Cuomo PrimeTime

Cuomo Declares CNN Isn't Opinion, 'It Was Risky To Do What I Did'
As Chris Cuomo begins his career at NewsNation, he joined HBO Real Time host Bill Maher to look back at his time at CNN. The fired anchor was unrepentant, defending himself and the network as non-opinionated who were just performing a public service during the difficult Trump years at great risk to themselves.
FAILURE: CNN’s Keilar Loses to Bad Cooks, Game Shows, Obese People
CNN’s New Day co-host and liberal pundit Brianna Keilar received her turn this week to audition for the 9:00 p.m. Eastern slot and, instead of it being called CNN Tonight, it was labeled Democracy in Peril. According to Nielsen Media Research, no one seemed to care as she drew fewer viewers than shows like Food Network’s Worst Cooks in America, Game Show Network’s…
2021’s Top Dirty Dozen Fredo Moments from CNN’s Former Wise Guy
And aside from getting exposed as a walking liability for CNN for his breaches of journalistic ethics and sexual misconduct, Chris "Fredo" Cuomo spent a lot of time on his former show, Cuomo Prime Time showing us exactly why he’s widely considered the dumb brother in the Cuomo clan.

Bozell: ‘Hypocritical’ CNN ‘Knew’ About Cuomo Corruption
Appearing on Newsmax’s Greg Kelly Reports Monday night, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell slammed CNN as “hypocritical” for finally firing disgraced anchor Chris Cuomo after the cable channel long “knew” about past sexual harassment claims against the PrimeTime host and his corrupt efforts to use his position to protect his scandal-plagued brother, ex-New York…

Normal Day: Fredo’s Replacement Uses Bob Dole’s Death to Bash GOP
The Monday after CNN fired Chris Cuomo for a combination of journalistic malpractice regarding his brother, disgraced former Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) and new sexual misconduct allegations, CNN installed weekend host and route Cuomo-fill-in Michael Smerconish as the official temp. And in his first outing in that role, Smerconish channeled Cuomo’s attitude and hatred towards Republicans as he…

Blowing It All Up: Cuomo Plans to Sue CNN for Over $18 Million
In an apparent attempt to get the rest of his contract money, disgraced former CNN loudmouth and host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo plans to sue the network for over $18 million after they fired him on Saturday, according to a New York Post exclusive published Monday. This now pits CNN boss Jeff Zucker against a bitter Cuomo possibly looking to rhetorically blow up the network that touted him…

Editor’s Pick: Fox’s Janice Dean on Cancelled Cuomo Brothers
On Monday, Fox News meteorologist Janice Dean, whose husband lost both of his parents to COVID in a New York nursing home in 2020, wrote a opinion piece reflecting on what it meant to have both Andrew and Chris Cuomo finally held accountable. “It was the moment that turned grief into rage in May 2020. Seeing the Cuomo brothers joking around on CNN with a gigantic cotton swab,” Dean recalled of…

BREAKING: CNN Finally FIRES Chris Cuomo ‘Effective Immediately’
Early Saturday night, CNN and boss Jeff Zucker fired long time CNN host Chris Cuomo “effective immediately” following a year-plus of ethics-free behavior from both parties as Cuomo worked with and gave softball interviews to his brother, scandal-ridden former Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY).

SAD TROMBONE: Turns Out, Fredo Wasn’t CNN’s Highest-Rated Show
In another case of Zuckerville (aka CNN) living in an alternative reality, CNN’s chief Zucker bootlickers and Reliable Sources host Brian Stelter claimed in his Wednesday newsletter of hate that November ratings showed suspended Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo had the network’s highest-rated show among total viewers. But like most things with CNN, that wasn’t true.
Cuomo Speaks Out About CNN Suspension 'They Think Is Important'
In the Wednesday edition of his unoriginally titled show on SiriusXM’s POTUS radio station, Let’s Get After It, indefinitely suspended CNN host Chris Cuomo addressed the surprise move by CNN boss Jeff Zucker. In his comments, Cuomo issued another likely empty apology and seemed to chide accountability by suggesting the suspension was part of “a process that they think is important.”

Bozell: ‘CNN’s Reputation Is Completely Shot’ After Cuomo Scandal
Appearing on Newsmax’s Eric Bolling The Balance Wednesday afternoon, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell blasted suspended CNN host Chris Cuomo for his “deplorable” behavior of lying about being a political advisor for his disgraced brother, ex-New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. In addition, Bozell hammered the cable channel for “pretending to be a news network when it’s…

MRC's Gainor RIPS Chris Cuomo for Violation of Journalistic Ethics
Media Research Center Vice President Dan Gainor went on Fox Business to dismantle disgraced liberal CNN host Chris Cuomo for his blatant violation of journalistic ethics concerning his brother.

Editor’s Pick: Fox on CNN's ‘Meaningless’ Suspension of Chris Cuomo
On Tuesday, Fox News senior editor David Rutz and media reporter Joseph Wulfsohn reported on “Shelley Ross, the veteran TV producer who accused Chris Cuomo of sexual harassment, suggested CNN’s suspension of its star anchor isn’t enough to hold him accountable for his involvement in his brother’s scandals.” The ABC News producer told Fox News: “There is more to accountability than a…

WATCH: Tucker Hilariously Lampoons ‘Tiny Hothouse’ CNN Punishing Fredo
Reacting to CNN finally suspending Prime Time host Chris Cuomo, Fox News Channel host Tucker Carlson opened his show by lampooning the “[b]ig changes in the tiny hothouse — and it is tiny — of cable news” with the departure of the “illiterate” man who routinely spewed “a bouillabaisse of incomprehensible grammar,” but surprisingly defended Cuomo for helping his brother, disgraced New…