With the year swiftly coming to a close, I thought I'd take a look back at some of the stupidest comments that Hardball host Chris Matthews made on the air in 2015. These are ones I consider…
It’s hardly a coincidence. Just in time for Christmas, CNN focused a full hour on Satanists – from hyping a “snake-tivity” display to defaming a statue of the Virgin Mary.
CNN’s This Is…
It may sound like a parody, but CNN Newsroom on Friday actually ran a piece highlighting the plight of Satanists seeking greater acceptance of their beliefs in the predominantly Judeo-Christian U.…
While both NBC’s Today and ABC’s Good Morning America found the time on Thursday to devote minute-long segments to First Lady Michelle Obama rapping about kids going to college, neither morning…
Lions safety Isa Abdul-Quddus and running back Ameer Abdullah are both Muslim. They’re also both upset at Donald Trump’s calling for a ban on Muslim immigration, and for his call for a Muslim…
As news of the San Bernardino jihadist shootings blared on airport TVs, I spotted a TSA monitor flashing the now ubiquitous message:
"If you SEE something, SAY something."
As yours truly noted in several posts at my home blog on Wednesday and at NewsBusters on Friday and Saturday, the torrent of pre-Thanksgiving "getaway day" economic data was largely disappointing…
On Tuesday's New Day on CNN, as co-host Chris Cuomo debated Republican Rep. Steve King on whether Syrian refugees should be allowed into the U.S., the CNN host absurdly suggested that barring…
ABC’s Scandal just aired what was in effect a one hour long commercial for Planned Parenthood and boy are they grateful for the lies that were just spread on their behalf to millions of viewers!…
Republican Gov. Rick Snyder's position on halting Syrian refugees in light of the Paris terrorist attacks is "A gut punch to Syrians in Michigan,"* according to a headline for a page A8 Washington…
All three of the major broadcast networks' evening newscasts tonight covered the largely-Republican pushback against President Obama's plan to move 10,000 Syrian refugees on to American soil. But…
You'd think that back in April when, as Ken Shepherd noted, Chris Matthews talked about Blockbuster being about all that's left in Rust Belt towns, one of his assistants would have gently taken…
Jackie Calmes, a Washington-based correspondent for the New York Times, "studied" conservative media at Harvard's Kennedy School and produced a 16,000-word screed this summer, "'They Don't Give a…
In a feministic attempt to be hip, the Hillary Clinton campaign decided to do something “fun” and ask Democratic senators – all female of course – to hold up signs with their answers to questions…
Voter ID laws have been challenged because liberal Democrats deem them racist. I guess that's because they see blacks as being incapable of acquiring some kind of government-issued identification…
Many in the media have a fascination with scary stories, but oftentimes they're all too happy to ignore the real horror stories – especially when it comes to abortion.
In response to the…
Blindspot, a show that has previously derided veterans, and blamed the CIA and American indifference to foreign suffering for two separate, anti-American terror plots, is scraping the bottom of…
Don Lemon, an African-American anchor on the Cable News Network, is the target of a new online petition on the change.org website, where “a man of God and a man of the people” is calling for CNN…
The media tend to eat up horror stories – except when abortion is involved.
Local stations first broke the news Oct. 13 that police discovered 14 containers of “human tissue” in a Michigan…
Amidst the ongoing controversy surrounding Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server, on Tuesday NBC’s Today rushed to promote former President Bill Clinton’s efforts to defend his wife…
New York Times' reporter Jackie Calmes has been the paper's pointman in its journalistic campaign in defense of the nation's largest abortion provider, in the wake of undercover videos by David…
Promoting the new season of his ABC sitcom Last Man Standing, actor and Republican Tim Allen joined Thursday’s Hannity on Fox News Channel (FNC) to blast the federal government over reckless…
Welcome to the United States, Pope Francis, it's "indefensible" that Catholic hospitals refuse to perform tubal ligation surgery on women.
That is the thrust of a Daily Beast piece written…
It's not just the New York Times news pages that lean left -- conservative viewpoints are virtually shut out of the paper's opinion pages as well, especially under the regime of toxically smug…
During Tuesday's edition of NBC's Today morning program, news anchor Andrea Mitchell addressed a trend that probably has former secretary of state Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff feeling "…