjusted 211,000 jobs, and that the unemployment rate dropped to a 10-year low of 4.4 percent. The day's press coverage had three noticeable highlights. The first was the headline at the Associated Press's coverage — "US JOBS DATA SHOW SOME SCARS FROM RECESSION FINALLY HEALING."

AP Trio Seems to Believe That Millions of Kids Are Heads of Households
March 11th, 2017 8:35 PM
In a dispatch accusing the Trump administration of hypocrisy in expressing pleasure over Friday's jobs report from the government's Bureau of Labor Statistics, Associated Press reporters Jill Colvin and Christopher Rugaber, with additional assistance from Jonathan Lemire, either betrayed an amazing collective level of ignorance about what a households is, or were so blinded by the need to…

NYT Online Fails to Cover Strongest ADP Jobs Report in 3 Years
March 8th, 2017 4:56 PM
There is little doubt that the big economic news Wednesday was payroll and employee benefits giant ADP's estimate that the economy added 298,000 seasonally adjusted private-sector jobs in February. Over seven hours later, the New York Times did not have the news on its website's home page — or even at its "Business Day" business and financial news web page.

Deficits Matter Again at the AP, and to Paul Krugman
January 14th, 2017 10:52 PM
There are predictable signs that after eight years of giving the problem inadequate attention and occasional ridicule, the business press has decided that federal budget deficits and the national debt are going to start to matter again. Gosh, I wonder why? The Associated Press's Christopher Rugaber was relatively subtle about it in a report on Uncle Sam's December and year-to-date budget deficits…

After AP Sets Ceiling, Economic Growth Forecasts Get Bumped Up
November 18th, 2016 10:49 AM
The Associated Press's coverage of the U.S. economy is undergoing its own presidential transition. One might expect a bit of chaos as the AP moves from frequently and inordinately praising and defending the historically awful economy we've seen during the past eight years under a Democratic administration to eventually downplaying and bashing it at every opportunity once a Republican takes over.…

Pew's Middle-Class Study Pretends Obama-Era Trend Started in 2000
June 3rd, 2016 10:51 PM
A Pew Research report published three weeks ago on America’s Shrinking Middle Class presented a fundamentally misleading narrative which the press was only too eager to relay and continues to use, namely that the middle class has been seriously shrinking since the turn of the century. Christopher Rugaber at the Associated Press typified the initial press coverage, writing: "In nearly one-quarter…

At AP, Good Economic News Gets Promoted, Bad News Gets Buried
May 17th, 2016 1:50 PM
In mid-April, as I noted in a NewsBusters post, the Associated Press, apparently desperate to find any kind of good economic news that might offset the impact of an awful national industrial production report from the Federal Reserve, cited a positive manufacturing survey from just one state to claim that "goods production in the U.S. could be stabilizing."
Lo and behold, yesterday that same one…

Cherry-Picking AP Pushes Positive NY Report, Ignores Dour Philly Data
April 21st, 2016 4:47 PM
On Sunday, I noted how the Associated Press wouldn't let the awful national news from the Federal Reserve on Industrial Production (second straight month of 0.6 percent contraction) stand alone without trying to offset it with phony evidence that U.S. manufacturing is showing "signs of stability." That "evidence" was primarily a positive manufacturing survey result from just one state: New York.…

National Mfg. Output Falls; AP 'Counters' by Citing One State's Result
April 17th, 2016 11:17 PM
Key data about the U.S. economy's performance released this past week was mostly dismal. Wednesday brought news that seasonally adjusted March retail sales, instead of climbing as predicted, fell by 0.3 percent. Later that morning, the government reported that manufacturing and trade inventories and sales both fell in February.
The worst news came on Friday, when the Federal Reserve reported…

Business Press Mostly Blames Consumers For Weak Economy
April 13th, 2016 11:45 AM
Today's report from the government on retail sales was awful — "unexpectedly" so, according to both Bloomberg and Reuters. Following on the heels of a 0.4 percent seasonally adjusted decline in January and a flat February, March sales fell by 0.3 percent.
Two of the three main U.S. business wire services blamed the American people, not the worst post-recession economy since World War II during…

AP's Econ Writers Hype 'Healthy' Job Market, Ignore Flat Pay
April 4th, 2016 5:02 PM
The Associated Press, the nation's de facto business news gatekeeper for those who don't follow the economy or the markets closely, is telling America that the U.S. job market is fine, and ignoring the dismal results seen in weekly pay during the past several months.
Christopher Rugaber's Friday evening coverage of the government's jobs report earlier in the day described the reported 215,000 in…

AP Lauds Tiny Manufacturing Pickup, Avoids Sharp Total Production Drop
March 16th, 2016 4:11 PM
The business press's determination to convince the public that weak economic news is really strong seemingly knows no bounds.
Today, shortly after the Federal Reserve's Industrial Production report for February showed a seasonally adjusted 0.5 percent decline — worse than expectations of -0.3 percent — the Associated Press pretended in its headline and in reporter Christopher Rugaber's first…

AP, As Retail Sales Fall: Americans 'Reluctant to Open Their Wallets'
March 15th, 2016 3:22 PM
Today's report from the government on February's retail sales was awful. Last month's sales fell by 0.1 percent, which was bad enough. Beyond that, January's originally reported 0.2 percent increase was revised down to a 0.4 percent decrease. Additionally, as I noted at my home blog this morning, January's seasonally adjusted revision should have been much worse, based on how terrible that month'…