Alyssa Milano

Whoopi: Libs Should Leave Twitter Until They 'Get the Control'
There was a lot of Elon Musk hate from the cackling coven of ABC’s The View on Tuesday, even blaming him for the continuation of global hunger. But co-host Whoopi Goldberg said the quiet part out loud when she argued with hysterical liberal activist Alyssa Milano that liberals should leave Twitter until they figure out how they “get the control” they “need” over the platform.

Water Works! Blue Checks Fawn Over Pelosi’s ‘Success’
Boo hoo! Nancy Pelosi announced Thursday that she will not seek reelection as the Democratic House Leader. Though essentially Pelosi was forced to step down due to the fact that Republicans took back the house and she'll be 127 yrs old any day now, Hollywood celebs and blue check elitists used the opportunity to fawn over her success in office.

Alyssa Milano Rants at Biden in Abortion Tirade for Daily Beast
Just when you think you’ve heard all the leftists whining about the possibility of not being able to kill babies, Alyssa Milano adds yet another horrible take to her portfolio of nonsense in an op-ed published in the Daily Beast on May 31.

CBS’s Gayle King Calls Hypocrite Alyssa Milano ‘Champion of Women’
Well here is spectacular news! Alyssa Milano is back in the spotlight! It has been so long since the last time we heard from the melodramatic Hollywood virtue-signaler-in-chief that we almost forgot what the true face of hypocrisy looked like. She gave us a potent reminder on her recent interview on CBS Mornings.

DELUSION OF THE HIGHEST ORDER: Hollywood ‘Proud’ of Biden's Speech
President Joe Biden’s first speech to a joint session of Congress on April 28 was completely devoid of substance, and filled with cheap platitudes intended to get slow-witted Americans to consent to even bigger government. Of course, Hollywood loved the hell out of it.
Not Woke Enough! LGBTQ Community Refuses To Endorse Jenner for CA Gov
A celebrity with no political expertise who is also a transgender woman running for California Governor? That’s a match made in heaven. But add in the inconvenient fact that she’s running as a Republican and this liberal fantasy is destroyed. On Friday April 23, Caitlin Jenner, former Olympian and Kardashian stepfather, now trans woman, confirmed her run for Governor of California. The…
Privileged White Guy Moore Among Celebs Celebrating Chauvin Verdict
The long awaited verdict of ex-cop Derek Chauvin was announced April 20, causing the world to erupt in cries of relief and elation. He was found guilty of all charges in the death of George Floyd. Hollywood celebrities shared in the excitement, tweeting their approval of the court ruling and condemnation of the man and the system itself.

Generous With Your Money: Milano, Handler, Ruffalo Demand Reparations
Rich, angry white people want you to pay up for the egregious injustice of slavery, which no one alive has ever experienced or profited from. White Saviors Alyssa Milano, Chelsea Handler, and Mark Ruffalo are calling on the Biden administration to implement reparations for slavery to make up for the past and present oppression of Black Americans. Only after this debt is settled can the country…
Hyatt Hotels to Feel ‘Imminent Boycotts’ For Hosting CPAC ‘Nazis’
Oh Boy! Leftie nonsense over CPAC is at it again. This time bashing the Hyatt hotel chain that hosted the “fascist Nazi convention.”

Hateful Hollywood Calls for Niceness
Four years of garbage and hysteria thrown at Trump, his supporters and Republicans at large; smear campaigns directed at innocent SCOTUS nominees, the incessant media bleating of a Russian collusion hoax, and an actual impeachment vote designed to remove a president based on actual corruption of his political opponent. But hey, let’s forget about it, says Alyssa Milano and Bette Midler, two of…

‘WE’RE WINNING THIS!’ Celebs Show Confidence in Nail-Biter Election
Despite there being more surprises in store, including recounts, lawsuits, maybe a SCOTUS decision and the shaking of the very foundations of the earth before the official end of this election cycle, Hollywood Dems are talking very confident about their slow candidate’s multi-day crawl to the finish line. How exciting.
Left-Wingers Who Didn’t Go Below the Belt on Trump Getting COVID-19
President Trump and his wife have both tested positive for COVID-19, and while there’s been much mockery and insults directed at Trump, a few celebrities posted content that lacked their usual acidity.

‘Impeach Him Again’: Celebs Want Trump’s Head Over Woodward Interview
If you looked at Hollywood Twitter this morning, you might think that the media has finally found the key to getting Trump out of office. Though, who are we kidding? That’s the new narrative everyday. On Wednesday, audio tape held by legendary Watergate journalist turned anti-Trump tabloid writer Bob Woodward made the rounds on Twitter.

‘#TrumpChaos’: Hollywood Idiots Help Biden Blame Trump for Riots
Though it's clear the riots that have gripped Democrat-run cities since the beginning of the summer are the left’s desperate temper tantrum against a president and government system they couldn’t eradicate with Russian collusion allegations and an impeachment show trial, Hollywood is using its propaganda skills to try and shift the blame for the riots on Trump.