Lisa Lerer

NY Times Cries Sexism: ‘Will US Ever Be Ready for a Female President?'
Thursday’s New York Times story by Lisa Lerer and Jess Bidgood was a 1,500-word excuse-making lament over Kamala Harris’s embarrassing loss to Donald Trump, “Will the U.S. Ever Be Ready for a Female President?” Trump's win "has only deepened anxieties over gender bias and prompted a fresh round of debate over the electability of women to the nation’s highest office."

New York Times Revels in Harris Tactic of Labeling Trump a Fascist
Despite its alleged concern for the decline of civility in politics, the New York Times is actually all in on political slander and name-calling lately -- when it’s in the service of defeating Donald Trump. For the second time in under two weeks, the paper reveled in the party’s new tactic of throwing the dirty word “fascist” at Trump to see if it would stick (not that they didn’t do…

SAD: NY Times Blames Sexism for Kamala's Campaign Woes on Page One
Desperation time? The front page of Thursday’s New York Times bluntly blamed sexism for Kamala Harris’s campaign woes. Reporters Lisa Lerer and Katie Glueck bitterly lamented “The Quiet, Stubborn Aversion To Putting a Woman in Power.”

NY Times Front Page: ‘Trump’s Lamenting Appeal to NONwhite Voters'
Friday’s front-page New York Times story by Lisa Lerer and Michael Gold demonstrated how far the paper will go to eviscerate Trump no matter what he’s doing, whether he’s appealing to “white Christians” or minorities: “Trump’s Lamenting Appeal to Nonwhite Voters -- Blame and Grievances in a Discordant Play of Identity Politics.” (Note that “Black” is capitalized throughout, while “…

NY Times, Daily Show 'Horrified' At 'Radicalized' GOP For Roe's Demise
New York Times national religion correspondent Elizabeth Dias and national politics correspondent Lisa Lerer joined The Daily Show temp hosts Desi Lydic and Jordan Klepper on Comedy Central on Wednesday to promote their new book, The Fall of Roe: The Rise of a New America. It was a mournful time for all as they mused about “radicalized” Republicans and how “horrified…

NY Times Alarmed By GOP Spreading ‘Racist Fears’ on Soft-on-Crime Dems
The crime issue’s potential positive impact on Republican prospects in November is coming into alarmed focus at the New York Times. A prime example: Tuesday’s 1,700-word front-page story by Lisa Lerer and Jonathan Weisman, “G.O.P. Redoubles Efforts to Tie Democrats to High Crime Rates.”
NYT Buries Abrams’ Mask Hypocrisy, Touts Useless Mask Studies As Proof
As even blue-state governors are doing an about-face on mask mandates, Wednesday’s New York Times front page buried the controversy over perennial Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, a strong proponent of mask mandates, posing maskless in a sea of masked-up children and teachers, in a now-infamous photo. The team of reporters Lisa Lerer, Luis Ferré-Sadurní and Astead…

NYT Lies: GOP ‘Mainstreaming Menace…Increasingly Tolerant' of Violence
Never mind months of violent left-wing street riots nationwide, multiple assaults on Sen. Rand Paul, an attempted assassination of Republican congressmen at a ballfield. The New York Times is wringing its hands over an animated video issued by a far-right Republican congressman, smearing the entire party as coursing with violence in Wednesday’s story by Catie Edmondson, “Democrats…
Classic NY Times: ‘Republicans Pounce on Schools as a Wedge Issue...'
As Democrats ponder their newly vulnerable electoral state, here’s a New York Times headline that’s a neat encapsulation of media bias: “Republicans Pounce on Schools as a Wedge Issue to Unite the Party.” That's the online headline to the front-page Thursday story by Lisa Lerer and Jeremy Peters. It’s two liberal media tropes in one line: the idea of Republicans cynically “pouncing”…
NYT Dismisses Parental Concerns on Education: 'Angry and Threatening'
As a Virginia governor's race heats up around the issues of parental influence in education and Critical Race Theory, the New York Times picked the side of the Democrats and teachers unions, while warning "the tone of school board opponents has become angry and threatening...." The paper also saw "months of frantic Republican alarms, in Virginia and nationwide, about how…

Panic at the NY Times: Leftists Are Losing Black and Brown Voters!
The results of the New York mayor's primary are causing a bit of panic inside The New York Times. Is it possible that the radical police-defunding leftists like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are not popular even among Democrats? Lisa Lerer penned a "Political Memo" under the headline "Progressives’ Urgent Question: How to Win Over Voters of Color."

NY Times Channels Leftists Upset at Biden's 'SILENCE' on Abortion
At the top of the front page of Friday's New York Times, they splashed head shots of 64 children killed in the latest Israel-Hamas war. "They were just children" was the headline. At the bottom of the front page, the paper worried about being able to kill children in the womb. Biden's "silence on abortion rights" is troubling to leftists.
NYT KEEPS Lying: GA Law ‘Curtails...People of Color' From Voting
In Friday's New York Times, their lead National story proved Georgia is still heavily on the paper’s mind and especially the state’s supposedly harsh, racist new restrictions on voting. Political reporters Lisa Lerer and Reid Epstein unloaded on the GOP in “Georgia Governor Sets His Sights on Overcoming Trump’s Wrath.”

Laughable NYTimes Lead on Cuomo Asks: Are Dems Imposing 'Purity Test?'
New York Times’ political reporter Lisa Lerer shared the lead story slot with her take on the Democratic Party’s Andrew Cuomo problem, as allegations made against New York’s Democratic governor deepen in seriousness. Apparently, the party’s moral standards are just too high to compete with those sleazy Republicans. It's a fairy story the Times loves to tell. A few prominent…