Zachary Roth Seethes: 'John Kasich Is No Moderate'!
March 18th, 2016 5:23 PM
"John Kasich Is No Moderate" a teaser headline at's home page warns over an ominous black-and-white photo of the Ohio governor. Sure "[t]he genial Ohio governor has forged a reputation as a pragmatic centrist who can bring people together," the teaser caption notes, but, "His record and policy positions tell a different story."
Like Clockwork: Fear-Mongers Over Voter ID In N.C., Florida
March 14th, 2016 4:48 PM
Watch it happen like clockwork twice this year. Adjusting the clock for daylight savings? No. MSNBC's fear-mongering about voter ID laws, happening now in front of the North Carolina, Florida, and Ohio primaries and surely to repeat later this fall in front of the general election in those states.
MSNBCer Uses Jeb Bush Error to Blast Opt-In Voter Registration
April 7th, 2015 5:26 PM
MSNBC's point-man on all things voter ID-related, Zachary Roth, has glommed on to Jeb Bush's accidentally check-marking himself as Hispanic on a voter registration form to argue essentially, that most Americans are dumb and unreliable to take the effort to register themselves to vote and, thereby, government should take over and automatically register all eligible citizens.

MSNBC Misleads Audience About Iowa Woman 'Arrested for Voting'
February 9th, 2015 4:47 PM
In his February 9 story on MSNBC's The Reid Report headlined "Counted Out," network correspondent Zachary Roth offered viewers a misleading look at the plight of an Iowa woman who "had been charged with illegal voting." In point of fact, the woman in question, an ex-felon named Kelli Jo Griffin, was prosecuted for committing perjury by lying about her disqualification on a voter registration form… Omits Obama Defense Pick's Key Stumble in Testimony
February 4th, 2015 3:54 PM
Covering Obama Defense Secretary nominee Ash Carter's Senate confirmation hearing today, writer Zachary Roth painted a picture of a man who is gliding along smoothly into his post as the new Pentagon chief. But completely omitted from his story was any mention of Carter's rambling non-answer to Sen. John McCain's inquiry as to what Carter understands Obama administration strategy for…

'Voting Under Attack' Warns Gullible Readers
February 3rd, 2015 5:11 PM
"Voting Under Attack" blares the teaser headline for a new Zachary Roth piece at looking at efforts in five states to pass new voter ID laws. Flips Out Over Court Approval of Wis. Voter ID Law
October 7th, 2014 5:24 PM
"'Horrendous' Ruling: Federal court upholds controversial voter ID law" blared the top-of-the-page teaser headline for Zachary Roth's October 7 story on the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals upholding the Badger State's 2012 voter ID law which has been tangled up in court for the past two years.
Shorter Ferguson, Mo., City Elections -- Held in April -- A
August 14th, 2014 5:00 PM
Examining how the Missouri town of "Ferguson’s lack of diversity goes way beyond its cops,"'s Zachary Roth examined numerous factors that had led to the city's elected officials being predominantly comprised of white folks while the city itself is roughly two-thirds African-American.
Roth explained that turnout in city elections are dreadfully low, often in the teens but dipping as… Perplexed That You Can't Vote in Texas Using... Out-of-State
July 11th, 2014 4:55 PM
The folks at are absolutely confounded that a new Texas voter ID law does NOT permit the usage of out-of-state driver's licenses to establish one's identity for voting.
"Even an out-of-state driver's license is not an acceptable form of ID under the law," whines a caption for an item on the network's Facebook page, promoting an article by Zachary Roth about a federal lawsuit… Requiring Proof of Citizenship to Register to Vote a 'Blow
March 20th, 2014 2:35 PM
Allowing a state to require a potential voter to furnish proof of U.S. citizenship is a "blow to voting rights," according to's Zachary Roth.
The Lean Forward network scribe lamented yesterday's ruling by federal judge Eric Melgren -- Roth made sure to note he's a George W. Bush appointee -- and produced the Left's usual suspects on voting rights issues to whine about how this could… ‘No One Pushes Greg Abbott Around
March 5th, 2014 11:52 AM
Even when attempting to say something nice about a conservative, MSNBC somehow managed to stick its foot in its mouth. Resident voter-ID conspiracy theorist Zachary Roth sickeningly blared in a March 5th piece that “No One Pushes Greg Abbott Around” with an accompanying picture of Mr. Abbott waiving to supporters from his wheelchair.
Roth spent the first three paragraphs in a…

Another Day, Another Freakout: ‘Ohio Restricts The Right T
February 20th, 2014 12:10 PM
Does Zachary Roth ever get tired of hyperventilating over new voting laws being passed across the country? He must not because yet again the MSNBC reporter freaked out over the Republican-controlled legislature “restricts the right to vote.” Just in the last year, Roth has penned more than 50 articles on the subject of voting and how the GOP wants to make it harder for Democrats and minorities… Attacks ‘Conservative Case to Limit Voting
February 18th, 2014 12:24 PM
As we've documented time and again,’s Zachary Roth is obsessed with defending the ballot box from his favorite villain: the GOP. His February 18 item may have taken the cake for fear-mongering and outright peddling of liberal talking points.
Roth penned a nearly 1500-word piece in which he threw together examples from the 1800s and 1900s where certain segments of the population were…

Melodramatic Chief Justice Roberts 'Could... Destroy Voting
February 14th, 2014 6:25 PM
It's a midterm election year and MSNBC needs to do its best to whip up fear and loathing in the Democratic base, preferably with some racial angle involved. What better convenient villain than Chief Justice John Roberts and the conservative wing of the Supreme Court.
Enter Zachary Roth's February 14 article, "Voter ID cases could let John Roberts destroy Voting Rights Act," which…