Don Lemon was so aghast about President Trump’s comments on Antifa being bolstered if Democrats sweep the Midterms this Fall, that he devoted three separate segments on his two hour show Tuesday…
Just when you thought MSNBC host Chuck Todd could get any more ridiculous, he sets a new gold standard for himself. If you were to believe Todd’s ramblings during Tuesday’s MTP Daily, you would…
In the last couple of days, FNC's Fox and Friends has given attention to the far-left violent group Antifa -- which is sometimes defended by the liberal media -- who have a history of making…
Jonathan Van Ness, one of the hosts of the Netflix cable channel’s Queer Eye television series, learned the hard way this week what happens to people who dare to disagree with their fellow liberal…
Just a day after rationalizing the leftist violence by Antifa against police, bystanders, and the press as some twisted form of greater “morality,” CNN host Chris Cuomo closed out Tuesday's …
On Sunday, Washington, D.C. was all but shut down as roughly 25 white supremacists emerged from whatever crevasses they hide in, and marched to Lafayette Park on the anniversary of last year’s…
Over the past several days, during discussions of the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville from a year ago, MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson went off the rails again as he not only defended…
After NBC ignored an attack on their own reporter by the left-wing “Antifa” at the protests this past weekend, it seems CNN was also happy to defend violence as long as it was being perpetrated by…
In a long article in the New York Times Sunday Styles, “Civility and Culture Wars In an Iowa Gun Town – When neighbors disagree but a major voice remains silent.” contributor Jacqui Shine focused…
On the one-year anniversary of the deadly Charlottesville protests, white supremacists and radical leftists known as Antifa descended on the Virginia town once more to commit more violence. Late…
They’ve called him a racist, a cult leader, and a foreign agent, but now they’re going the full “Hitler.”
After just recently digging up some “professionals” willing to claim that the…
According to Chuck Todd, booing and nasty language towards reporters could well lead to the killing of journalists. Specifically, he compared a Trump rally this week to the 2017 horrific car…
Facebook is mistaking anti-fascist pages for Russian fake accounts. The shoe is now on the other foot.
According to the Daily Beast, Facebook removed “fake accounts engaged in covert…
As of July 25, network newscasts have completely ignored the violence caused by the Occupy ICE PDX antifa group in Portland, Oregon, despite their usual penchant for covering pro-illegal…
Politically frenzied New York Times columnist Michelle Goldberg came out unapologetically for the harassment of Trump staffers (the latest examples being Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Florida’s pro-…
Some of the more intractable knots from the loopy left.
The interwebs are an invaluable source of information about the pivotal figures in religious history. Just this morning I learned…
We’re hardly halfway through 2018, and entertainment television has already given us heaps of liberal propaganda before we've even started our summer vacations. If the first five months were any…
During Thursday’s edition of CNN’s At This Hour with Kate Bolduan, CNN commentator (and former Clinton administration vet) Keith Boykin went on a rant against President Trump, saying “Donald Trump…
David Brooks! You can now expect your invitations to trendy Manhattan and Georgetown parties to not so mysteriously dry up. Your crime? Despite being one of the most prominent Never Trumpers out…
Now that the matter of presidential removal has been covered, ABC’s Designated Survivor can go back to what it’s best at: promoting the liberal agenda. When it’s not overtly defending liberal…
El mismo día en que un artículo en la portada del Washington Post reportó el colapso a nivel nacional de los grupos de derecha alternativa, Telemundo destacó entre los titulares de su noticiario,…
On the same day a front-page Washington Post article chronicled the nationwide collapse of the Alt Right, Telemundo played up a deceptive and dishonest report about a minuscule march of National…
Note: The following items were left on our shoes after traipsing through the leftier neighborhoods of the Web. Reader discretion advised.
If you’re in San Francisco April 25, hopscotch…
Stephen Colbert’s lame weekly animated attack on President Trump and his administration is quickly running out of steam. A government shutdown is caused by President Trump’s inability to focus on…
Last week, the Los Angeles Times published a feature piece on UC-Berkeley student Ismael Chamu, that highlighted the struggles he and his family face on a daily basis. The only problem? The…