Tom Friedman

ELECTION NIGHT REWIND: The Bias Doesn’t Stop When the Voting Is Over
Even after all of the votes have been cast, network correspondents present the results through the lens of their own biases — cheering when a Democrat wins, and snarling about imaginary dirty tricks when the voters back a Republican.

FLASHBACK: Before Bidenflation, Media Championed High Gas Prices
The media’s open lobbying for high gas taxes has faded since the public’s revolt against the cruel inflation of the Biden era, but MRC's archives show journalists have been determined advocates for higher taxes and higher pump prices for many decades
FLASHBACK: Media Seized on Elián Saga to Vilify Anti-Communists
24 years ago, gun-toting immigration officers snatched six-year-old Elian Gonzalez from his Miami home, in preparation to send him back to Cuba. Throughout the five-month saga, liberal journalists insisted there was nothing superior about living in the United States and slammed Florida's anti-communist Cuban community as a “banana republic.”

Tom Friedman on PBS: Why Won't Press Ask Hamas Leader About Killing?
The PBS current affairs program Amanpour & Co. on Thursday hosted the invariably self-assured long-time New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, who unleashed some harsh criticism of Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But then things took a surprising and welcome turn, as Friedman criticized journalists’ double standards in its war coverage. What about…

Loopy NYT Columnist Pushes Israel to Give 'Free Pass' to Hamas Leaders
Appearing as a guest on Tuesday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, New York Times foreign affairs columnist Tom Friedman delivered some flaky analysis of the war in Gaza as he pushed for Israel to offer a "free pass" to Hamas terrorist leaders if they turn over the weapons and leave the country after releasing all hostages. He even suggested that Israel might release on…

FLASHBACK: The Media’s Long History of One-Sided Shutdown Coverage
Journalists’ shutdown playbook is straightforward: single out Republicans for blame; highlight “victims” of the shutdown to build public anger; and then claim Democrats won because they were the “grown-up” party.

No, Israel Is Not in Existential Danger of Civil War
This week, according to sources ranging from the Biden White House to Moody’s to The New York Times’s Thomas Friedman, Israel entered into a period of severe existential danger. What prompted this crisis? Not a potential Iranian nuclear attack, not the presence of violent terrorist groups embedded in Judea, Samaria, and Gaza. According to our foreign policy elite, the breaking point…

34 Years After Tiananmen: Dumbest Media Quotes About Chinese Communism
American reporters aren’t shy about “speaking truth to power” when it comes to American politicians. But when it comes to the far nastier conduct of the Chinese dictatorship, the media lions too often turn into pussycats.

Even the West Has Some Dictator Envy
Some Western leaders envy dictators' powers. President Donald Trump said, when North Korea's Kim Jong-un speaks, “his people sit up at attention. I want my people to do the same.” President Barack Obama told reporters it would be so much easier to be the president of China. Canada's foolish Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, said he admires China because “their basic dictatorship is allowing them…

Climate Critics RIP Tom Friedman for Griping Over U.S. ‘Oil Addiction’
New York Times columnist Tom Friedman has a hot take about the Ukraine War, and of course, it involved trying to freak people out about climate change.

Poll Highlights How Lib Media Missed Mark on Biden Boom Propaganda
The liberal media slobbered over how President Joe Biden could return the U.S. economy to glory. So far, their optimism has been a bad joke, and a new poll highlights just how badly they missed the mark.

Kooky Tom Friedman: Cruz, Hawley Seek to 'Burn Down the Country'
On Wednesday night's Anderson Cooper 360, the host lamented the state of America, as Trump Republicans keep challenging the 2020 election results. Then New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman asked "how the hell" could Democrats be losing "when we have a big plan, and all they have is a Big Lie?" Then he turned on Ted Cruz and Josh Hawley as nihilists.
The 2021 Debt War: Brace for Nasty Media Name-Calling
There’s a new battle brewing over the federal debt ceiling. Ten years ago, after the Obama administration instigated massive federal spending to deal with the Great Recession, Republicans insisted on long-term deficit reduction, and the liberal media slammed them as nihilists, hostage-takers, terrorists, suicide bombers and zombie vampires.

NYT's Friedman Fears 'Disaster' if 'Crazy' GOP Wins in 2022
While on Thursday's Cuomo Prime Time, New York Times columnist Tom Friedman was acting again like a partisan cheerleader for Democrats, declaring it would be a "disaster" if Republicans won control of Congress next year and derailed President Joe Biden's agenda.