Robert Samuelson

Liberal Media Forced to Admit Economy ‘On a Roll,’ Jobs ‘Excellent'
June 7th, 2018 12:24 PM
How well is the American economy doing these days? Well enough that even some liberal media which are usually Debbie Downers during Republican administrations have been singing its praises.
One New York Times writer “ran out of words” about the robust jobs numbers, another wrote about how the economy “roared” in May, while Yahoo said the economy was “on a roll.”

WashPost Headline Says 'The Economy's Real Drag' Is 'Us'
May 11th, 2016 5:14 PM
In case you didn't get the message the first or second time around, the Washington Post wants you to hear it again: Cool your complaints about the weak U.S. economy, because it's your fault.
To be clear, the problem is primarily with the Post's headline — "The economy’s real drag: Us" — than with Robert J. Samuelson's content, which at least gave American consumers credit for having "sobered up…

Samuelson: Krugman 'Maddeningly Wrong' on Reagan and Inflation
January 13th, 2015 11:29 AM
In an economic columnist face-off, The Washington Post’s Robert J. Samuelson declared Paul Krugman of The New York Times wrong about inflation history.
Samuelson said that Krugman’s Jan. 5, column made a “glaring error” when it claimed President Ronald Reagan had little to do with getting double-digit 1980s inflation under control. Samuelson said it was the first time he could recollect devoting…
MRC's Graham Discusses Newsweek Columnist's Discovery: Media Infatuate
June 3rd, 2009 11:56 AM
Appearing on the June 3 "America's Newsroom" program, Graham discussed Newsweek economics columnist Robert Samuelson's gripe that the media's "Obama infatuation is a great unreported story of our time." Samuelson "is a reasonable guy" who "has got to know that we've had years of pro-Obama bias, and certainly in the pages of his own magazine, where there are syrupy pictures of Barack and/or…
CBS Frets Energy Cost, Skips Impact of Bill to 'Fight Global Warming
June 6th, 2008 9:05 PM
After leading Friday's CBS Evening News with Morgan Stanley's prediction of $150 barrel of oil by the 4th of July and reporter Anthony Mason citing the “runaway price of energy,” anchor Katie Couric delivered a short item on how “today the Senate gave up on legislation to fight global warming.” Couric explained that “faced with a Republican-led filibuster, Democrats withdrew their proposal to cap…
Bartiromo Warns Bad Economy Talk 'Begets More Weakness
February 6th, 2008 4:02 PM
You reap what you sow. Nothing could be truer when it comes to the American economy. According to CNBC "Closing Bell" host Maria Bartiromo, if the media continue to push doom-and-gloom economy stories, they will make the economy worse. "[T]he truth is, ["Today" co-anchor] Meredith [Vieira], it doesn't matter if we're in a recession," Bartiromo said on NBC's February 6 "Today." "We can talk…
NBC Nightly News Joins Newsweek in Smearing Global Warming 'Deniers
August 16th, 2007 3:10 AM
Only days after Newsweek was embarrassed when its own columnist, Robert Samuelson, excoriated the magazine for a “fundamentally misleading” and “highly contrived” cover story meant to defame the global warming “denial machine,” Wednesday's NBC Nightly News aired an equally distorted story which smeared “deniers,” a term no doubt meant to conjure a similarity to dishonorable Holocaust deniers.…