Kasie Hunt Karen Finney Jonah Goldberg CNN This Morning 7-25-24

CNN Fit: Trump's Pronunciation Of 'Kamala' An Attempt To 'Other' Her

July 25th, 2024 11:46 AM

CNN This Morning devoted a segment to the their outrage over Donald Trump's pronunciation of Kamala Harris's first name. Host Kasie Hunt and CNN analyst and former Dem aide Karen Finney insisted that Trump's mispronunciation was "intentional." Jonah Goldberg wasn't so sure, but all agreed that it was an attempt to "other" her.

Kasie Hunt CNN This Morning 7-24-24

CNN Host Dismisses Scott Jennings: Just 'Giving You Spin' on Kamala

July 24th, 2024 10:12 AM

When CNN This Morning host Kasie Hunt brings in a Republican and a Democrat to discuss the campaign, that would be two spins. But at the end of today's chat with Republican Scott Jennings and Democrat Brad Woodhouse, Hunt warned viewers "Scott is giving you spin, that is what they are going to say." The Democrat apparently offered the gospel truth.

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe

Afraid of Unseemly Outbursts? MSNBC Pre-Empts Morning Joe

July 15th, 2024 9:10 AM

Tuning in to MSNBC this morning, interested to get the take of Joe Scarborough and his cohort of fellow Trump haters on the attempted assassination, it was surprising to find that the show had been pre-empted in favor of generic coverage hosted by Ana Cabrera.

Karen Finney Elliott Williams Kasie Hunt Doug Heye Alyssah Farah Griffin Jonathan Wackrow Andrew McCabe CNN 7-14-24

CNN's Kasie Hunt Silences Talk of Possible 'Inside Job' On Trump

July 14th, 2024 1:05 PM

On CNN, host Kasie Hunt acknowledges, in a discussion of the assassination attempt on President Trump, a "massive failure by the Secret Service." Later, in a discussion of disinformation in social media, when a panelist mentions people floating the notion of an "inside job," Hunt shuts him down, saying, "we don't want to get into that."

Montage of Biden debates 2012 2020 2024 CNN This Morning 7-4-24

CNN's Brutal Montage of Biden Debates Over The Years

July 5th, 2024 7:03 AM

CNN This Morning airs a montage of clips of Biden's debate performance over the years.  It began with a clip of the 2012 VP debate, in which a sharp and smiling Biden put down Paul Ryan. Next was the 2020 presidential debate, in which a marginally competent but clearly diminished Biden managed to make a point. And finally, that disastrously iconic clip from last week's debate, ending in Biden'…


CNN Tries to Blunt Biden’s Blunder, Hypes Response of Foreign Leaders

July 2nd, 2024 8:39 PM

As if Thursday night’s disastrous first presidential debate wasn’t enough evidence of President Joe Biden’s unsuitability for a second term, CNN continued to downplay the effect his reelection would have on the world stage. During the first hour of Tuesday’s This Morning, host Kasie Hunt and CNN International anchor Max Foster dismissed Biden’s debate performance by holding up the…


Tapper Insists SCOTUS Ruled President Can Assassinate Political Rivals

July 1st, 2024 1:21 PM

On Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court released their ruling on the hotly contested issue of presidential immunity. The ruling was limited in that presidents had immunity for acts done in an official capacity under the office but certain acts – particularly those done outside the office of president – were not. But CNN’s Jake Tapper, who’s at the center of a $1 billion defamation suit against CNN,…


CNN's Bakari Sellers Slams 'Disgustingly Brilliant' GOP on Immigration

June 29th, 2024 6:05 PM

Appearing on CNN This Morning Thursday, liberal CNN contributor Bakari Sellers complained that it was "disgustingly brilliant" for Republicans to bus illegal immigrants to blue cities to draw attention to border security.

‘CNN This Morning’ Rips WH Hiding Biden, Asks If He Was ‘Overprepared’

June 28th, 2024 11:41 AM

Friday’s CNN This Morning attempted to make sense of President Biden’s porous performance in the network’s presidential debate on Thursday night with varying doses of cope, excuses, and even conceding reality. Even one White House reporter on-set blasted the administration’s years of denying reality about Biden losing a grip on reality.

Jonah Goldberg CNN This Morning 6-27-24

Goldberg Dehumanizes Trump: 'Escaped Monkey From a Cocaine Study'

June 27th, 2024 10:07 AM

On CNN This Morning, CNN commentator and Never Trumper Jonah Goldberg says that in watching the debate, voters will be asking themselves whether, if they elect Trump, "is it going to be four more years of him tweeting like an escaped monkey from a cocaine study?"


CNN's Hunt Ends Interview of Trump Aide Over Criticism of Bash, Tapper

June 24th, 2024 10:15 PM

Monday’s CNN This Morning illustrated the network’s long-standing arrogance, petulance, and version to outside criticism as host Kasie Hunt had a conniption when Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt merely pointed out the…

Politico headline CNN This Morning 5-29-24

CNN's Hunt: Politico's Right—Dems Really ARE Freaking Out Over Biden!

May 30th, 2024 8:31 AM

On Wednesday's CNN This Morning, host Kasie Hunt agrees with a Politico article headlined, "Dems in full-blown ‘freakout’ over Biden."  Hunt: "I have to say, I feel that from sources, that they ARE freaking out about the state of the campaign."


15 Percent: CNN’s Hunt Worries RFK Is Dangerous to Biden’s Reelection

May 29th, 2024 1:06 PM

On Tuesday, CNN This Morning host Kasie Hunt asked former White House correspondent Margaret Talev which major party candidate would suffer the most damage if Robert Kennedy Jr. were on the ballot in November. With the presidential election drawing near, RFK Jr. Kennedy was at 15 percent in the polls. Hunt described RFK Jr. as “dangerous” for the Biden team after he reportedly met the…

Scott Jennings CNN This Morning 5-14-24

CNN's Jennings Takes a Minute to Undo CNN's 24/7 Trump Trial Hype

May 16th, 2024 7:19 AM

On CNN This Morning, host Kasie Hunt introduces mainstream, non-MAGA, Republican Scott Jennings as a "conservative columnist," and in the context of the Stormy Daniels trial, challenges him; "I'm just kind of curious. How do you feel about defending him with these allegations out there?"