Leana Wen

CNN Backtracks After Calling COVID Death Inflation 'Conspiracy Theory'
This past week, CNN again backtracked on a COVID-related issue the liberal news network had previously dismissed as a right-wing "conspiracy theory" as network medical contributor Leana Wen admitted that overcounting of COVID deaths and hospitalizations is likely a problem that needs to be corrected -- a subject she covered in a couple of Washington Post op-eds.

WashPost: Biden Getting COVID an 'Opportunity' to Show His 'Success'
When President Biden was diagnosed with COVID, suddenly The Washington Post motto shifted from "Democracy Dies In Darkness" to "We're Walking On Sunshine." Post columnist Leana Wen stood out with a piece on Thursday which began: "President Biden’s Covid-19 diagnosis is an opportunity for his administration to demonstrate the success of his leadership on the pandemic."

On CNN, Ex-Planned Parenthood Chief Demands: ‘Protect Our Children’
On Wednesday, CNN actually had the audacity to bring on the former president of Planned Parenthood to demand that public officials "protect our children" by backing draconian COVID regulations being pushed by the Biden administration.

Accusing DeSantis of Disinformation, Cuomo Guilty Of His Own
During a Friday segment of Cuomo Prime Time on vaccine hesitancy and disinformation, namesake host Chris Cuomo spread some disinformation of his own by insinuating Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis is encouraging people not to get vaccinated against COVID-19.

Not the Network of Science: CNN Freaks Over Opening Schools
On Sunday’s Inside Politics with Abby Phillip, host Abby Phillip collaborated with former president of Planned Parenthood, former Baltimore health commissioner, and medical analyst Leana Wen to fearmonger about schools reopening. Ignoring all available scientific data, Phillip worried that the CDC’s current guidelines for reopening schools are not stringent enough to allow schools to…

Biden Toadies at CNN Rave Over President's COVID Plan
Of all the tonal shifts you'll see from the liberal media now that Joe Biden is president, the abrupt change from "everything is awful" to "everything is awesome" will be most stark on CNN. That could be seen on Thursday as Anderson Cooper and his guests raved over Biden's COVID plan. It's "factual," "very honest, "very evidence-based."

Listen to the Science: CNN Completely Dismisses Herd Immunity
On Wednesday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, host Brianna Keilar collaborated with medical analyst and former president of Planned Parenthood Leana Wen to attack Scott Atlas and discredit herd immunity. Wen lied by claiming that herd immunity “goes against the consensus of entire medical, scientific and public health community” and Keilar proclaimed that “it’s not a public health strategy…

Evil: Here Were CNN’s WORST Moments After Trump’s COVID Diagnosis
Throughout Friday’s early hours, CNNers repeatedly expressed best wishes to President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump after having tested positive for the coronavirus. But behind those best wishes, CNN not only levied their usual, poisonous rhetoric, but plenty of subliminal levels of apocalyptic brainstorming, gloating, and calls for a return to global lockdowns.

CNN Claims BLM Protests Safe From COVID But Not Trump Rallies
On CNN Newsroom, co-hosts Poppy Harlow and Jim Sciutto invited CNN medical analyst, and former Planned Parenthood president Leana Wen to explain why BLM protests are actually safer from coronavirus than Trump rallies. (The science knows!)

They Think You're Stupid: CNN Carries Less Than Half of Virus Briefing
Showing how much they not only hate the American people but think they’re unintelligent, CNN carried less than half of the first episode of the reincarnated White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing, choosing to wait until the question and answer portion to allow viewers to listen to the latest news and thinking of President Trump. All told, they carried 12 minutes and 18 seconds of the…

CNN Features Guest 44x for 150 Mins, Barely Notes Past Abortion Job

CNN Spends 73 Mins with Guest, But Only 10 Secs for Abortion Ties

Abortion: What Univision Says in English, But Hides in Spanish