
Dem Congressman on Univision: ‘We’re Sticking With DADDY’

June 30th, 2024 8:15 PM

There’s been a great deal of serious discussion in the wake of President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance as to whether he should remain on the 2024 ticket, and then there is what Congressman Adriano Espaillat vomited out while on Univision’s AL Punto with Jorge Ramos.


FLASHBACK: Jorge Ramos Said Trump Indictment Was a ‘Beautiful Act’

May 31st, 2024 1:54 PM

It is instructive to remember the words of Jorge Ramos, Univision’s senior anchor and Special Editorial Adviser to the CEO, about the original indictment of former President Donald Trump’s in New York’s business records case, given that there is now a conviction on the books.


FLASHBACK: When Univision Platformed A LITERAL Insurrectionist

May 19th, 2024 7:07 PM

Much of the media’s runup to the 2024 presidential election has consisted of moralistic hand wringing about Democracy Itself being on the line, an echo of President Joe Biden’s own talking points. However, some of us remember a not-too-distant time ago, when some of today’s loudest outlets platformed an ACTUAL insurrectionist.

Jorge Ramos Whines About Biden Describing Illegals As ‘Illegals’

March 31st, 2024 8:03 PM

In a recent opinion column, Univision anchor and Senior Editorial Advisor to the CEO Jorge Ramos complained, yet again, about the use of the word “illegal” to describe people who are in the country illegally. This is a new version of a column written several times before, but that begins to acknowledge the realities of the immigration debate in 2024.


Jorge Ramos Is PAINED By Amnesty Being Left Out Of Biden Border Deal

January 28th, 2024 5:28 PM

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, during an interview with U.S. Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX), expressed surprise and pain over the fact that the current border deal being negotiated between the Senate and the White House contains no provision to legalize anyone in the country illegally.


Univision Is the Only Network to Fully Report AMLO’s Border Blackmail

January 19th, 2024 12:28 AM

The networks’ coverage of the ongoing border disaster has been spotty, at best, inasmuch as it is a story that is unfavorable to the Biden administration. Therefore, there hasn’t been any reporting on the demands made by Mexico’s president in exchange for assistance at the border. Shockingly, Univision was the network to finally break that ice.


CNN EN Español Cheers Gov. DeWine's Veto Of Ohio Child Mutilation Ban

December 31st, 2023 7:55 PM

As we’ve often stated, immigration is the apex political issue on Spanish-language news media. But, as this CNN En Español report on Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto of the Ohio grooming ban shows, Spanish-language media often falls in line with the rest of the left’s policy pu-pu platter.As we’ve often stated, immigration is the apex political issue on Spanish-language news media. But, as this CNN En…


Medios principales en EEUU suprimen caravana masiva que se avecina

November 7th, 2023 12:42 PM

Una masiva caravana de migrantes se dirige hacia la frontera sur de Estados Unidos, pero nunca lo sabrías si dependieras de los telediarios principales del país para obtener información. Esta es, como la corrupción Biden-Burisma y tantas otras historias, otra noticia que debe ser suprimida para que no haga quedar mal (o peor) a la administración Biden.


Nets Suppress MASSIVE Caravan Headed To U.S. Southern Border

November 7th, 2023 12:30 PM

A major migrant caravan is making its way towards the southern border of United States, but you’d never know about it if you depended on network evening news for information. This is, like Biden-Burisma corruption and so many other stories, another news item to be suppressed lest it make the Biden administration look bad (or any worse).


Ilia Calderón: Infant Mortality Increase Due To Lack of Abortions

November 2nd, 2023 1:50 PM

Univision anchor Ilia Calderón proves, once again, that the network advocates for entire leftwing policy pupu platter beyond immigration. And that abortion (with gun control a close second) is at the apex of those non-immigration issues.


Ilia Calderón cita falta de abortos como causa de mortandad infantil

November 2nd, 2023 12:43 PM

La presentadora de Univisión, Ilia Calderón, demuestra, una vez más, que la cadena aboga por toda la política de izquierda más allá de la inmigración. Y el aborto (seguido de cerca por el control de armas) está en la cúspide de esos temas no relacionadas con la inmigración.


Univision Anchor Delivers Subtle Anti-Israel Propaganda

October 31st, 2023 7:19 PM

The initial shock of the atrocities committed by Hamas seems to have worn off at Univision, and the network has now reverted to lazy parroting of pro-Hamas propaganda.

Jorge Ramos: Biden Must Allow An Extra 3M Immigrants/YR Into The U.S.

October 30th, 2023 9:55 PM

Univision anchor Jorge Ramos confirms, yet again, that he is in fact an immigration activist posing as a journalist. His latest opinion column slams the Biden administration’s proposal to build 30 miles of border wall, and calls for the government to allow an additional 2-3 million immigrants into the United States every year.


FLASHBACK: Media Once Thought Airing Nazi Propaganda Was A Bad Thing

October 26th, 2023 11:16 AM

When analyzing the media's embarrassingly stenographic coverage of the war in Gaza subsequent to the atrocities committed by Hamas, it is important to note that there wasn't always such a keen interest in ensuring that Nazis, literal or otherwise (and certainly Hamas), got depicted fairly and accurately.