
Oliver Trashes RNC as 'A Bunch Of D**** on Stage'

July 23rd, 2024 12:12 PM

While the rest of the country was discussing President Biden’s decision to end his re-election campaign on Sunday, HBO was airing a Saturday-recorded edition of Last Week Tonight where host John Oliver ranted at Republicans for being “dicks,” supposedly not toning down their RNC rhetoric, and for being “racist.”


Maher Pans 'Dangerous' Belief That God Saved Trump

July 20th, 2024 2:00 PM

As welcome as HBO’s Bill Maher’s revelation that the left has lost their mind on transgender ideology has been, he remains a stubborn liberal atheist who is determined to attack religious Americans. On Friday’s edition of Real Time, he ridiculed the idea that God saved Donald Trump from assassination as not only stupid but also “dangerous.”


Race-Hustling CNN Pundit Silenced By Ben Shapiro

July 13th, 2024 12:00 PM

Former South Carolina State Representative and current CNN talking head Bakari Sellers joined HBO’s Bill Maher on Friday’s edition of Real Time, but unfortunately for him, his anti-American race baiting ran into The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro, who succinctly dismantled his arguments. Sellers had no response except to say, “I don't know what he just said.”


Maher, Matthews Lament Dems Won't Dump Biden For Newsom

June 29th, 2024 10:08 AM

HBO’s Bill Maher and former MSNBC host Chris Matthews were greatly displeased on Friday night’s Real Time that Democrats won’t replace President Joe Biden with California Gov. Gavin Newsom after his disastrous debate performance the night before.


Oliver Rants At Conservative 'C****, F***pigs' In UK Election Preview

June 25th, 2024 2:11 PM

HBO’s John Oliver will occasionally use Last Week Tonight to try to educate American viewers on a subject they know little about, but the subject of Oliver’s Sunday wrath this time was not the dictatorship of Turkmenistan, but his native Britain’s Conservative Party which is down in the polls ahead of their July 4 election. Being the host of a nominal comedy show gave Oliver the…


On FNC, MRC’s Houck Slams CNN’s ‘Arrogance’, ‘Petulance’ Before Debate

June 25th, 2024 1:12 PM

Making his second appearance in less than a week on the Fox News Channel’s Fox News @ Night, NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck ripped CNN for both its “arrogance” and “petulance” ahead of its Thursday night presidential debate as well as the legal trouble the network has found itself in with allegations of defamation (reported by our own Nick Fondacaro).


Maher Attacks Ten Commandments As 'Dumb, Ancient Bronze Age List'

June 22nd, 2024 10:11 AM

When it comes to HBO’s Bill Maher, you can sometimes take the liberalism out of the atheist, but you cannot take the atheism out of the liberal. Reacting to Louisiana passing a law that mandates the Ten Commandments be displayed in all public school classrooms on Friday’s Real Time, Maher didn’t just attack the idea as a violation of the First Amendment, but claimed the Ten…


Oliver: Civil Service Reform Will Lead Trump To Be Like George Wallace

June 18th, 2024 3:07 PM

The Rube Goldberg-like logic train that sits inside of John Oliver’s brain was on full display on Sunday's Last Week Tonight on HBO, where he warned that former President Donald Trump and the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025’s plans for civil service reform could lead to the former governing like segregationist Gov. George Wallace.


Bill Maher: Stormy Daniels Was a 'Bad Witness,' Flip-Flopped to Victim

May 11th, 2024 2:02 PM

On Friday night's Real Time, Bill Maher complained about how the Democrats "blew it at every turn" on creating legal problems for Trump, so now before the election, "it's Stormy or bust." Even there, Maher argued porn star Stormy Daniels is a "bad witness" because she has changed her story in front of this jury. When Maher interviewed her in 2018, she was empowered. Now she's a victim…


Bloomberg Columnist Claims Trump Trial Doesn't 'Get Much Attention'

May 4th, 2024 2:00 PM

Bloomberg Businessweek columnist Joshua Green mourned on Friday’s Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO that the media has been covering the demonstrations on college campuses across the country and not Donald Trump’s hush money trial. Not only is surging anti-Semitism among college students a newsworthy topic, but it is simply not true that Trump’s trial has been removed from newscasts.…


Meacham Declares It 'A Patriotic Duty' To Vote For Biden

April 20th, 2024 12:12 PM

Presidential historian and frequent MSNBC talking head Jon Meacham traveled to HBO and Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday to wax poetic about “there is a patriotic duty” to vote for Joe Biden and that any Republican who votes for Donald Trump needs to stop and heed the words of George Washington.

NewsBusters Podcast: Harsh Bill Maher Bluntly Backs Child Murder

April 15th, 2024 10:48 PM

On his Real Time show on HBO, Bill Maher bluntly agreed that abortion is murder, and he favors it, since there are eight million people on Earth already. Journalists and comedians scream "False" when people tell the truth about Democrats favoring abortion until birth. And NPR's new CEO sends a love note to staff without engaging with an insider's account of leftist bias.


Bill Maher Implies Ronna McDaniel's More Dangerous Than the Communists

April 1st, 2024 6:00 AM

On Friday night's Real Time, somehow the discussion of NBC/MSNBC hiring and quickly firing former RNC boss Ronna McDaniel turned into a discussion of the Communist Party. Bill Maher implied that McDaniel was more of a danger to democracy than the Communist Party USA ever was.


Swisher Decries Lack Of Serious Debate, Labels Murdoch 'Uncle Satan'

March 23rd, 2024 11:02 AM

Liberal journalist and podcaster Kara Swisher took her book tour to HBO and Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday to offer up several contradictory claims. Swisher claimed to be for debate while defending collusion between the government and social media companies and labeled Rupert Murdoch “Uncle Satan” while lamenting the lack of serious debate.