In a friendly sit-down with former Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg on Monday, Today show co-host Craig Melvin gushed that the 38-year-old former Sound Bend mayor “could run for…
The broadcast and cable networks were fairly lackluster on Tuesday night and early Wednesday during their Super Tuesday coverage, in large part due to former Vice President Joe Biden’s upsets over…
If someone has been judged to have been the worst prognosticator for 2016 you would wonder why his book on how to beat Trump in 2020 is being hyped. Such is the case with Politico whose reporter,…
As Democrats in South Carolina on Saturday go to the polls to pick a choice for 2020, MSNBC journalists and hosts are still dealing with outrage over the network’s very negative coverage of Bernie…
The media’s treatment of the coronavirus outbreak is insane. Instead of the typical intense fear-mongering, pundits and commentators have been weaponizing the disease politically, insisting that…
In his desperation to defend 2020 Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders from criticism, on Tuesday, regular left-wing MSNBC pundit and Princeton University professor Eddie Glaude actually compared…
As of Thursday, there were two sets of data from respected pollsters that showed President Trump pulling ahead his Democratic rivals nationally and in at least one key swing state. But…
"Warning for Democratic Viewers: today's episode of Deadline White House may cause nausea, depression, and self-harm ideation."
That's what MSNBC might have been advised to broadcast…
On Tuesday afternoon, MSNBC anchor Chris Jansing decided to check in with one of her favorite Democratic activist groups as she looked ahead to the 2020 general election. Having promoted the group…
NPR's badly named evening newscast All Things Considered recently devoted two eight-minute segments to anchor Audie Cornish soliciting the radical thoughts of Muslim activists in Dearborn,…
Under President Trump, the State of the Union address has become the Super Bowl for the left-leaning “fact checkers.” It doesn’t matter if Republicans and independents enjoyed it immensely. Like…
What was going on CBS Tuesday night during the State of the Union? Do we need to file a slew of missing persons’ reports? Or was there a real-life Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Those answers…
On Friday, The New York Times wrote one of those Strange New Respect pieces for Mitt Romney headlined "Mitt Romney, a Man Alone." Times political writer Mark Leibovich touted how Romney "drew big…
Chuck Todd and his NBC News Political Unit sounds like angry coaches in NBC's "Meet the Press: First Read" digital newsletter on Tuesday morning. The headline was "Why aren't Democrats making life…
On Saturday, NBC’s Today show actually devoted an entire report to how voters in key swing states were suffering from “impeachment fatigue.” The segment highlighted “concerned” Democrats fearing…
Ricky Gervais, the perpetually snarky British comedian, set social media on fire after he mocked arrogant Hollywood in his opening monologue as host of the Golden Globe Awards.
“So if you…
Colleges have been around for centuries. College students have also been around for centuries. Yet, college administrators assume that today's students have needs that were unknown to their…
In his opening statement during Thursday’s Democratic presidential debate on PBS, businessman Andrew Yang took a few swings at the media for being untrustworthy and smearing good Americans in…
Talk about being tone deaf and having no sense of self awareness. George Stephanopoulos, a former top aide to the impeached President Bill Clinton, on Thursday demanded to know about the “…
Not long after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) began tallying the House vote for the first Article of Impeachment against President Trump Wednesday night, NBC political director Chuck Todd began to…
Whether it was repeatedly boasting of how impeachment will be a “stain” on Donald Trump’s legacy or expressing fear about what Trump will do in the future or heralding the exercise as a “great day…
For 20 minutes and 25 seconds, the entirety of their Wednesday evening airtime, that’s how much time CBS Evening News dedicated to hawking impeachment to their viewers. The time was used to gush…
Andrea Mitchell isn’t even trying anymore. The veteran liberal journalist on Wednesday co-anchored live impeachment coverage and gushed over the “remarkable,” “dignified” Nancy Pelosi, lamenting…
On Tuesday, NBC’s Today show and ABC’s Good Morning America both worked to portray House Democrats backing impeachment as courageous politicians “putting principle before politics” rather than as…
The networks on Monday morning offered a collective shrug over the news that a Democratic Congressman is switching parties over impeachment. NBC’s Today skipped the story entirely. ABC’s Good…