George Conway: Sociopath Trump Like Hitler in The Bunker, Family Should Have Him Committed

August 12th, 2024 10:36 AM

Jonathan Lemire George Conway MSNBC Morning Joe 8-12-24 Maybe some Democrats decided all the Trump-is-Hitler talk is passe after someone tried to assassinate him. George Conway is not one of those Democrats. 

On today's Morning Joe, Conway self-owned, that he's been "yammering" on these same vicious anti-Trump themes for years.

But Conway's accusations reached their apex today. Playing off Trump's Truth Social posts claiming that Kamala Harris's Michigan crowd size had been fabricated, Conway called Trump a delusional narcissistic psychopath, adding that if his family cared about him, they would have him committed to a psychiatric hospital.

Working in the obligatory Nazi analogy, Conway compared Trump to Hitler in his final days in the bunker, moving around divisions that didn't exist.

Conway cried crocodile tears, saying that although his crowd is going to be laughing at Trump's supposed implosion, "it's actually very, very, sad."  Somebody hand Conway a Kleenex.

And then there was Jonathan Lemire. After enthusing that Harris has been "throwing the equivalent of a no-hitter," Lemire sheepishly apologized for having a Truth Social account. How can Kamala throw a no-hitter if there are no batters?

Tut-tut, Jonathan! Kindly submit all your media subscriptions to the Harris campaign for review.  To ensure fair-and-balanced coverage, only approved sources shall be permitted!

Here's the transcript.

Morning Joe
6:10 am EDT

JOE SCARBOROUGH: I've got to say, I was with Stephen King on this one. When I read that Truth Social post about her crowds being fake, I was sure, I said, I'm not going to fall for this one. I was sure that it was a fake post. In fact, I remained sure it was a fake post for several hours, until we got confirmation.

This is truly, again, I'm just gonna, I'm gonna quote Halperin here. Politically worse than claiming 2020 was stolen and politically worse than celebrating January 6th. This accusation even more unhinged than that.

. . . 

JONATHAN LEMIRE: The trend is heavily towards Harris, and it's rushing towards Harris in recent weeks. The Vice President at this point throwing the equivalent of a no-hitter in the first three weeks of her campaign. Hoping to keep that going with the Democratic convention next week. She will have obstacles in front of her, no doubt, but right now, she's on a roll.

George Conway, not on a roll: Donald Trump, who is imploding. And there's been some terrific reporting over the weekend. The New York Times had a great story. I've been talking to sources who back up what Joe was just saying, about how the Republicans are freaking out, because Trump can't stay focused. We had that unhinged news conference last week. We have these fundraisers where he's giving private remarks, talking about crowd size, doubling down on his attacks about the Vice President's identity. And then culminating in that Truth Social post, which I also, I have Truth Social, I'm sorry to say, and I triple checked it to make sure it was a real post on his site, and it was. It was real. 

And George, we now know that at this point, Donald Trump is so rattled about crowd sizes, he's taking up conspiracy theories from his fever swamps of the right, elevating it, maybe even believing it. It just reeks of desperation.

GEORGE CONWAY: Yeah. As I've been yammering about for five or six years now, he's a deeply unwell man. He is a deeply psychologically disturbed individual. If he were a member of your family, you'd be taking him, you'd be staging an intervention and taking him into a psychiatric hospital.

And if Melania and Ivanka and Eric and Don Jr. care about their father, and I assume -- their father and husband, and I assume they do, they'd be doing that if they could. He is, as I've been saying, a narcissistic sociopath, a pathological narcissist and a sociopath as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. 

And these are, historians will tell you, the traits of authoritarian dictators throughout history. And what we're seeing now is, as you put it, an implosion. And this, I believe, is what ultimately was always going to happen. The final implosion of Donald Trump. 

I mean, it's like Hitler when Hitler was moving around divisions that didn't exist in the last ten days of the war in the Fuehrer bunker. I mean, he has completely lost it. This post is beyond question, delusional. Anybody--but it was also inevitable, because what's happening here is he realizes, he realizes he's gotten under more pressure than ever because he's not just running for the presidency. He's running for his freedom. He's going to go to jail if he does not win the presidency, and he can see that now. 

And that's why he's doubling down on the unreality. It's partly for self-soothing. Partly, because he can't help it; he's a pathological liar, being a sociopath. 

And what we're watching is, is, I mean, we're going to make fun of it because it helps provoke him into self-destruction, which is what the country needs. But it's actually very, very sad.