Leana Wen

SJWs Terminate Planned Parenthood President: ‘S**t Has Been Crazy’

WOMP, WOMP: ABC, CBS Skip Planned Parenthood Firing New President

CBS Goes to Bat for Planned Parenthood With This Abortion Spin

Ariana Grande Donates Atlanta Concert Proceeds to Planned Parenthood

No Room for Debate: MSNBC Show Excludes Pro-Life Views

Mitchell Ignores Democrat-Led Louisiana Abortion Ban, Frets About GOP

CBS Cheerleads for Planned Parenthood: ‘Donations Are Going Up’

CNN Presses Pro-Life Guest on Cost of Raising a Child to Push Abortion

MSNBC Hypes Abortion Rallies, Lets Planned Parenthood Head Mislead
In response to pro-life legislation being passed through various state legislatures, Planned Parenthood and other activists launched what they call their nationwide "Day of Action" on Tuesday in protest to these laws. Not surprisingly, that included Planned Parenthood President Dr. Leana Wen being treated to a friendly interview on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports.

Maddow Promotes Planned Parenthood Boss, Chides 'Draconian Bans'

MSNBC Allows Planned Parenthood Prez to Tout Sketchy Talking Points

TIME Picks 'Sex' Star for Puff Piece on Planned Parenthood Boss

Trevor Noah Raves: Planned Parenthood President Is a ‘Badass'