Joe Scarborough MSNBC Morning Joe3-14-25

MSDNC: Joe Scarborough Opens with Schadenfreude Over GOP Struggles

March 15th, 2025 10:27 AM

In a spurt of schadenfreude, Joe Scarborough gloats over perceived Republican woes. He plays an extended clip of a Republican congressman getting booed and jeered at a town hall in ultra-liberal Asheville, North Carolina, revels over the stock market having another bad day, and reports on Putin saying "no" to a ceasefire proposal.

Chuck Rocha Ashley Davis CNN This Morning 3-11-25

Cornish's Latest Republican: Stock Market Drop's 'Around Trump's Neck'

March 11th, 2025 11:44 AM

In her debut appearance on CNN This Morning, hosted by Audie Cornish, former George W. Bush official Ashley Davis says the stock market's recent dive is "around [Trump's] neck." An unfortunate metaphor in regard to someone who has suffered two recent assassination attempts.

ARE YOU HIGH? NY Times Claims Trump Ruining Biden’s 'Solid' Economy

March 10th, 2025 4:04 PM

It must have taken a hefty amount of acid dropping for the detached journos at The New York Times to psych themselves into believing the abject falsehood that President Joe Biden’s economy was just a booming spectacle of awesome.

BASED: Jeff Bezos Orders Free Market Shift to WashPost Opinion Section

February 26th, 2025 12:42 PM

Washington Post owner Jeff Bezos announced a dramatic ideological shift for his newspaper’s opinion section toward free markets, and staff are predictably having a nervous breakdown over it.

NYT’s Peter Baker Cries Biden Econ Great Whether Voters Know It or Not

January 8th, 2025 4:04 PM

Someone needed to fill the delusional, pretentious void left by Paul Krugman at The New York  Times to tell Americans they’re too stupid to realize the God-Bless-America awesomeness of the Biden economy. It looks like Chief White House Correspondent Peter Baker volunteered.


Meyers Wonders How Voters Could Chose Trump Amid His Wall Street Trip

December 13th, 2024 10:00 AM

President-elect Donald Trump rang the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange after being named Time’s person of the year on Thursday, and NBC’s Late Night host Seth Meyers was not happy about it. Meyers claimed the whole thing proved Trump’s attempts to appeal to working people are fraudulent and claimed it was “frustrating” that voters fell for it.


SPITS OUT COFFEE: TIME Begs Don’t Credit Trump for Great Biden Economy

November 21st, 2024 12:28 PM

If you thought the leftist media couldn’t get any dumber with their pro-Bidenomics propaganda following President-elect Donald Trump’s sweeping electoral victory, TIME magazine just took a shot at one-upping everybody.


Republican Strategist SCHOOLS CNN Lib on the Failures of Bidenomics

August 7th, 2024 9:36 PM

During a Monday morning segment of CNN Newsroom, host Jim Acosta invited Republican strategist Shermichael Singleton and Democratic strategist Maria Cardona to discuss the plummeting stock market. As the episode progressed, Acosta allowed Cardona to insist on America’s economic strength and Vice President Kamala Harris’ political genius, prompting Singleton to expose the blatant…


Except For ABC, Regime Media Avoid Covering Stock Market Nosedive

May 24th, 2024 12:40 AM

The pro-Biden media, which gleefully trumpet so much as the slightest glimmer of positive economic news and cast it in a light most favorable to the reelection prospects of President Joe Biden, lost their collective tongues when it came time to report a grim day on Wall Street.


REGIME MEDIA: ABC Whirled News Tonight Gushes Over Record Dow Close

March 22nd, 2024 12:42 AM

They are what we thought they were. The regime media, in their zeal to act as Biden propagandists, maximize every opportunity to tout some sliver of positive economic news that might offset years of suck in the view of the American electorate. Such is the case with ABC’s irrationally exuberant coverage of the recent spate of record stock market highs.

Joe Biden Donald Trump Michael Steele MSNBC Morning Joe 2-13-24

Scarborough: Rich People, Stop Bitching at Biden! Look At Your 401(k)!

February 13th, 2024 10:08 AM

On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough and Michael Steele suggest that people not worry about Biden's age and forgetfulness, but focus instead on how well their 401(k)s are doing.

TV Says You’re Wrong, Joe Biden’s Economy Is Really Wonderful

December 15th, 2023 11:50 AM

As polls show Joe Biden’s re-election is in peril because of the public’s negative opinion of how he’s handled the economy, TV viewers woke up Friday morning to a round of happy talk telling them that, despite what they might think, the economy is really quite spectacular.

DEBACLE: Squawk Box Reacts to Disney’s Worst Close Since October 2014

August 25th, 2023 2:51 PM

Andrew Ross Sorkin announced the cataclysmic news from Disney with a chyron reading “Has Disney Lost its Magic” beneath him. 

4 Times Jim Cramer’s Hot Takes Went Drastically Wrong in 2023 So Far

4 Times Jim Cramer’s Hot Takes Went Drastically Wrong in 2023 So Far

August 11th, 2023 5:27 PM

Americans looking for bad advice need to look no further than CNBC’s host Jim Cramer, who has developed a pathetic reputation of consistently being dead wrong on the stock market and economy.