In a discussion with plenty of other objectionable elements on Sean Hannity's Fox News show Friday, Juan Williams asserted that "There's no question that if you look at our Constitution, there are…
Just when you thought what emanates from the White House on defeating the jihad could not get more absurd, Rush Limbaugh provides much-needed historical context. This week brought both a three-…
Climate change enthusiast Bill Nye appeared on MSNBC, Monday, to lobby the network for more global warming cheerleading and the importance of linking all weather events to the phenomena. Talking…
It's good to see conservatives have gotten back to letting The New York Times choose their nominees for them.
The only silver lining to Mitt Romney being pushed out of the presidential…
Yesterday's government report on the economy's growth, which told us that the nation's gross domestic product grew at an annual rate of 2.6 percent during the fourth quarter, sharply underachieved…
During an annual retreat in Philadelphia, president Barack Obama had some unusual advice for a closed-door gathering of Democratic members of the U.S. House of Representatives: “Get informed,” but…
This post follows up on Friday morning's entry (at BizzyBlog; at NewsBusters) showing that "Fewer Than 0.5% of Americans Live in Fully Recovered Counties." This is the kind of news which would be…
Has Ed Schultz watched The Manchurian Candidate one time too many? On his MSNBC show this evening, Ed tried to pin a wacky conspiracy theory on conservatives. According to Schultz: conservatives…
David Weigel at reports a PAC called Conservative War Chest, is arranging an ad buy against Comcast in five swing states – Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. The two-…
On Sunday, NBC’s Meet the Press spent the majority of its program discussing the fallout of the terrorist attack in Paris, France and how the world should respond. While much of the program…
President Obama’s annual Christmas vacation wraps up this weekend and on Saturday CBS Evening News did its best to promote the president’s 2015 agenda.
CBS reporter Chip Reid filed a…
Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer has had a really bad year.
He failed to get other left-wing donors to join his crusade to make climate change the No. 1 election issue. Then he wasted nearly…
In case you missed it, censorship of ideas that do not adhere to liberal orthodoxy is happening at the University of Michigan. The PC police have struck once again. A Muslim student, Omar Mahmood…
Being a cop is a tough job at the best of times, and this isn’t the best of times. Nationwide riots, social media rants and political t-shirts of the “I Can’t Breathe” variety continue to flash…
USA Today’s website is carrying a report that “controversial” and “conservative” columnist George Will is drawing protests after being selected as a commencement speaker at Michigan State…
The actor and comedian Russell Brand has certainly tried to brand himself. “Messiah Complex” was the name of his last tour. His new book is titled “Revolution.” On “The Tonight Show,” he told…
Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer has had a really bad year.
He failed to get other left-wing donors to join his crusade to make climate change the No. 1 election issue. Then he wasted nearly…
On Wednesday's Washington Journal program on C-SPAN, congressional reporter Christina Marcos of The Hill newspaper slammed the white-maleness of the House Republican leadership and underlined it…
First it was just conservatives who were accused of doing the bidding of the Koch brothers. Now a radical climate change alarmist is accusing Senate Democrats of “trying to build them [the Koch…
On Tuesday, the White House announced that President Obama would award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former NBC Nightly News anchor and current special correspondent Tom Brokaw – among…
The fallout from Tuesday's midterm elections continued to be felt on Wednesday evening, when the host of CNN's Erin Burnett OutFront pressed Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus…
DING!! We have a winner! Of all the teeth-gnashing, garment rending wails from the left since Tuesday, this piece at Alternet must be the most pathetic. The title, “When Bullies Win: How Do Weary…
DING!! We have a winner! Of all the teeth-gnashing, garment rending wails from the left since Tuesday, this piece at AlterNet must be the most pathetic. The title, “When Bullies Win: How Do Weary…
Liberal California billionaire Tom Steyer just learned a big lesson about changing climate. The former hedge fund manager …
Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer really hates coal, or so he’s said. He spoke out against it in 2011, warning that such “dirty” fuels were destroying the planet, and that taxing coal plants was…