Trayvon Martin

MSNBC Host: Daniel Penny Guilty of 'Murder' In Death of Jordan Neely
On her Saturday MSNBC show, Katie Phang said that Daniel Penny was guilty of "murder" in the subway death of Daniel Neely. MSNBC legal analyst and former federal prosecutor Cynthia Alksne pushes back, saying the facts don't support a murder charge, and that second-degree manslaughter is the proper charge. She says it's likely there will be a hung jury.

Flashback: NewsBusters Exposed NBC’s Deceptive Zimmerman Edits
Eleven years ago this week, NewsBusters helped expose how deceptive editing by NBC News made the already-tense situation surrounding the killing of Trayvon Martin even worse; the resulting scandal led NBC to fire three people involved in the story, yet the network refused to issue an on-air correction or apology.

Racist Trump, Wise Sharpton: PBS’s Hard-Left Hip-Hop Doc Spews Bad Rap
PBS’s four-part docuseries Fight the Power: How Hip-Hop Changed the World, marking the 50th anniversary of the musical genre, was unapologetically leftist and political. Produced and hosted by rapper Chuck D., the series has featured musicians from Snoop Dogg to Jay Z to Eminem, with appearances by black professors, activists, and journalists, and….racial arsonist Al…
Race-Baiting NYTimes LIES About Zimmerman's 911 Call: ‘He Looks Black'
The shooting death of black teen Trayvon Martin during a sidewalk confrontation with George Zimmerman in Orlando 10 years ago stoked the new civil rights movement – or so claims a column and video for the opinion section of the Times marking the anniversary: “Trayvon Martin Is Still Making America Confront Its Original Sin.” The presence of Al Sharpton is not the most offensive part…

ABC, CBS Distort History to Mark Trayvon Martin's Death in 2012
As ABC and CBS ran reports commemorating the 10th anniversary of black Florida teen Trayvon Martin being shot to death by George Zimmerman, both networks misinformed their viewers, and ABC even imitated the same smear that NBC News was forced to apologize for 10 years ago.

Scarborough: Hawley 'Most Responsible' for Capitol Cop Who Died
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough says, regarding the Capitol breach: "Josh Hawley . . . you’re the person most responsible for a police officer being beaten to death. You’re the person most responsible for the cop killing."

Netflix Chooses Biden Backer Ben Crump for Focus of New Documentary
One of the most popular streaming services available these days is Netflix, which has produced a slate of original programs and provocative films, including Becoming, a documentary examining the life of former First Lady Michelle Obama. Nadia Hallgren, the director of that movie, has been tapped to helm another liberal project to describe the life of Ben Crump, an attorney who has…

Scarborough Tiptoes Past Harris & Warren Ferguson 'Murder' Allegations

BET Awards Celebrate 'Our Forever First Lady' Michelle Obama

Cox Scribe: Vigilante, Police Brutality Killed Trayvon, Michael Brown

Only Grieving Mothers That Support Hillary Matter, According to ABC

Bozell & Graham Column: Ken Burns, Pompous Poster Boy for Liberalism

Harris-Perry: I Hope Trayvon ‘Whooped the Sh**’ Out of Zimmerman