Cecilia Vega

60 Minutes Runs Puff Piece On Anti-Israel Former U.S. Officials
CBS’s 60 Minutes put together a piece on Sunday about the 13 U.S. government officials who have resigned in protest over the role the country has played in helping Israel battle Hamas. Throughout the report, viewers were left to conclude that the best way to fight terrorism is to surrender to it and that terrorists should run U.S. foreign policy because our decision to help Israel…

CBS MELTDOWN: Sad About Abortion Losing, Predicts MAGA ‘Violence’
Through the first three hours of CBS’s election night coverage, things were looking promising for Republicans and former President Trump, based solely on the reactions of the assembled liberal journalists, who seethed over Donald Trump as a “dark” figure spewing “lies about criminal migrants” and it being “factually untrue” they’re “pouring through our border” and ready to stir up “violence in…

60 Minutes Wonders If Abbott's Border Fight Is About Secession
CBS’s Cecilia Vega recently traveled to Texas to interview Gov. Greg Abbott for a 60 Minutes profile on the state’s fight with the federal government over border enforcement. Vega immediately reached for the most hysterical explanation she could think of, asking Abbott if the dispute was about secession.

Nets Channel North Korean State Media in Hailing Biden’s Physical Exam
President Biden visited Walter Reed Medical Center on Wednesday morning for this 2024 physical ahead of what’s expected to be a brutal reelection fight and as questions about what’s clearly a slowing Biden from a physical and mental standpoint have exploded. Instead of showing skepticism towards those in power, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC channeled state-run media in places like…

FLASHBACK: Hateful Media Trashed Limbaugh After Cancer Diagnosis
Instead of respectfully permitting conservatives to honor a cherished leader, media liberals felt compelled to unleash a nasty stream of rhetoric tarring Rush Limbaugh as a bigot, a “racist,” and a “misogynist” mere hours after he disclosed what would turn out to be a fatal cancer diagnosis.

STUDY: TV News Shields Biden From Blame Over His Inflation Disaster
A new study from the Media Research Center finds the overwhelming majority (84%) of TV news coverage of the ongoing inflation disaster failed to mention President Biden or his administration — and when reporters did discuss the President, they mostly depicted him as working to solve the problem, rather than blaming him for causing it.

Throwing Joe Overboard? WH Press Corps EVISCERATE KJP in Wild Briefing
Tuesday’s White House press briefing marked another installment of a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day for the inept Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre as, while she ignored journalists from the Daily Caller, Fox News, and Newsmax about President Biden’s classified documents scandal, she ran into a proverbial buzzsaw from outlets such as ABC, the AP, CBS, CBS News Radio, NBC, and NPR…

DISGUSTING! Nets Treat Biden’s ‘Democracy’ Smear of GOP as Fact
Ahead of an impending red tsunami, the broadcast networks continued their refusal to accept reality Thursday morning as they treated President Biden’s Wednesday night speech as fact that “democracy is on the ballot” if voters won’t back the Democratic Party and “American democracy is under attack” from dangerous conservatives and Republicans.

Hopeless Hacks: ABC Cheers Biden ‘Trying to Take on Big Oil’
ABC’s Good Morning America did its best Tuesday to earn brownie points from its friends in the Biden White House as they touted their hapless attempt to trash oil companies and threaten them with new taxes if they don’t (artificially) lower prices and surrender their profit margins.

Nets Try to Rescue Crist vs. ‘Controversial,’ ‘Firebrand’ DeSantis
On Tuesday morning, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC engaged in a comical and hopeless rescue mission to convince viewers that turncoat and Congressman Charlie Crist (D-FL) has a chance to retake Florida’s governorship against incumbent Governor Ron DeSantis (R) thanks to a “heated” debate in which Crist attacked the “firebrand” DeSantis over his “controversial policies” and possible 2024…

Only ABC Notes Unwanted, Unpopular Biden in PA
Alone among the three broadcast morning shows, only ABC’s Good Morning America covered President Biden’s campaign appearance with Democratic Senate candidate John Fetterman in Pennsylvania on Thursday, and correspondent Rachel Scott admitted the President is unpopular with voters and unwanted by most Democratic candidates.

No One Believes You: Nets Insist Biden’s Fighting for Us on Gas Prices
For yet another day, the “big three” of ABC, CBS, and NBC used their Thursday morning news shows to fluff the White House up in their hapless attempt (which some argue is purposeful) to save their party’s midterm prospects and lower gas prices through a puny release from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). ABC’s Good Morning America again played the starring role, offering praise…

KJP Embarrasses Herself Battling Journos on Biden’s New Mental Gaffe
In what might be her worst performance as White House press secretary (in what’s already been dominated by ineptitude), Karine Jean-Pierre faced searing heat Wednesday from across the ideological spectrum of the press corps after President Joe Biden called out to Congresswoman Jackie Walorski (R-IN) at a global hunger event despite the fact that Walorski died nearly two months ago.

GROSS: Nets Gush Over ‘Blistering,’ ‘Fiery’ Biden Speech Smearing GOP
The “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC eagerly reported Friday morning of how President Biden spent Thursday evening declaring former President Trump and his 74-million-plus voters are not only dangerous, but threats to national security (despite Biden’s attempts to walk it back). Instead of offering pushback or how the speech was an official White House event in Philadelphia with…