Sean Spicer Halperin Morning Meeting 10-2-24

Mark Halperin: 'Vance Runaway Winner,' 'Total Mismatch,' a 'Drubbing'

October 2nd, 2024 10:37 PM

On his post-debate 2Way, Mark Halperin declares JD Vance the "runaway winner" of the VP debate, describing it as a "total mismatch" and "overall drubbing." Halperin also criticizes the pro-Walz bias of the CBS moderators, Norah O'Donnell and Margaret Brennan.

Jonathan Lemire George Conway MSNBC Morning Joe 8-12-24

George Conway: Trump's Family Should Have Him Committed

August 12th, 2024 10:36 AM

On Morning Joe, George Conway, playing off Trump's Truth Social post claiming that Kamala's Michigan crowd size had been fabricated, called Trump a delusional narcissistic sociopath, adding that if his family cared about him, they would have him committed to a psychiatric hospital. Conway compared Trump to Hitler in his final days in the bunker, moving around divisions that didn't exist.

Joe Scarborough  MSNBC Morning Joe 7-5-24

Scarborough Goes From Urging Biden To Quit ASAP To Now, Not So Fast!

July 5th, 2024 7:29 PM

The day after Biden's debate debacle, Scarborough strongly suggested that Biden needed to quit, pronto. He rejected David Plouffe's suggestion of waiting several days before making a decision. Scarborough suggested that just like Goldwater went to Nixon during Watergate and told him the time had come for him to resign, a group needs to confront Biden and tell him it's "over." Scarborough has…

FLASHBACK: An Election So Biased, Even the Media Had to Admit It

November 4th, 2023 8:39 AM

Fifteen years ago today, November 4, 2008, American voters elected liberal Democratic Senator Barack Obama to the Presidency. It was a campaign in which the public recognized the media elite’s tremendous favoritism towards Obama, and even many reporters admitted the coverage had been slanted against the Republicans.

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe 9-25-23

Scarborough Trashes 'Fools' Who Write Biden Off (But He Did in 2020!)

September 25th, 2023 10:31 AM

Reacting to a new WaPo/ABC poll showing Biden losing to Trump by nine points, Joe Scarborough blasts people who wrote off Biden after his poor showings in the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary. Scarborough "forgets" that he was among those people, having written what amounted to Biden's political obituary at the time. 


MSNBC's Heilemann: Don't Give Republicans Credit If They Dump Gaetz!

April 2nd, 2021 2:47 PM

On Morning Joe, MSNBC analyst John Heilemann says that if Republicans denounce Florida Republican congressman Matt Gaetz, who is facing accusations about his personal life, they will be doing so only out of a "totally self-interested, purely cynical, public-relations driven approach" for which "they have no moral standing."

New Mark Halperin Book Called ‘Slap in the Face’ of Women He Assaulted

August 20th, 2019 8:05 AM
Just when it seemed that the #MeToo movement had faded into the background, one of the many men taken down by the scandal has attempted to return to the spotlight, a move that has enraged several victims of sexual harassment charges. Mark Halperin, a former contributor to MSNBC’s Morning Joe program, has drawn fire for writing a new political book -- entitled How to Beat Trump: America’s Top…

MSNBC's Deutsch: Manafort Judge Has a 'Hard-On' Against Mueller Probe

March 8th, 2019 8:39 AM
On Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch says that the judge who sentenced Paul Manafort seemed to have a "hard-on" against the Mueller probe. Deutsch also wonders out loud whether Trump got a message to the sentencing judge to go easy on Manafort. 

FLASHBACK: Before They Loved Comey, the Liberal Media Trashed Him

April 12th, 2018 8:40 AM
The hype for James Comey’s book tour (set to launch on ABC Sunday evening an hour-long George Stephanopoulos special) began last November 2 when CBS’s Gayle King teased it during an interview with the former FBI director. And while liberal journalists are clearly hoping for Comey to dish dirt on President Trump, there was a time when they hammered him as a partisan hack whose investigation into…

Mika Brzezinski Apologizes for Criticizing Mark Halperin's Accusers

December 23rd, 2017 1:27 PM
Well, that didn't take long for her to get her mind right. It only took a few hours from the time Mika Brzezinski on Friday's Morning Joe criticized the sexual harassment accusers of Mark Halperin for not meeting with him personally to apologizing for it later that afternoon. Seeing your own career starting to slip away can be a powerful incentive for producing an apology.

Bozell Calls for Independent Review of Sexual Misconduct at NBC

December 18th, 2017 3:28 PM
RESTON, VA -- Media Research Center (MRC) President Brent Bozell released the following statement today calling on NBC to hire an independent investigator to review its culture of sexual misconduct following new claims against MSNBC’s Chris Matthews. According to a report by the Daily Caller, NBC paid one of Matthew’s former producers $40,000 after she filed a sexual harassment complaint against…

Bee: Did Media’s ‘Misogynistic’ ‘Creeps’ Cost Hillary the Election?

December 7th, 2017 2:36 PM
Liberals in the media will say anything to justify why they turned a blind eye to sexual predators in their midst. Take TBS comedian Samantha Bee, who tried to pretend on her show, Full Frontal, last night, that these men’s “misogyny” was well evidenced by their bias against Hillary Clinton.  

Lefty Writer Links Alleged Media Sexual Misconduct, Hillary’s E-Mails

November 30th, 2017 3:17 PM
Matt Lauer. Charlie Rose. Bill O’Reilly. Mark Halperin. Any one of those guys is just like the others in two important and intertwined ways, suggested Salon’s Marcotte on Wednesday: each is an alleged sexual harasser who has lost at least one high-profile media gig as a result, and each had a sexist fixation on Hillary Clinton’s “nothing-burger” e-mails.

NBC Terminates Halperin’s Contract After Awful Sexual Assault Claims

October 30th, 2017 2:17 PM

On Monday morning, NBC News finally terminated the contract of political analyst Mark Halperin five days after allegations surfaced thanks to CNN’s Oliver Darcy that Halperin had been alleged to have engaged in disturbing sexual misconduct while serving as ABC News political director. The Washington Post’s Paul Farhi noted that Halperin’s termination also meant that he will no longer be…