Mark Hamill

ICYMI: Hamill Derails WH Briefing, Doocy Battles KJP on Alma Mater
Friday’s White House press briefing began with a distinct 2016 vibe as the Biden administration demanded it be taken seriously on the reelection front with Star Wars actor Mark Hamill surprising reporters ahead of May 4 (aka May the Fourth Be With You!) and a few dutifully complied by asking him questions despite the fact that, as we’d later learn, one hasn’t seen any of the movies. …
Snopes Labels Viral DeSantis Book Banning Disinformation 'Satire'
On Sunday, an anonymous Twitter user by the name of “Freesus Patriot™” posted an image on Twitter purporting to show a list of banned books in Florida and the intrepid fact checkers and guardians of misinformation at Snopes labeled it satire.

Abortion-Loving Mark Hamill Compares Adoptive Parents to Supervillains
Another woke Hollywood lefty is on the loose with more terrible takes on abortion. So get your lightsaber, because Star Wars actor Mark Hamill just gave one that’ll make you wish you were getting force-choked.

AXIS OF EVIL: Corporate America, Hollywood Condemn Voter Security
The battle lines have been drawn and celebrities along with their woke corporate allies are declaring war against free and fair elections in the United States. In yet another letter signed by Hollywood lefties, including George Clooney and J.J. Abrams, and corporate elites, the institutional left is telling conservatives to dismantle voter security bills like the one recently passed in Georgia…

50 Hollywood Hypocrites Who Loved Violent BLM, Condemn Capitol Riots
The liberal media and Hollywood left are telling you the Capitol riots were “atrocities,” an “armed insurrection” and “violent sedition against our government” and trying to link all Trump supporters to them. Over 50 Hollywood celebrities celebrated one set of riots and criticized the other. Famous people like Rob Reiner, Ron Perlman and Seth Rogen claimed that the events on January 6 were a “…

Lefty Celebrities Go Below the Belt at Rudy Guiliani for Having COVID
Rudy Guiliani has been diagnosed with COVID-19, and as expected, Twitter’s woke mob jumped at the opportunity to bully and gloat at the President’s attorney.
Twitter Lefties Accuse Pence Of ‘Mansplaining’ During VP Debate
Well, when your female debater isn’t doing too hot against her male challenger, there’s always one tactic you have in your arsenal that you can use to nullify the whole event; you can cry “SEXISM!”

Celebs Conflicted: ‘Worst Debate Ever’ … Er, Biden Just ‘Won Election'
The first presidential debate was a mega win for the greatest, most empathic candidate on the stage, Joe Biden. Right? Well according to some in Hollywood – who’s sanity rests on Trump being voted out – yes, “Sleepy Joe” won. They wouldn’t tout any other outcome, anyway. But for others in the entertainment industry – others who seem to be more honest – the whole evening was “useless.”

Mark Hamill, Bill Nye Demand Trump Panic Over Climate Change
It’s a new week so the Hollywood anti-Trump outrage dial is on a different setting for the time being. According to our sources, we’ve strayed a bit from the Woodward book outrage cycle and back to climate change hysteria. It’s almost comforting to be in such familiar territory.
Pro-‘Defund Police’ Hollywood Loves ‘Top Cop’ Harris for VP
Hollywood exemplifies desperation and utter ideological servitude when they worship the ground that failed 2020 presidential candidate-turned 2020 Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Kamala Harris walks. Yeah, so what if her record as San Fran DA contradicts BLM demands? She’s the woman of color VP nom we were all promised.

Lefty Celeb Mark Hamill To Moderate Virtual Biden Fundraiser
In between all the chaos and unrest in the streets and the virus from China preoccupying Americans’ brains, it might be easy to forget about Hidin’ Joe Biden and just how terrible a candidate he is. But not for Luke Skywalker actor Mark Hamill, who is reportedly hosting a virtual fundraiser for the 77-year-old gaffe machine.

Star Wars’ Mark Hamill Deletes Facebook to Protest Free Speech Policy

Saturday Night Live, Cancel Culture, and an Assassination Joke