Abby Huntsman

Huntsman Grills Schiff: Couldn't a 'Fair Trial' Mean Bidens Testify?
January 13th, 2020 3:07 PM
On her last week on the show, The View co-host Abby Huntsman held Democrat Adam Schiff’s feet to the fire over which impeachment witnesses were allowed to testify, asking him repeatedly to explain why Joe Biden and his son couldn’t be subpoenaed. Her co-host Meghan McCain also pressed the Democrat to admit that this impeachment process was going to damage his party with the American public.

Hostin Condemns Trump 'Provoking' Iran While They 'Show Restraint'
January 8th, 2020 2:30 PM
Even as the danger appears to deflate with Iran, the media won’t stop suggesting we are entering WWIII. The View hosts started Wednesday’s show with that same Chicken Little routine, worrying about their own kids getting drafted. Co-host Abby Huntsman also fretted that by taking terrorist Quasem Soleimani’s life, the U.S. would be on the wrong side of history, while fellow co-host Sunny Hostin…

2019’s Wackiest Analysis From The View
December 23rd, 2019 2:00 PM
The hosts of ABC’s The View aren’t exactly known for their even-handed or rational political analysis. While each show is predictably filled with meltdowns over President Trump, sometimes a co-host will say something so bizarre it defies understanding. Here’s our top picks for wackiest analysis from the political talk show, this year:

‘View’ Panics Over Trump Letter: ‘Scary'‘Rantings of Unstable’ Man!
December 18th, 2019 12:50 PM
The View hosts followed the media’s lead in attacking President Trump on Wednesday’s show, over his lengthy letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defending his actions before the House votes on impeachment, later today. Even though The View hosts have a reputation for their own angry meltdowns and fact-free rants, they fretted the letter revealed the hysterical rantings of an unstable president,…

Whoopi Berates McCain Over Impeachment: ‘Girl, Please Stop Talking'
December 16th, 2019 2:07 PM
The View co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg and Meghan McCain had a nasty fight on Monday’s show when the Republican co-host accused her liberal co-hosts of not wanting to hear a conservative perspective, “ever.” The argument started as the hosts were hyperventilating that Republicans were not “fulfilling their oath” to impeach President Trump and McCain tried to rein in her co-hosts’ emotional reactions…

Behar Defends Reporter As the Victim in Eastwood's Richard Jewell Film
December 10th, 2019 2:24 PM
The hosts of The View talked briefly Tuesday about Clint Eastwood’s latest biographical film on fake news victim Richard Jewell, who was falsely branded by the media as a terrorist in 1996. Instead of discussing the media’s culpability in ruining this man’s life, however, Joy Behar and Sunny Hostin attacked Eastwood instead for his film’s depiction of a now-deceased Atlanta Journal-Constitution…

'View' Trashes Jobs Report, Insists Economy Won't Help Trump in 2020
December 9th, 2019 3:22 PM
The hosts of The View were all over the map on Monday’s show while discussing the latest strong jobs report that was released Friday. Unable to face facts, the hosts tried to argue the economy was actually a negative for Trump. The liberal hosts suddenly pretended to care about the rising deficit, while at the same time, griping that more money wasn't being put into food stamps. Co-host Joy Behar…

Whoopi Mocks Gaetz Calling Dem Witness ‘Mean’ for Nasty Barron Remark
December 5th, 2019 2:28 PM
Predictably, the liberal View hosts weren’t embarrassed by Democrat witness Pamela Karlan’s smug, rage-filled performance during Wednesday’s impeachment inquiry hearing. Co-hosts Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar and guest host Bari Weiss even defended the Stanford professor attacking the President's teenage son, before ripping into Republicans as hypocrites who don't care about the migrant children at…

'View:' Why Not Let Government Feed, House Millions Who Need Help?
December 2nd, 2019 2:37 PM
Monday on The View, each liberal host blew a gasket over President Trump cracking down on bloated government assistant programs, calling it “cruel.” The hosts were referring to a Trump administration proposal that would place reduce SNAP’s budget by an estimated 4.2 billion dollars and place tighter work requirements upon those who receive food stamps. One host even wondered what was “wrong” with…

Behar Attacks Facebook: A 'Dangerous Tool' for Trump 'Propaganda'
November 25th, 2019 2:42 PM
The View hosts couldn’t come to agreement on Monday’s show on the topic of Facebook and free speech. Since October, the media has been attacking the social media platform for not following Twitter’s example in banning political ads, (yet). Co-host Joy Behar complained the website was promoting “dangerous propaganda” just like how the media covered candidate Trump during the 2016 election.

'Nauseated' Behar Bashes 'Brainwashed' Americans Against Impeachment
November 22nd, 2019 2:02 PM
The View hosts were riled up Friday, after their show had been preempted most of the week by the televised impeachment hearings. Co-hosts Sunny Hostin and Joy Behar were devastated by the news that more independents were against impeachment, and the President’s approval ratings had shot up since the hearings began. The two lectured Americans for not believing the Democrats, and media’s…

Wow: Don Jr. Blasts ABC Over Whistleblower Hypocrisy on The View
November 7th, 2019 1:41 PM
Well this was definitely a show for the record books. Donald Trump Jr. and Kimberly Guilfoyle sat down at the “hot topics” table on The View Thursday for an explosive discussion. Despite the hosts’ hostile and abusive behavior towards their guests, Trump and Guilfoyle were still able to land some good points about the media’s bias towards President Trump. Trump even called out the View’s network…

Behar: Democrats Show Their Patriotism by Trying to Impeach Trump
October 29th, 2019 2:33 PM
Tuesday on The View, the liberal hosts adamantly defended the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry as an act of patriotism, as co-hosts Abby Huntsman and Meghan McCain complained that both parties were putting party before country. The argument came up as the co-hosts were bashing FNC host Laura Ingraham and guest John Yoo for questioning the loyalty of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, who is set to testify…

Behar: Would World Be Better Off Without Trump or Baghdadi In It?
October 28th, 2019 3:07 PM
Even though the left and right came together to celebrate the Obama administration’s victory killing Osama Bin Laden in 2011, the leftists in the media couldn’t do the same for President Trump, when the U.S. military led a raid Saturday that killed prominent ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The anti-Trump hosts of The View Monday were so bitter, that they basically admitted there wasn’t…