
On CNN, Rather and Donaldson: 'Mob'-Like Trump Is 'Out-Nixoning Nixon'

September 27th, 2019 5:59 PM
Appearing as guests on Thursday's CNN Tonight, former CBS anchor Dan Rather and former ABC anchor Sam Donaldson declared that President Donald Trump is "out-Nixoning Nixon" on the Ukraine issue, with Donaldson claiming that there is a "smoking transcript" and Rather suggesting that it is already time to "roll the credits on a mob movie" based on President Trump and Rudy Giuliani's activities.

Dan Rather Urges Press Report What Trump ‘Believes’ NOT What He 'Says'

August 6th, 2019 8:10 AM
Disgraced former news anchor Dan Rather has been enjoying a lengthy comeback with the liberal media propping him up for being an outspoken member of the anti-Trump resistance. He was welcomed by race-baiting CNN host Don Lemon on CNN Tonight Monday, to explain why the press needed to stop quoting the President, and instead, psychoanalyze what he says.

IRONY: Disgraced Rather Insists That Liars Be Called Out as Liars

July 22nd, 2019 1:08 PM
Dan Rather doesn’t have any self awareness. The disgraced ex-CBS anchor, who resigned in the wake of an early example of fake news, went on CNN, Sunday, to insist that liars need to be called out for their falsehoods. Appearing on Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter and defended the so-called liberal “Squad” of Democratic congresswomen. Saying of Donald Trump, Rather insisted, “He lies repeatedly…

Hosts Show Love to Democratic Candidates, Trash ‘Sociopath’ Trump

June 4th, 2019 10:30 AM
Democratic presidential candidates had it super easy when they showed up for interviews on cable and network shows this past month. Candidates like Beto O’Rourke, Cory Booker and Pete Buttieg were greeted by hosts who bragged about owning their campaign t-shirts and asked them hard-hitting questions like “are you too nice?” and “what can we do better” to help your candidacy? Those same news…

On CNN, Dan Rather Slams 'Gun Lobby,' Politicians 'Bought & Paid For'

June 1st, 2019 8:23 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's CNN Tonight, disgraced former CBS News anchor Dan Rather complained about the failure of Congress to adopt gun control in the aftermath of mass shootings as he asserted that politicians are "bought and paid for by the gun lobby." He also oddly claimed that such reforms have not been enacted because of an absence of "honor and patriotism."

Today’s Media Demand Impeachment, But Were Staunchest Opponents in 90s

April 30th, 2019 8:20 AM
Since the redacted Mueller report was released two weeks ago, TV journalists have been among the biggest advocates for impeaching President Trump. Yet curiously during the late 1990s, journalists were among the loudest voices against impeaching then-President Clinton.

Rasmussen: 'People Look at Journalists Like They Look at Wikipedia'

April 30th, 2019 6:25 AM
Investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson began the latest edition of her weekly syndicated show Full Measure with an in-depth report on the growing distrust of the media. The package focused heavily on the results of a poll conducted for Full Measure by pollster Scott Rasmussen, which had some devastating results for media credibility. In summation, Rasmussen concluded that voters see…

Irony! CNN Invites Rather to Bash Trump as Liar, Promote Transparency

April 3rd, 2019 7:04 PM
CNN really wants you to take them seriously as a news organization, but it’s infinitely more difficult when they keep on inviting proven fake news anchors such as Dan Rather to opine on the day’s news like they did on Tuesday’s CNN Tonight. Host Don Lemon again thought it was worth inviting on “Mr. Rather” to bash the President as a liar and demand more transparency from the Justice Department…

VIDEO: The Liberal Media’s Most Embarrassing Mueller Failures

March 25th, 2019 1:04 PM
The Sunday afternoon letter from Attorney General Bill Barr on the Mueller report has rocked the political world and burst more than a few bubbles in the liberal media, most notably their years-long insistence that the President and/or his team colluded with Russia. Some journalists have conceded this reality, while others are mimicking Japanese soldiers still fighting World War II in 1971.

Delusional Dan Rather Still Clinging to Collusion Hopes

March 25th, 2019 11:14 AM
As the Mueller investigation concluded Friday evening that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russia to influence the 2016 election, some in the media were still very reluctant to admit they had been woefully wrong these past two years. Even more alarming, some journalists suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome held onto their hopes for collusion even more dearly, despite the definitive…

Dan Rather Laments Trump's 'Manure Spreader in a Windstorm'

March 18th, 2019 10:55 AM
CNN calls its media show Reliable Sources, but host Brian Stelter keeps bringing on Dan Rather, the legendary fabulist that Stelter calls a "legendary journalist." The topic was the New Zealand mosque attacks, and Stelter was railing against President Trump's lack of technological savvy. Rather claimed no one in human history has the "propaganda" reach of Donald Trump, comparing it to a "manure…

Searing Fox Documentary Exposes Dan Rather’s Infamous 2004 Fraud

January 19th, 2019 1:30 PM
Sketchy, unreliable, and downright fake news predates the 2016 presidential election. And now, one of the most infamous examples is fully exposed in a Fox Nation documentary. Black Eye: Dan Rather and the Birth of Fake News is a 93 minute investigation of the former CBS News host and his 2004 quest to take down George W. Bush with fake documents relating to the Republican’s National Guard service…

NYT's Bruni Warns Press: Don’t Let Trump Fool Us Again in 2020

January 13th, 2019 5:00 PM
On the front of the New York Times Sunday Review, Frank Bruni warned his media colleagues not to fall for the old fairness ploy when it came to helping the Democrats defeat Donald Trump in 2020: “Will the Media Be Trump’s Accomplice Again” -- We have a second chance in 2020. Let’s not blow it.” Bruni more or less argued (as his colleague Jim Rutenberg had done in August 2016 on the front page)…

Dan Rather Shares Highly Mockable Tweet After Bush Passing

December 6th, 2018 11:15 AM
Dan Rather, the longtime CBS anchor keeps showing he has no self-awareness, whatsoever. The veteran, disgraced journalist took to Twitter during George H.W. Bush’s funeral Wednesday to offer his thoughts, dripping with condescension for our current president, and completely obtuse in light of his own behavior towards both Bushes when they were in office.