
Soros-Funded Group Spews INSANE Spin on Media's Bidenomics Coverage
It’s apparently Opposite Day. A leftist economic think tank funded by George Soros is crying that the media lied about President Joe Biden’s economy … by trying to convince everyone that it was bad. What is this, the Twilight Zone?

NOW? WashPost Admits Americans 'Taking Second Jobs to Pay Bills'
It seems as if The Washington Post has dropped its facade somewhat about how star-spangled fantastic the Biden economy supposedly was, but only now that President Donald Trump is in office. Coincidence? We think not!

DO YOUR JOB: NBC Ignores ‘Worst Jobs Report’ in Nearly Four Years
For all the media brouhaha about the supposed strength of the Biden-Harris administration’s jobs market, NBC’s flagship evening news show didn’t even bother to report on the "worst" jobs report in years released just before Election Day.

Biden FINALLY Visits WH Briefing, Gets Lobbed Softballs by Press Corps
On Friday, President Biden made his first appearance in the White House Briefing Room with only three and a half months left in office after years of calls from reporters across the political spectrum. Sure, he only took questions for just over eight minutes, but the press corps made sure to throw this unique opportunity away with a combination of open-ended foreign policy queries and…

Top CBS Shows Skip Own Journo Pressing Biden-Harris WH on Afghanistan
Monday’s White House press briefing led off with national security spokesman and frequent Karine Jean-Pierre crutch John Kirby defending the Biden-Harris administration’s deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan in light of a House Foreign Affairs Committee report, arguing they’ve done plenty of soul-searching, but feel proud of what happened and want to move on. Thankfully, a few reporters had some…

EXCLUSIVE: Economist Slams Media Praise for Biden’s Anemic Job Market
An economist skewered the leftist media for mindlessly propping up the Biden-Harris job market as the epitome of success now that it was revealed that the government overestimated job growth by nearly 1 million jobs.

The Jobs Aren’t All Right
The government, for the past year, has overstated joblessness by 818,000 jobs. That revision comes on top of the monthly revisions already made. It is probably not a conspiracy to help Joe Biden and Kamala Harris look good or they would have waited until after the election, not before early voting, to announce the revision. But it is troubling that the government data was off by so much and…

Krugman Flashback: Biden Created the 'Best Job Market In a Generation’
New York Times economics columnist Paul Krugman has spilled much ink over the last year fawning over President Joe Biden's blazing jobs market, and now here comes the boomerang.

BUNKUM: New Report EXPOSES Media Gaslighting on Biden Jobs Growth
Remember how President Joe Biden’s henchmen in the media peppered the American people with around-the-clock propaganda about how star-spangled awesome the Biden economy supposedly was because of jobs growth? A new report just blew apart that house of cards.
6 Myths About Globalization, Trade, Jobs, and ‘Buy American’
Leaders of both parties agree: We must reduce globalization. “China is ripping us on trade,” says Donald Trump. Our trade deficit is “an immorality,” says Nancy Pelosi. But it’s not. In my new video, Scott Lincicome of the Cato Institute points out, “Selling us stuff is hardly ripping us off.” He’s right. Our video debunks common misunderstandings about trade.

Liberals Love the Minimum Wage — Though It Hurts People Liberals Love
On April 1, the new California $20-per-hour minimum wage for fast-food workers went into effect. In signing the bill, California Gov. Gavin Newsom rejected the view that such a wage hike — 25% above the state’s current minimum wage — hurts teenagers who disproportionately benefit from fast-food jobs and for whom this becomes their entry into the job market. Newsom said: “That’s a romanticized…

AP Lobs INSANE Softball Cheering Illegal Aliens as Doocy Brings Heat
For the second day in a row, the Associated Press opened the questioning Tuesday of the ever-inept Karine Jean-Pierre by lobbing a puke-tastic softball so she could bash Donald Trump. This time, it was the insane claim that illegal immigration makes America...well, great. And, in contrast to all this, Fox’s Peter Doocy stood alone on the border crisis.

What Crisis? Krugman Suggests Immigration ‘Secret’ to US ‘Success’
Somehow, New York Times economics propagandist Paul Krugman managed to one-up himself on his really bonkers Bidenomics hot takes.

GASP: Snopes Fact-Checks Biden Admin’s ‘15 Million’ Jobs Added Claim
It was always asinine for President Joe Biden’s administration to claim that they “nearly” added 15 million jobs since the pandemic, and it apparently stank so much that even leftist fact-checker Snopes didn’t let it pass the smell test.