
Mitchell Whines Netanyahu Wasn't 'Conciliatory' In Speech To Congress

July 24th, 2024 4:30 PM

When she’s not hosting her own show, Andrea Mitchell doubles as MSNBC’s chief foreign affairs correspondent, and on Wednesday’s Katy Tur Reports, she condemned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for not being “conciliatory” towards the Iranian-funded protestors who want to see his country destroyed.

Michael Steele Alicia Menendez Symone Sanders-Townsend MSNBC The Weekend 7-20-24

Did MSNBC's Symone Sanders Call Pelosi 'Despicable' and 'Treacherous?'

July 21st, 2024 9:52 PM

On Saturday's edition of MSNBC's The Weekend, co-host Symone Sanders-Townsend repeatedly called the 35 congressional Democrats who have publicly called upon Biden to step aside "despicable" and "treacherous." Nancy Pelosi's name is not on that list. But it is no secret that, behind the scenes, Pelosi has led the effort to force Biden out. So by extension, Sanders-Townsend was also…


Maddow Sees 'Alt-Right' In Vance's 'Lord of the Rings' Fandom

July 19th, 2024 1:24 PM

There were plenty of outrageous hot takes from MSNBC during the Republican National Convention, but Rachel Maddow might have had the dumbest. On Tuesday, Maddow saw alt-right and possibly Aryan messaging in VP-nominee JD Vance’s Lord of the Rings-inspired venture capital firm.


'Get Out Of Here': Trump Jr Battles 'Clowns' At 'MSDNC' On Immigration

July 16th, 2024 2:37 PM

While delegates were being counted on Monday during the Republican National Convention, MSNBC sent Jacob Soboroff to the floor to interview Donald Trump Jr. about what his father’s second term would look during Katy Tur Reports. The pair battled over whether Trump was “divisive” before Trump Jr. ultimately told Soboroff to “get out of here” as he spread some fake news over immigration…

Michael Steele MSNBC The Weekend 7-6-24

MSNBC Tears Into Democrats and Journalists Calling On Biden to Quit

July 6th, 2024 7:37 PM

On MSNBC's The Weekend, hosts and guests alike tear into the Democrats and members of the liberal media who are calling on Biden to quit the race.  An angry Michael Steele asks, "what the hell do they think they're doing?"


MSNBC Falsely Claims Court Held Presidents Get To Violate Constitution

July 2nd, 2024 12:57 PM

Even after having a full day to digest the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity, the Tuesday cast of MSNBC's Jose Diaz-Balart Reports could not manage to accurately inform their audience of what the Court actually ruled. Instead, guest host Katy Tour and her roundtable of legal analysts claimed the Court’s “circular” and “illogical” ruling held the Constitution gives the…

Symone Sanders-Townsend MSNBC The Weekend 6-29-24

MSNBC—Keep a List of Those Like Ignorant NYT Calling On Biden To Quit

June 30th, 2024 7:47 AM

On MSNBC's The Weekend, co-host Michael Steele calls the New York Times "ignorant" for calling on Biden to quit in light of his debate debacle. Co-host Symone Sanders-Townsend says, "If I was the Biden people, I'd be keeping a list, honey, because it was way too many people ready to jump."


MSNBC Divides SCOTUS: 'So-Called Liberals' vs. 'Die Hard Conservatives

June 26th, 2024 12:17 PM

As the Wednesday edition of MSNBC’s Ana Cabrera Reports waited for and then reacted to the day’s Supreme Court opinions, the assorted legal minds assembled to promote multiple conspiracy theories about the Court. One was the idea that the Court is slow-walking former President Donald Trump’s immunity case to help him win the election, while another tried to claim there are no liberals…


MSNBC Triggered By 'Illegal' While Discussing Illegal Immigrant Murder

June 22nd, 2024 2:00 PM

During Saturday’s edition of The Weekend on MSNBC, co-host Symone Sanders-Townsend got her priorities all wrong as she interrupted a discussion on murders committed by illegal immigrants to complain about the term “illegal immigrant,” claiming “we don't use” the term.

Symone Sanders-Townsend MSNBC The Weekend 6-15-24

MSNBC Swagger: Biden Plays Chess, Trump Plays 'Hungry Hungry Hippos'

June 15th, 2024 11:12 PM

On MSNBC's The Weekend, co-anchor claims that Biden plays chess, whereas Trump, at best, plays Hungry Hippos. Co-anchor Symone Sanders-Townsend chips in to suggest Uno might be a better fit for Trump.  Sanders-Townsend claims that Biden's performance at the G7 summit refuted any notion that he might be "a little too old" for the job, thus ignoring a video of a doddering Biden wandering off…


MSNBC: Hunter Verdict Proves Biden Is 'Embodiment Of The Rule Of Law'

June 11th, 2024 1:47 PM

When the news came down on Tuesday that Hunter Biden had been found guilty of the gun-related charges against him, the cast of Jose Diaz-Balart Reports only did what comes naturally to MSNBC: hype his father as the “embodiment of the rule of law” and promote his re-election campaign.

Jonathan Lemire Molly Jong-Fast MSNBC Way Too Early 6-7-24

MSNBC: Only 'Low-Information Voters' Affected If Hunter Convicted

June 7th, 2024 5:24 PM

On MSNBC's Way Too Early, political analyst Molly Jong-Fast says that only "low-information voters" would let a conviction of Hunter Biden on gun charges impact their vote. She also claims that the evidence that Hunter lied on his application for a gun license in denying being a drug user is "convoluted," despite the fact that there is overwhelming evidence based on his…

Michael Beschloss MSNBC The Weekend 6-2-24

'Murder! Arson! Dictatorship! Anarchy!'—Beschloss Pushes Fear of Trump

June 2nd, 2024 3:13 PM

On MSNBC's the weekend, leftist NBC historian Michael Beschloss paints an apocalyptic picture of what a Trump presidency would be: murder, arson, endless dictatorship, and anarchy.

Alicia Menendez Michael Cohen MSNBC The Weekend 6-1-24

MSNBC Host to Cohen: You Won't Get Peace So Long As Trump Is Alive!

June 1st, 2024 8:08 PM

On MSNBC's The Weekend, co-host Alicia Menendez tees up Michael Cohen, paraphrasing what Cohen had told Nicolle Wallace the day before, to say that he'll never get peace so long as Donald Trump is "with us," i.e., alive.