
Nets Trumpet ‘Sweeping,’ ‘Landmark Victory’ for Dems in Spending Bill

August 8th, 2022 12:51 PM

Happy days are here again was the mantra Monday for the broadcast network morning news shows following the Senate’s passage of the massive spending boondoggle, deeming it a “landmark,” “sweeping,” and “hard-fought win” for President Biden as Democrats hope to win the midterm elections. This was despite the fact that, tucked inside their exuberant segments, not only was President Biden barely…


ABC, CBS Promote Political Correctness Over Science on Monkeypox

August 5th, 2022 2:36 PM

Dr. Michael Osterholm may have once been a Biden a, but he does have a knack for telling it like it is. On Wednesday’s CBS Mornings he told host Jericka Duncan that Monkeypox is mostly confined to gay men who have had several sexual partners. Not only did Duncan want to disbelieve this, Friday’s Good Morning America on ABC lamented that such politically incorrect talk can…


Nets Hype Kansas Abortion 'Backlash,' Pro-Lifers Being 'Flat-Footed'

August 4th, 2022 11:30 AM

The three main broadcast networks spent Thursday morning hyping the defeat of a pro-life Kansas ballot measure as “blowback” for the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling, left conservatives “flat-footed,” and has the potential to motivate Democrats to vote in November.


Hump Day Briefing: Doocy Cracks Jokes on China, Jensen Defends Life

August 4th, 2022 7:56 AM

Early Wednesday afternoon, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre decided to face reporters solo for a press briefing, doing so for only the 14th time out of her 41 briefings since taking the top job. And, as part of this hapless endeavor, she faced questions from both the left and right on abortion with the Biden administration set to expand the funding for abortions s well as House…


ABC Thumbs Nose at Afghan Withdrawal Critics After al-Zawahiri Killed

August 1st, 2022 9:45 PM

In the immediate aftermath of the Biden administration’s announcement that the CIA had killed Al Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri, ABC’s Cecilia Vega leaped into action to note how President Biden was right that the United States could still fight terrorism in Afghanistan without having a presence on the ground there. 


Nets Tout Biden's Overseas Attacks on Supreme Court Over Abortion

June 30th, 2022 8:54 PM

On Thursday during the last leg of his foreign trip to Europe, Biden attacked the Supreme Court over its decision to overturn Roe v. Wade while he was overseas in a room full of American and foreign reporters. This is the kind of thing that the leftist news networks would set their hair on fire over if former President Trump did it, yet the three evening news networks not only didn’t…


Morning Nets Cover for ‘Frustrated’ Biden Blaming GOP for Poor Economy

June 15th, 2022 7:14 PM

On Wednesday morning, ABC, CBS, and NBC chose to do something it’s only occasionally done in mentioning President Biden during their coverage of the porous economy. But, as one would expect, they absolved him of blame and instead commiserated with the “frustrated” President as he’s “[felt] the heat” from voters while “pointing fingers at” Republicans and “tout[ing] his economic agenda.”


Weekdays With Karine Bring Lame Intros, Leftist Pleas to Attack Tucker

May 17th, 2022 1:05 PM

With The Psaki Show out to pasture until it resurfaces on Peacock, White House press briefings continued on Monday with Psaki’s former deputy and former and MSNBC activist, Karine Jean-Pierre. Predictably, the liberal media showered their fellow progressive with syrupy platitudes and questions from the left demanding the federal government crusade against Fox News host Tucker…


Journo Frets Musk Might Let ‘Purveyors of...Misinformation’ on Twitter

April 26th, 2022 12:53 PM

Though not anywhere near the DEFCON-1 levels seen on social media and TV on Monday afternoon after it was announced that Elon Musk had bought Twitter, a few White House reporters expressed their misgivings during the Psaki show, including one reporter who was concerned that “purveyors of...misinformation” and “disinformation” would be allowed “to speak” on Twitter and it would be a company…


Networks Lobby Viewers to Keep Masking, Imply Pandemic Is Surging Back

April 21st, 2022 3:57 PM

Building off its fear-mongering from Tuesday and Wednesday, Thursday’s broadcast network morning newscasts encouraged viewers to continue masking up on planes, public transit, and when in airports due to “surging” cases of COVID-19 and a need to support the immunocompromised. This was despite Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle’s Monday ruling that struck down the nationwide mask mandate on travel…


Nets Play Biden Lapdog, Tout SOTU Speech Filled With 9/11-Like ‘Unity’

March 2nd, 2022 11:24 AM

Reacting Wednesday to President Biden’s State of the Union address from the night prior, the broadcast network mornings newscasts on ABC, CBS, and NBC largely decided to play White House stenographers in touting Biden’s “call[s] for unity” and focus “on common ground and not...partisanship.” It resulted, one network said, in cheers that were akin to American unity after 9/11.


Psaki, Colleague Face Round Two of Stinging Questions From WH Press

February 24th, 2022 9:43 PM

Wednesday’s White House press briefing wasn’t smooth sailing for Press Secretary Jen Psaki and deputy national security adviser Daleep Singh with tough questions ahead of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, so it was only natural they came back Thursday and faced  hardballs on Biden’s messaging flip-flop on use of sanctions and the refusal to apply them at all to Russian energy industry (perhaps its…


You Awake Now, Joe? WH Press Hammer Biden as Russia Invades Ukraine

February 24th, 2022 5:34 PM

Addressing the world some 15 hours after Russian began a full invasion of Ukraine, President Biden faced a White House press corps on Thursday afternoon that, after he ducked their questions on Tuesday, chose to do its job and call out the likelihood the latest round of economic sanctions would do all but nothing to deter Putin, the likely economic pain Americans will feel, and what has he…

NewsBusters Podcast: Networks Promote Biden as Democracy's Batman

January 12th, 2022 5:51 PM

On Tuesday, President Biden gave a “fiery” speech in Atlanta attacking anyone who disagreed with him on current Democrat “voting rights” bills as akin to southern segregationists of the 1960s, like George Wallace and Bull Connor. He compared his side to Abraham Lincoln, and his opponents to Jefferson Davis. The networks lined up to promote his “appeal to the lessons of history.”