On Monday, CNN Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo trading in his usual smearing and lying about Republicans and set his sights on Americans at-large. During his opening diatribe, Fredo asserted…
Along with struggling to answer basic questions during White House press briefings, Press Secretary Jen Psaki found herself paddling the struggle boat on Sunday with ABC’s This Week as chief…
There are photo-ops, and then there are photo-ops. For the liberal media, the bad ones are those staged by Republicans. The good ones are those orchestrated by Democrats!
Take Mika…
On Sunday, CNN’s “Reliable Sources” proved once again to be a hotbed of misinformation as PolitiFact editor-in-chief Angie Drobnic Holan worked to prop up Democratic New York Governor Andrew Cuomo…
On Friday night’s CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon continued the liberal media’s obsession with bashing Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) over his trip to Cancun. Lemon went on a four-minute rant which he…
Hollywood’s love affair with Gov. Andrew Cuomo seemed innocuous at first.
Cuomo is a Democrat, and nearly every entertainment platform exists to promote Democratic politicians. That’s done…
While ABC's World News Tonight spent less than a minute on Thursday covering the federal probe into Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home scandal, the network’s daytime political talk show, The View, gave…
On Morning Joe, so-called "Republican strategist" Susan Del Percio -- who worked as an adviser to Gov. Andrew Cuomo -- was asked to comment on the allegation by New York state Assemblyman Ron Kim…
With the revelation that federal investigators were looking into New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s corruption with state nursing home deaths, and state Democrats setting the stage for a…
Having not touched New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s nursing home scandal story since Monday and despite two days of continuously unfolding revelations, the Thursday edition of ABC’s…
Just as New York Democratic Governor Andrew “Luv Gov” Cuomo was being called out by state Democratic lawmakers for obstructing justice and the stage was being set for his impeachment, CNN…
After propping up New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo’s lie-laced defense of his corruption in a Monday press conference, the broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) refused to continue covering…
The people who hand out Emmy Awards should ask New York Governor Andrew Cuomo to return the one they gave him.
Cuomo received an Emmy for what they called his "masterful" COVID-19 press…
On Tuesday's New Day on CNN, as the show started to finally catch up with covering the scandal currently engulfing Andrew Cuomo, political commentator Errol Louis was spinning hard to downplay the…
Media darling Dr. Anthony Fauci showed yet again how loyal he is to Democrats on CNN Newsroom Tuesday, by backtracking from his own prior statements so he could defend Vice President Kamala Harris…
The media's deep arrogance about the Democrats' superior standing as the Party of Science and Competent Government on the coronavirus is personified in Gov. Andrew Cuomo. He has been hailed for…
Telemundo's unending crusade to portray New York governor Andrew Cuomo as leader of the nation's best response to COVID-19 was shattered by news that his administration willfully covered up the…
Astonishingly, since the latest bombshell landed on Friday in the scandal swirling around New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s mishandling of COVID in nursing homes across the state and his…
Now that the political dam has burst, most of the networks are actually offering significant coverage about Andrew Cuomo and his attempted cover-up of the COVID nursing home disaster in New York.…
In a Monday press conference, corrupt New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) spun a web of lies and misinformation about his administration’s cover-up of nursing home deaths due to COVID-19. Blaming…
On Friday, Andrew Cuomo’s simmering scandal involving his attempts to hide the true cost of the New York Governor forcing nursing homes to take COVID patients last year burst out into the open. It…
Remember when New York Governor Andrew Cuomo was almost universally hailed by the left over his many coronavirus briefings to the extent that he even won an Emmy in November for them? Of course,…
During Sunday’s State of the Union, CNN co-host Jake Tapper broke with the rest of the Zucker-controlled network and issued a full-throated condemnation of Democratic New York Governor Andrew…
Amidst the almost wall-to-wall coverage of the second Trump impeachment trial, there were more than a few unrelated news stories to talk about, including new nursing home bombshells involving…
Republicans pounce!
That phrase has become such a laughably familiar refrain that it has even made it into the Urban Dictionary which provides this accurate definition of the term: