Charlie Rose

These Four Minutes of PBS Will Convince You We Should Defund Them
People seem to assume that because PBS is dry and somewhat boring, that must also mean it’s also more serious than other news channels. But the truth is, the commentary on shows like NewsHour is as far in crazy left-wing territory as most prime time MSNBC shows, and it’s been this way since at least the 1990s.

FLASHBACK: The Media Lovefest That Kicked Off Hillary’s 2016 Campaign
Ten years ago this week, CBS’s 60 Minutes eagerly assisted in producing what could be regarded as the first infomercial of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Flashback: The Media’s Clown Show Coverage of 2015 Terrorist Attack
Seven years ago, the national media made a spectacle of themselves for both the speed and stupidity with which they seized upon a horrible mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, racing to promote their anti-gun agenda, bashing conservatives and prayer in the process.

Flashback: Media’s Tearful Eulogies for Cuba’s Communist Dictator
Six years ago today, November 26, 2016, news broke of the death of Fidel Castro, the former communist dictator of Cuba. His death was an opportunity for journalists to salute the prison state’s advances in health care, and to mindlessly babble about how Cubans supposedly preferred donkey carts to modern automobiles.

King Impressed By ‘Thoughtful’ Portrayal of Harassing Morning Host
During a Friday interview with actress Reese Witherspoon about season two of AppleTV+’s The Morning Show, real-life CBS Mornings host Gayle King was impressed with the “thoughtful” and “very interesting” way the fictional series dealt with the all-too-real topic of a network news anchor being fired for sexually harassing co-workers. Without mentioning her disgraced former co-…

FLASHBACK: DiCaprio Panicked It Was ‘Too Late’ to Save Us From Climate
Liberal celebrities and journalists keep telling us that it’s “too late” save the Earth from the coming climate change horror. Well, in this week’s FLASHBACK we found movie star Leonardo DiCaprio worrying that very thing four years ago. The same day, ABC’s Good Morning America used a child as a prop to fret about polar bears and global warming.

Bloomberg Company Ensnared in Creepy Charlie Rose's Sex Scandal
“A rose by any other name would still smell as sweet.” That old saying is definitely not the case with disgraced sexual harasser Charlie Rose, who is still caught up in the ramifications of his bad behavior when working for CBS News. Even though it’s been three years since the #MeToo movement burst onto the public scene, the latest fallout is a new complaint filed in New York state against…

Amidst #MeToo Sex Claims, Tavis Smiley Ordered to Pay $1.5 Million

Media Loved Castro As Much As Bernie – Maybe More

Gross: Disgraced CBS Host Was Referred to as ‘Charlie Fu**ing Rose'


Liberal Rant Earns Reporter Anchor Chair on Morning Show Drama

NBC & CBS Mark #MeToo Anniversary, Ignore Lauer and Rose