The actor and comedian Russell Brand has certainly tried to brand himself. “Messiah Complex” was the name of his last tour. His new book is titled “Revolution.” On “The Tonight Show,” he told…
Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer has had a really bad year.
He failed to get other left-wing donors to join his crusade to make climate change the No. 1 election issue. Then he wasted nearly…
On Wednesday's Washington Journal program on C-SPAN, congressional reporter Christina Marcos of The Hill newspaper slammed the white-maleness of the House Republican leadership and underlined it…
First it was just conservatives who were accused of doing the bidding of the Koch brothers. Now a radical climate change alarmist is accusing Senate Democrats of “trying to build them [the Koch…
On Tuesday, the White House announced that President Obama would award the Presidential Medal of Freedom to former NBC Nightly News anchor and current special correspondent Tom Brokaw – among…
The fallout from Tuesday's midterm elections continued to be felt on Wednesday evening, when the host of CNN's Erin Burnett OutFront pressed Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus…
DING!! We have a winner! Of all the teeth-gnashing, garment rending wails from the left since Tuesday, this piece at Alternet must be the most pathetic. The title, “When Bullies Win: How Do Weary…
DING!! We have a winner! Of all the teeth-gnashing, garment rending wails from the left since Tuesday, this piece at AlterNet must be the most pathetic. The title, “When Bullies Win: How Do Weary…
Liberal California billionaire Tom Steyer just learned a big lesson about changing climate. The former hedge fund manager …
Liberal billionaire Tom Steyer really hates coal, or so he’s said. He spoke out against it in 2011, warning that such “dirty” fuels were destroying the planet, and that taxing coal plants was…
New York Times political writer Mark Leibovich employed the Full Sneer in a story for this weekend's New York Times Magazine entitled "The Bumpkinification of the Midterm Elections.” Leibovich…
Heads we win, tails you lose. That pretty much sums up the attitude of the global warming alarmists.
Case in point is the polar vortex which was used by that crowd to explain away the…
How refreshing to hear something resembling candor in the Obama administration's public pronouncements on the threat from Ebola. Problem is, the implications of what is being said with this…
Early in today's Morning Joe, teasing Chris Matthews' upcoming appearance, Mika Brzezinski admonished "you two be nice now." They weren't. Yet again, the two MSNBC hosts came to verbal blows. …
Kelli Kopetz at reported on the kind of guff that pro-life protesters get on campus. Students for Life set up an informative Planned Parenthood Project display at Grand Valley State…
Some remember NPR as the network that happily hosted (fake) Muslim extremist funders and told them of how horrifying America’s Christian conservatives were. Or the network that fired Juan Williams…
The Washington Post has made it clear that Sunday is not the Lord’s Day. It’s the best day for LGBT preaching. In 2012, they splashed across the front page “TRANSGENDER AT FIVE.” In this Sunday…
The most important words printed in The New York Times since "REAGAN EASILY BEATS CARTER" were from a front-page article last Sunday about how, after six years of Obama, the federal judiciary is…
"It's disgusting." That was Salon writer Heather Digby Parton's declaration that Southern Republicans simply don’t want minorities to vote.
Hey, Heather, I'll tell you what's disgusting.…
There's an establishment press cleanup in progress on behalf of Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. As Tim Graham at NewsBusters noted Wednesday, the DNC Chair on…
On Wednesday, the New York Post reported that in addition to Matt Lauer's $20 million annual salary, NBC News recently agreed to start flying the Today co-host back and forth from work to his…
A Friday afternoon dispatch at the Politico from Carrie Budoff Brown and Jennifer Epstein tells us that "The White House is putting the finishing touches on a post-Labor Day schedule that will…
Former Florida Republican Governor Charlie won the state's Democratic gubernatorial primary tonight.
In his writeup on Crist's defeat of an overmatched challenger, the Politico's James…
During a report on Friday's CBS This Morning about some of the "backlash" against the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, correspondent Ben Tracy highlighted Michigan Democratic Congressman John Dingell…
“Don't go away mad,” an old saying goes, “just go away.” That seems to be the case with David Gregory, who is receiving a grand total of $4 million to end his six-year tenure as host of the NBC…