Salon: Second Amendment Is ‘White Supremacy’
Liberals have wasted no time in blaming everyone who isn’t them for mass shootings in the wake of Uvalde and Buffalo. None other than Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges finally got around to blaming white people for the lack of gun control in an article re-published in Salon on June 7.

Salon Pro-Abort Admits: ‘Satanists Are Right,’ Abortion ‘Sacred Ritual
Salon’s resident rabid pro-abortion extremist Amanda Marcotte is perhaps outdoing her usual psychotic self in her freak out over Texas protecting the lives of unborn babies. How unhinged has the radical feminazi gotten? She’s taken to embracing Satanists.

VIDEO: Media's Biden Fans Embarrass Themselves as Afghanistan Crumbles
The Taliban's rapid rise to power after President Biden's poorly-planned withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan is a humanitarian disaster for the people of that country, especially women and children; a potential death sentence for the thousands of Afghans who helped U.S. forces during the past 20 years; a strategic debacle for the U.S.; and a moment of sick celebration for radical…

Jane Roe Recants? Pro-Aborts Pounce: Pro-Life ‘Always Built on Lies'

Top Lib Donors’ Spending BEATS Top Conservative Donors by Over $100M
Multiple liberal outlets fumed at how conservative donors have funded groups who have supported lockdown protests across the country. But they avoided reporting how the left is outspending the right in this election cycle to outside groups by over $100 million. Records reveal that all top liberal donors listed by Open Secrets (59) spent a whopping $191,827,021 combined so far on liberal groups…

Salon Fever: Trump, White Christians Use Virus to Undermine Democracy

'Star Trek: Picard' Responds to Times of 'Xenophobia, Nationalism'

Salon’s Marcotte: Impeachment Defense Full of ‘White Dude’ ‘Villains'

Impeachment: Salon Compares Republican Senators to Jim Crow Jury

Salon Uses Laughably Narrow 'Fake News' Study to Deny Liberal Bias

Salon’s Marcotte: ‘Hallmark Movies Are Fascist Propaganda’

Marcotte: ‘Merry Christmas!’ Is Conservative Code For ‘F**k You!'

Get a Grip: Salon’s Marcotte and The Trump Who Stole Christmas