
SMH: Regime Media Lie Their Pants Off on Katie Britt’s Pro-Life Bill
Last Thursday, Senator Katie Britt (R-AL) teamed up with fellow Republican Senators Kevin Cramer (ND) and Marco Rubio (FL) to unveil the More Opportunities for Moms to Succeed (MOMS) Act aimed at giving pregnant women a federally-backed “clearinghouse” of resources — called — for “expecting and postpartum moms, as well as those with young children”, and create grants for…
FLASHBACK: The Liberal Media Hate-Storm After Justice Scalia’s Passing
Eight years ago this week, as the nation mourned the loss of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, left-wing pundits unleashed an appalling storm of hateful comments about the longtime conservative jurist, slashing him as “regressive,” “cruel” and “reprehensible.”

ROUNDUP: Media Runs Cover for Bud Light Amid Slump in Sales
Bud Light boycotts gave Modelo a leg up as the company surpassed Bud Light in beer sales last month. However, the leftist media continued to run cover for Bud Light and attack conservatives.

Memorial Day: Ten WORST Anti-Military Smears from Lib Journalists
Instead of appreciating how our military are called upon to risk their lives to defend our nation, some in the media trash American soldiers as their moral inferiors. The MRC has collected many quotes showing this antagonistic attitude, with soldiers denigrated as “psychopaths,” war criminals, and “fighting tools of American imperialism.”

Flashback: Eight Christmas-Trashing Quotes from the Liberal Media
Tomorrow is Christmas Day, one of the most joyous on the Christian calendar. But over the years, assorted Scrooges in the media use the holiday as an occasion to badmouth Christmas or Christianity itself, or to lamely use Christmas as a left-wing political talking point.

Salon Admits Pandemic Profoundly Impacted Children – With Caveats
The pandemic lockdowns immensely impacted children by stunting their development. Shocking.

Dinner Leads to Salon Labeling All Rightwingers as White Supremacists
Salon’s Amanda Marcotte is on to you, Republicans. She can see right inside your pasty white scalps and into your racist brains. She knows you’d be fine with Trump dining with white supremacists, as long as it did not hurt your election chances. As part of that, she had a piece out titled “Republicans don't care that Trump's a white supremacist — just that he's indiscreet about it.”

Salon Says GOP ‘Fascists’ Want to ‘End Multiracial Democracy’
Chauncey Devega really needs to go change his pants. He soiled himself in a hysterical Salon piece titled “Donald Trump has learned how to manipulate white rage — that's very dangerous.” “America’s democracy crisis” you see, is “a nationwide campaign by the Republican fascists to end America's multiracial democracy.”

Salon: 'Grooming' Is Another Baseless Right-Wing Conspiracy Theory
Making an issue of children being educated about the LGBTQ community is cruel. Yet again, the right is demonizing an innocent minority group with language like “grooming.”

Ibram X Kendi: ‘Ted Cruz Benefits Off Of Racism’
The famed anti-racist author and not at all a grifter Ibram X Kendi is back in the spotlight again. He’s attacking Republican politicians using his favorite tool – and anybody that doesn’t buy into his “anti-racist” racism.
University of Michigan Med Students Walkout on Pro-life Prof
Professing a love for life is enough to earn the contempt of the left, as demonstrated by University of Michigan med students walking out of a white coat ceremony in protest of a pro-life professor on a keynote address, reported Salon July 25.

Pete Buttigieg Condones Harassing Kavanaugh at DC Restaurant Over Roe
Leftists are in a rage-filled frenzy over abortion – enough to attempt to harass Justice Kavanaugh while he was eating dinner in Washington (not to mention trying to assassinate him). And failed democratic presidential candidate turned Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg doesn’t seem to have a problem with it, as he defended the hecklers' actions according to …

Salon Claims Abortion Waiting Periods Will Kill People
The insane pro-abortionists in the left-wing media continues to depict Post-Roe America as a post-apocalyptic wasteland. These abortion zealots, such as the outlet Salon, are playing every card, including the life of the mother argument.
Roe Fear Mongering: Salon Says Prisons will Overflow
Oh look, more lefty fear-mongering over the imminent demise of Roe v. Wade. Jessica Corbett sure knows how to whip panic into liberals in her June 17 Salon piece.