Jonathan Capehart Dan Rather MSNBC AM Joy 9-13-20

Dan Rather Sees 'Danger' That Trump Wins, 'Freedom and Democracy' Lose

September 13th, 2020 2:46 PM

Appearing on MSNBC's AM Joy show, Dan Rather says the election is a choice between "white supremacy," and "freedom and democracy." He tells guest host Jonathan Capehart that it is "very realistic" to be afraid that President Trump will win. When talk turns to an allegation by a Department of Homeland Security "whistleblower" that he was pressured to downplay facts that President Trump…


PBS Panel: How Dare Candidates Evade the Liberal Media!

August 20th, 2020 9:30 PM

On Tuesday's Amanpour & Co. on PBS and CNN International, Daily Beast News columnist Margaret Carlson lamented the dominant left-leaning media's diminished hold over politicians as she spoke during a segment hosted by her ex-boss, former Time magazine editor Walter Isaacson.


CNN's Brinkley Likens Trump to American Nazi Party Founder

June 13th, 2020 2:48 PM

On Friday's CNN Tonight, Don Lemon presided over a panel whose members bashed President Donald Trump over his handling of the George Floyd-inspired protests. After former CBS News anchor Dan Rather accused several Republican presidents of "playing the race card," CNN presidential historian Douglas Brinkley likened President Trump to the founder of the American Nazi Party, George…


FLASHBACK: Rather Thought You Can Lie A Lot and Be 'Honest'

May 16th, 2020 12:15 PM
Though the term fake news has only become popular in the Trump era, deceptive, dishonest liberal journalists are not new. After the 2004 presidential election, Dan Rather lost his CBS Evening News anchor job after the network used phony documents in an attempt to smear George W. Bush’s Vietnam record. But that’s not our FLASHBACK for today. Another, earlier example forshadowed Rather’s trouble…

Column: Press Briefings and Ego Bruisings

March 25th, 2020 6:44 AM
One of the more tiresome partisan polkas we’ve witnessed in the Trump years is the herky-jerky dancing around the White House briefing. First, journalists insist it’s a dangerously undemocratic practice to avoid a daily briefing. Then when suddenly there are daily briefings for a public-health crisis, journalists insist it’s a dangerous practice to air these briefings live because the president…

April Ryan: Dan Rather Loved Me Asking Trump If He Was a Racist

March 2nd, 2020 10:51 PM
On the C-SPAN Book TV interview show In Depth, White House correspondent April Ryan speaks emotionally about asking President Trump three times (without an answer) if he was a racist. She smiled in recalling "the great Dan Rather" said it was a "good question," but he knew she's get heat for it. 

Hypocritical ‘News’ Media Have Done Complete Flip-Flop on Impeachment

January 20th, 2020 10:00 AM
It doesn’t take a skilled code-breaker to figure out the liberal networks’ stance on President Donald Trump’s impeachment: There’s no doubt we need witnesses if the Senate is going to conduct a fair trial; impeachment is necessary to prove that nobody — not even the President — is above the law; and there’s no more pressing task for Congress if we’re to keep this President, and future Presidents…

Bozell & Graham Column: Our Unpatriotic Press Coddles Dictators

January 7th, 2020 10:57 PM
In the wake of Qasem Soleamani's death, CNN host Brian Stelter insisted patriotism is defined by tough questions. There’s nothing wrong with skeptical questions. But why is it impossible to celebrate blowing up the man responsible for the deaths of untold thousands, including over 600 Americans? And why do they so often fail to muster that same sort of skeptical questioning for the tyrants and…

Rather on CNN: ‘Truth Is Closing In’ on Trump! Also, He Runs a CULT

November 17th, 2019 1:25 PM

In a Sunday segment on so-called “Reliable Sources”, media janitor and host Brian Stelter proved how much of a clown show CNN was by trotting out disgraced journalist Dan Rather to talk about, of all things: why the “truth still matters.” At the same time, Stelter wanted Rather to talk about how the “truth is closing in” on President Trump, and how the President apparently runs a cult.


HA: Dan Rather Decries Folks Who Say 'Don't Bother Me With Facts'

November 14th, 2019 8:05 AM
Both CNN and MSNBC rushed to put disgraced CBS News anchorman Dan Rather on the air Wednesday night, which underlines they think all that matters about journalism is your "heart was in the right place." Rather's liberal heart was on display as he sought to underline that "history" was going to be tough on Trump and his Republican defenders. Rather actually told Don Lemon -- no laugh track…

Imploding: Ratings for CBS News Anchor Norah O’Donnell Are Tanking

October 23rd, 2019 11:13 AM
It’s been a long time since the executives at CBS News have had something to cheer about in the ratings, and that trend continues despite the replacement of the previous Evening News anchor Jeff Glor with female host Norah O’Donnell. In addition, the network is paying O’Donnell at least $7 million per year, much more than the $2 million Glor received during the 18 months he sat in the anchor…

Media Clamor for Impeachment, Ponder Death Penalty For Trump

October 10th, 2019 12:07 PM
NBC’s Chuck Todd decreed a “National nightmare is upon us.” CNN host Don Lemon and former CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather proclaimed that Donald Trump has “Out-Nixoned Nixon.” And when former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld claimed Trump’s “treason” was punishable by death, an MSNBC contributor’s response was to casually inquire “Have you looked into this?...How do you see this proceeding?” …

FLASHBACK: Dan Rather Is Amazed By Smart, Hard Working Hillary

September 28th, 2019 12:15 PM
In 1993, more than a decade before Dan Rather would fully disgrace himself as a partisan determined to take down George W. Bush, he fawned over then-First Lady Hillary Clinton’s efforts to nationalize health care. Twenty six years ago this week, on September 22, 1993, Dan Rather interviewed Clinton and fawned over all her hard work: "You know, as I hear you talk, as I have before on this subject…

On CNN, Rather and Donaldson: 'Mob'-Like Trump Is 'Out-Nixoning Nixon'

September 27th, 2019 5:59 PM
Appearing as guests on Thursday's CNN Tonight, former CBS anchor Dan Rather and former ABC anchor Sam Donaldson declared that President Donald Trump is "out-Nixoning Nixon" on the Ukraine issue, with Donaldson claiming that there is a "smoking transcript" and Rather suggesting that it is already time to "roll the credits on a mob movie" based on President Trump and Rudy Giuliani's activities.