Jeb Bush

'Facts Matter,' Cruz Battles Maher on Left's Election Denialism
Sen. Ted Cruz took his book tour to HBO and Real Time with Bill Maher on Friday where, after some mutual backscratching with the eponymous host, the duo battled it out on the left’s history of election denialism, specifically the 2000 election between George W. Bush and Al Gore.

Scarborough Gaffe: 80 Is Too Old To Be Campaign Aide, But President?
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough suggests that being 80 is too old to be a competent worker on Joe Biden's campaign. He failed to recognize the implication. If 80's too old to be a campaign worker, it's way too old for someone, like Biden, to run the country!

'Take Him Down!' Morning Joe Mad at GOP For Not Hitting Trump Harder
Morning Joe expresses frustration with Republicans for not going after Donald Trump harder in the context of the 2024 GOP primary. Eugene Robinson best summed up the panel's mood: "If you're going to not have Donald Trump as your nominee, you'd better take him down! You better go after him."

Scarborough: DeSantis Is Like 'Jeb!' He Should Avoid Trump, Skip 2024
On Morning Joe, Scarborough suggests that DeSantis is akin to Jeb in 2015: someone loved by the donor class, but who can't stand up to Trump. Scarborough predicts that DeSantis will decide not to run in '24, will finish his gubernatorial term with sky-high approval ratings, then run in 2026 when he doesn't have to worry about facing Trump.

Morning Joe: Trump Vow To 'Handle' DeSantis Sounds Like 'Mob Threat'
On Morning Joe, reacting to Donald Trump saying that if Ron DeSantis runs against him, "we'll handle that the way I handle things," Joe Scarborough said: "sounds like a mob threat."

Jorge Ramos denuncia hispanos 'totalmente identificados' con EE.UU.

Univision Anchor Lambasts Latino Republican Voters

AP Enters the Florida-Bashing Frenzy Over Irma, 'Climate Change'

CNBC’s Kernen: NYT Staff Has ‘Honorary Position’ in Clinton Campaign

CNBC’s Harwood Denies Allegation of ‘Collusion’ With Clinton Campaign

Emmy Awards Declare 'Topple the Patriarchy!' 'Obama Out, Hillary In!'

MSNBC's Tur: 'Veiled Sexism' for Trump To Suggest Hillary's Low Energy

Vox Writer: GOPers Dislike Racist Trump, But Back Bigot Cruz