Before the Implosion: Top 20 Media Salutes to ‘Successful’ Joe Biden

July 28th, 2024 10:02 AM

Before Joe Biden’s incoherent debate performance, the media airwaves were full of praise for Biden’s “enormously consequential” and “extraordinarily successful” presidency.


Pigs Fly: CNN FINALLY Calls Out Dems for Political Violence Hypocrisy

June 9th, 2022 4:17 PM

Better late than never. After CNN’s embarrassing initial response to the news of Brett Kavanaugh’s attempted assassination — which saw law enforcement correspondent Whitney Wild say that the attacker didn’t have a weapon “at all” and the threat could have come …


Morning Joe: Wash Post Book Critic Laments Post-9/11 ‘Blood Lust’

September 10th, 2021 4:13 PM

Appearing on MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday, Washington Post book critic Carlos Lozada chose to remember September 11th by scolding America for succumbing to “fervor and blood lust” while fighting the war on terror in the two decades since the attack. His way of marking that tragic day was to accuse the nation of racism and following its “lowest impulses.”


FIREWORKS! On CNN, Ham Shames Media 'Fangirling' For Fauci

July 21st, 2021 12:07 PM

Conservative writer and political commentator Mary Katharine Ham was outnumbered on today’s New Day, but she still managed to make the liberal journalists squirm as she shamed the media for “fangirling” over Anthony Fauci.


CNN Spends Morning on Cloud Nine Over Biden's Speech Full of ‘Empathy’

March 12th, 2021 2:59 PM

With President Biden having delivered his first primetime address on Thursday night to mark the one-year anniversary of the day that many Americans realized our lives would be changed forever, CNN’s New Day went right to work and used its three hours to prop up the sheltered President, fawning over his FDR-like speech that showed his “common touch,” “empathy” and “appeal to universal…

John Berman Alisyn Camerota David Gregory CNN New Day 3-5-21

CNN: The Pro-Biden 'Miracle' Network

March 5th, 2021 8:36 PM

CNN political commentator David Gregory calls it a "miracle" that in the midst of the pandemic, the 2020 election was supposedly "the safest and most secure election in our history." Gregory also claimed that there was "NO  evidence of irregularities or fraud." 


Cuomo Wonders If Capitol Attack Is 'End for This Country,' Walks Back

January 6th, 2021 10:42 PM

Taking a break from the Senate speeches after the seditious attack on the Capitol building Wednesday, CNN's PrimeTime host Chris Cuomo openly wondered if the day’s chaos may “mark a beginning or an end for this country.” Some time went by before he eventually walked it back, but not before he received surprising push back from another liberal journalist.


CNN UNITY: Net Compares Trump to Slavers During Civil War

December 9th, 2020 2:10 PM

As is often the case for the DNC TV CNN, Wednesday’s New Day compared Donald Trump to history's monsters. This time, it was when CNN hack John Avlon openly compared Donald Trump to slaveholders during the Civil War with warped views of liberty. Avlon describes people who have supported the President or believe his claims as: “Without knowing it, you bought into what Abraham Lincoln…


Partisan CNN Abandons Principles to Heap Praise on Biden

December 4th, 2020 7:28 PM

There is no other way to describe CNN’s reaction to Joe Biden's softball Thursday interview with anchor Jake Tapper than partisan exaltation. Throughout the course of the 180-minute New Day broadcast on Friday, the leftist network spent nearly 110 of those minutes gushing over the friendly exchange between Tapper, Biden, and Kamala Harris. The partisan hacks had nothing but praise for…


Fantasy: CNN Believes Bipartisan Biden Appeals to Republicans

August 19th, 2020 3:53 PM

CNN wants you to believe that Joe Biden is your candidate if you are a Republican who doesn’t like Trump and want a “return to normal.” Despite ample evidence from the candidate’s own mouth that he has embraced the radical-left wing of the Democrat party, CNN’s New Day tried to make the case Wednesday that Biden was someone who “crosses the aisle.”


In the Tank: CNN Endorses Biden's 'Leadership' vs. Trump

June 25th, 2020 4:07 PM

On Thursday morning’s New Day, CNN hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota brought on political analyst David Gregory and economist Paul Romer to manipulate viewers into thinking that Joe Biden was the only “leader” in the 2020 presidential race and influence the election with Democratic Party propaganda.


CNN Panel Rages Against Trump's Use of 'Kung Flu' as 'Overtly Racist'

June 24th, 2020 7:40 AM

Based on Monday’s edition of The Situation Room, it looks like the liberal media are running out of talking points to use when trashing President Trump. Host Wolf Blitzer and the panel repeatedly trashed the President as a racist and managed to invoke yet another Trump-Nixon comparison.


Cuomo and Analyst: Trump's No Churchill, or Even George W. Bush

March 14th, 2020 7:05 AM
CNN spent most of Wednesday night trashing the president's address to the nation on the Coronavirus. CNN’s Chris Cuomo proved that there’s nothing Donald Trump can do that will meet with the liberal network’s approval. The host offered a scathing review of President Trump’s Oval Office talk.

CNN Touts 'Public Responsibility', 'Integrity' of Kelly Bashing Trump

February 13th, 2020 10:12 AM
The media who once hated former Chief of Staff Gen. John Kelly with every fiber of their being are now awestruck by the former Trump official turning on his boss. In comments before a Drew University audience Wednesday night, Kelly criticized the president on a number of issues, from firing Democrat impeachment witness Lt. Col. Vindman, to his administration’s illegal immigration policies. The…