George Soros
Liberal billionaire George Soros is the founder and chairman of the Open Society Foundations, a massive, grantmaking foundation that funnels millions of dollars into organizations promoting extremist causes and liberal progressive thinking in the United States and around the world. Soros dumped over $32 billion of his wealth into his Open Society Foundations since 1984 to further his leftist, anti-American ideology and activism well beyond his own lifetime.
The MRC discovered that Soros has committed a combined sum of more than $2.3 billion to create a global university network to push his extreme ideology. He recently launched a $1 billion initiative to create the Open Society University Network (OSUN), a “global university” that houses multiple educational institutions across the world to indoctrinate the next generation with Soros’ extremist “open society” worldview. The two educational institutions spearheading that effort — Central European University and Bard College — received another $1.3 billion from Soros. Bard College professor emeritus of history Gennady Shkliarevsky rebuked his institution for joining with Soros’ political agenda for education. In 2020, he called OSUN the “making of an unholy alliance.”
Between 2000 and 2014, Soros pumped a whopping $103,236,632 into media groups that circulated his liberal, anti-capitalist messages throughout the U.S. and abroad. In 2017, when the massive pro-abortion and eco-extremist Women’s March was underway, the Media Research Center reported that Soros gave 100 of the March partners $246,637,217 between 2000-2014. While the 2019 “Global Climate Strike” led by activist Greta Thunberg was in motion, the MRC found that Soros gave 22 of the organizations partnering in the strike $24,854,592 between 2000-2017.
Soros-Funded Group Doubling Down on Censorship Efforts Before Election
A radical censorship-obsessed group financed by leftist billionaire George Soros is doubling down on efforts to interfere in the 2024 election by turning the screws on Big Tech to censor speech and by manipulating journalists.
Did a Soros AG Celebrate Draconian Brazilian Censorship, Fines?
Soros-funded Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison appeared to celebrate a Brazilian censorship campaign, which culminated in the ban of an entire social media platform.
YIKES! Soros-Funded Group Grooming Election Officials Before November
A leftist group financed by self-appointed Minister of Truth George Soros is partnering with a Big Tech-backed organization in an attempt to interfere in the 2024 election.
Soros-Funded Censorship Plot Targets Black Voters
In an apparent pre-election bid to push leftist narratives, the George Soros-funded Poynter Institute is looking to censor information shared among black Americans.
Troubling: Expert Details Radical Canadian Law to Kill Online Speech
If new legislation becomes law in Canada, citizens there could go to jail simply for exercising free speech against leftist dogma on social media platforms.
MRC Asked ChatGPT About Soros Prosecutors — Here’s What We Discovered
Looking for the number of George Soros-funded prosecutors? The Media Research Center has the receipts, but if you look to artificial intelligence to find the answer, don’t think it will direct you to a media outlet that will give you the results you’re looking for.
Gregg Jarrett with Bozell: Soros ‘Hates America,’ Wants It Torn Down
Fox News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett flayed George Soros’s “calamitous” criminal justice agenda in response to an MRC Special Report exposing how Soros, along with his son Alex, directs and controls 126 soft-on-crime prosecutors across the United States.
Guess Which Radical Soros-Funded DA Could Let DNC Rioters Walk
With hordes of anti-Israel protesters descending on the Democratic National Convention (DNC) this week, attention has turned to the jurisdiction’s top prosecutor, a Soros-funded extremist.
Cook County District Attorney (DA) Kim Foxx is one of the most prolific of the 126 Soros prosecutors MRC documented in its August 12 Special Report. Foxx has built a career protecting the left’s…
WATCH: MRC’s Dan Schneider Goes After 'Soros Machine' on Newsmax
Armed with thousands of internal communications from Soros-funded prosecutors, MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider criticized these officials for their subservience to their benefactor, George Soros.
NewsBusters Podcast: Why the Media Hate a Focus on 'Soros Prosecutors'
Leftist megadonors George and Alex Soros not only fund more than 125 prosecutors across America, they make them come to meetings and accept orders. Our VP for Free Speech America Dan Schneider joins the show to talk about their latest eye-opening report on "Law and Disorder.”
Schneider Rips ‘Soros Machine’ After MRC Exposé
MRC Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider nuked leftist billionaire George Soros’ campaign to direct and control 126 soft-on-crime prosecutors he helped elect.
Who Are the 126 Soros Prosecutors?
The Media Research Center (MRC) has identified 126 Soros prosecutors across the nation who have worked to undermine law and order in the American justice system.
Leftist activists George and Alex Soros are America’s top cops. MRC researchers have revealed that at least 30 percent of the U.S. population currently lives under the boot of Soros prosecutors, each of whom are…
SPECIAL REPORT: How Soros Directs & Controls Prosecutors Across US
Controversial leftist billionaire George Soros and his son Alex have worked tirelessly to undermine law and order in America. The Media Research Center has obtained thousands of never-before-seen internal communications from dozens of Soros prosecutors in response to public records requests. These documents reveal how the Soros machine effectively employs an army of radicalized government…