Birth Control

NY Times Shepherds Radical Anti-Male Feminists Broken by Trump Victory
The New York Times is chaperoning the post-election mental breakdown of the young feminist left, after a Trump win which that bitter cohort sees as an emerging real-life Handmaid’s Tale. Gina Cherelus, who covers “dating, relationships and sex” for the Times, wrote “4B Movement Surges in U.S. Interest After Trump Wins Election” for the Style section on Friday. And…

TikTok Silences Women Warning Against Side Effects of Birth Control
Communist Chinese government-tied TikTok censored videos of women exposing the health risks of hormonal contraceptives after apparently receiving pressure from a leftist legacy media outlet.

A Hard Pill to Swallow with Walgreens
California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom recently announced the state will not do business with the Walgreens store chain “or any company that cowers to the extremists and puts women’s lives at risk.” Notice the familiar buzzwords – extremists and putting women’s lives at risk. Newsom’s statement followed an announcement by Walgreens that its pharmacies won’t dispense the Mifepristone…

The View Fantasizes About Secretly Drugging Men With Infertility Pills
In a segment that would undoubtedly get them fired if they were men, the cackling coven of ABC’s The View spent part of their Friday conjuring session fantasizing about drugging men with “a male contraceptive pill” that has “impressive results in lab mice” and has the side effect of infertility. Of course, they went with the criminal route of suggesting women should crush the pills…

MRCTV On The Street: ANTIFA Admits Abortion Tied To ‘White Supremacy'
Recently MRCTV attended the annual March For Life in Washington, DC. If you’re new to the conservative movement – or a lefty who is too scared to expose yourself to the ideas of people who don’t think like you – you might not know that March for Life is the largest annual political protest of the horrific Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that made it legal to kill children via abortion.

Latino Nets Push California Move to Become Abortion Sanctuary
This week, the national Hispanic networks made a point to let their (mostly conservative) audiences know just how fantastic the prospect of California becoming the nation's abortion sanctuary would be, especially as poor Latinas in, say, Texas, wouldn't have the money to pay for a 26-week abortion they can't get in their state.

MRCTV On The Street: Abortion Case Draws Rival Protests
On December 1, 2021, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in a landmark abortion case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. Outside the court, activists on both pro-lifers and pro-abortion groups rallied.
Pop Star Rages Against TX Pro-Life Law: ‘Punish this F**king Place'
Sawed-off pop/emo princess Billie Eilish is so serious about her death and despair shtick that she is cursing Texas lawmakers over their protection of unborn babies. During a live performance at Austin City Limits over the weekend, the “Bad Guy” singer threw up the middle finger towards the great state of Texas and claimed that she almost pulled her performance from the festival to “punish…

Telemundo esconde violencia a favor del aborto en la Ciudad de México
Noticias Telemundo encontró tiempo para elogiar a las mujeres "en toda Latinoamérica por protestar en el "Día de Acción Global por el acceso al aborto legal y seguro" (ahora Día Internacional del Aborto Seguro), pero excluyó el caos y la destrucción ocasionados en la Ciudad de México por un grupo de activistas feministas encapuchadas que celebraron el día hiriendo a 37 personas, entre ellos…

Daleiden's Lawyers Claim ‘Big Abortion Controlling the Prosecution'
Forget the lefties wailing about “heartbeat” laws in Texas and Mississippi representing the loss of freedom for American women. The criminal case against David Daleiden has revealed the real tyranny -- that the abortion industry and the California Attorney General of California have been working together, “twisting” U.S. law to order to “crush” an undercover journalist for exposing the truth…

Pro-Life Activist SCHOOLS Jorge Ramos on Texas 'Heartbeat Law'
The nation´s Spanish-speaking media openly act as activists in defense of unrestricted abortion, citing a "woman's right to choose". That is, unless a woman chooses to extend that same right to the unborn.
Uma Thurman Shouts Her Abortion: It Was ‘Path to Life of Joy & Love’
In an attempt to sympathize with women who say that Texas’ heartbeat law is an oppressive bit of legislation designed to force women to carry their innocent unborn children to term, Kill Bill actress Uma Thurman penned an op-ed in The Washington Post admitting that she had an abortion in her young life that “was the path to the life full of joy and love that I have…

Cher Unglued Over Texas Abortion Ban: 'WOMEN AT MERCY OF TYRANTS'
Well Cher’s absolutely insane, but we knew that. Still the singer’s recent hysteria over the Texas Abortion ban is shocking in how it shows a leftist woman completely unhinged over unborn babies being allowed to live.
Obeidallah: Pro-Lifers Are Hypocrites For Defending Girls From Taliban
According to the kooks at MSNBC, Republicans have no right to talk about defending the rights of Afghan women from the bloodthirsty and female-enslaving Taliban regime because they don’t respect American women’s bodily autonomy.