Music Blog Calls 'Am I The Only One' Singer a 'Right Wing Wanker'
Aaron Lewis’s new country song “Am I the Only One” quickly rose to the top of Billboard’s Hot Country Songs list because of its pro-American lyrics and strong criticism at the left. The song’s popularity angered a lot of cry-baby leftists and they are now targeting the founder of Big Machine Label group for promoting Lewis.
ABC Responds to Allegations Top Talent Exec Has Abusive History
In a scathing report out Saturday, Huffington Post contributor Yashar Ali uncovered disturbing allegations that ABC News’ top talent executive, Barbara Fedida had been repeatedly accused of using racially charged and abusive language against the staff. And in response to the allegations, ABC had suspended Fedida as they investigated and issued an on-air comment during Sunday’s Good Morning…

Nets Tout Whistleblower Testifying Today, Ignore Dem Ally Ties

Fox Media Panel Slams HuffPost for 'Irresponsible' Anti-Trump Coverage

On MSNBC, Pete Williams Attempts to Explain Shotguns' 'Reverse Funnel'

Stunned NY Times: 'Numb to Outrage,' Trump's GOP Approval Has Grown

Media Ignores Wage, Regulatory Issues Causing Starbucks Store Closings

Press Ignores Obama's Lie About Emails to Hillary's Private Server

Press Criticizes Trump's Jobs Tweet, Ignored Obama's Similar Actions

Revolving Door Swings Wide Open as NBC Hires Ben Rhodes

Trump: June 12 NoKo Summit Is On; NY Times Said It Was 'Impossible'

Byron York: Key Claims in Dec. NY Times Trump-Russia Story Are False

May Ratings Show CNN Down 25 Percent From a Year Ago in Primetime